Supplementary Issue — Numéro spécial
24.03.2 2018–01–31 ISSN 1198-9149
Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)
webpage / page web
Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques
President / président: Mark Joyal (University of Manitoba)
Secretary / secrétaire: James Chlup (University of Manitoba)
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)
Contents / Sommaire
[1] Association and CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA[1] Association & CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA
From the Editor / Du rédacteur
Reyes Bertolín informs me that the website dedicated to the next Annual Conference has now been activated — follow this link!
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Reyes Bertolín m'a fait savoir que le site Internet du prochain congrès est maintenant activé — suivez ce lien !
From / De Bonnie MacLachlan
The Nominating Committee (2018) of the Classical Association of Canada chaired by Bonnie MacLachlan (Western, ex officio) invites members to submit nominations for four positions which will fall vacant in May 2018:
All nominations must meet the requirements of the By-Laws of the Association (see FORM) and be submitted to the Secretary by 15 March 2018 at the following address:
Dr. James Chlup, Secretary, CAC/SCEC
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Le comité des candidatures (2018) de la Société Canadienne des Études Classiques présidé par Bonnie MacLachlan (Western, ex officio) invite les membres à soumettre des candidatures pour quatre postes vacants à partir de mai 2018:
Toutes les mises en candidature doivent être conformes aux règlements de la Société (voir le FORMULAIRE) et être soumises au secrétaire, le 15 mars 2018 au plus tard, à l'adresse suivante :
Dr. James Chlup, Secretary, CAC/SCEC
From/De Bonnie MacLachlan
English text follows
Nous invitons les nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l'article (b) du règlement 13 de la Société. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées à la présidente sortante de la Société et présidente du comité de sélection, Professeure Bonnie MacLachlan La date limite est le 15 février 2018.
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We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of Bylaw 13 of the Association. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year's Past President and Chair of the Selection Committee, Professor Bonnie MacLachlan, The deadline for nominations is February 15, 2018.
From Allison Glazebrook
Call for applications — This scholarship is offered in memory of Desmond Conacher, formerly Professor of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Honorary President of the Classical Association of Canada. Its purpose is to assist and encourage a young scholar entering graduate studies in classics. The scholarship is administered by the Classical Association of Canada. One award of $2,500 is offered each year.
Eligibility and criteria — Applicants must be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) intending to enter the first year of graduate studies in a classics or similar programme at a Canadian university. Specializations within the general area of classics such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. Applicants must be less than 28 years of age on January 1st of the year of application. The main criteria are academic achievement, professional promise, and an appropriate undergraduate preparation.
Application procedure — Applications in electronic form should reach Professor Allison Glazebrook, Chair of the CAC Awards Committee, no later than April 1st, 2018 at this email address: For full details of the items required for an application, please follow this link to the relevant page on the CAC/SCEC website.
Further information — Questions should be addressed to the Chair of the Awards Committee, Professor Glazebrook.
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Appel de candidatures — Cette bourse est offerte en mémoire de Desmond Conacher, ancien professeur d’Études classiques à Trinity College, Toronto, membre de la Société royale du Canada et Président honoraire de la Société canadienne des Études classiques. Ses objectifs sont d'encourager et de soutenir financièrement un jeune étudiant débutant des études supérieures en études classiques au Canada. La Fondation est administrée par la Société canadienne des Études classiques et son comité de sélection. Une bourse de 2500 $ est attribuée chaque année.
Critères d’admissibilité — Les candidats doivent être des étudiants canadiens (citoyens ou résidents reçus) sur le point de commencer la première année d’un programme de deuxième cycle en études classiques (ou l’équivalent) dans une université canadienne. Les divers domaines de spécialisation propres aux études classiques et anciennes, tels que l’histoire ancienne, la philosophie ancienne et l’archéologie, sont admissibles. Les candidats doivent être âgés de moins de 28 ans au 1er janvier de l’année de la demande. Les principaux critères de sélection sont les réalisations académiques, les objectifs de carrière et les perspectives de succès, et le fait de posséder une formation de premier cycle pertinente.
Modalités de presentation — Le dossier de candidature devrait être acheminé au plus tard le 1er avril 2018 (à destination) à la professeure Allison Glazebrook, Présidente du comité des bourses de la SCÉC, à l'adresse suivante: Pour une liste détaillée des pièces requises pour le dossier de demande, veuillez consulter le site web de la SCEC.
Informations — Les demandes d’informations supplémentaires devront être adressées à la professeure Allison Glazebrook.
From the Editor / Du rédacteur
Students who will present a paper at the next Annual Conference can submit it for consideration for the Prize for the best graduate paper at the Annual Conference. For more information please follow this link.
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Les étudiants qui présenteront une communication lors du prochain congrès annuel peuvent soumettre leur texte pour participer au Prix pour la meilleure présentation par un étudiant lors du Congrès annuel. Pour en savoir plus, suivez ce lien.
[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler
Acting Director of the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG)
Directeur/directrice intérimaire de l'Institut canadien en Grèce (ICG)
From / De Gerry Schaus
The Canadian Institute in Greece seeks candidates for a one-year position (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) as Acting Director of CIG.
Candidates should be senior academics with a substantial record of research and publication in any field of Hellenic Studies, but preference will be given to ones whose major research area is ancient Greek archaeology. Familiarity with academic life in Athens, and experience with the operations of CIG both in Canada and in Greece are important. An ability to communicate in English, French and modern Greek is also sought in candidates. Regular visits to Athens during the academic term (September to May) as well as presence at the annual Open Meeting are essential.
The Acting Director will administer and manage the facilities in Athens in close consultation with the Assistant Director and the President of CIG. He or she shall be responsible for the provision of services as approved for the CIG program in Greece as well as for the administration and expenditure of all funds in Greece provided through the approved annual budget in support of CIG operations. The Acting Director shall oversee and facilitate the work of the staff in Athens, and shall encourage and assist the activities of the Institute Fellow and Interns.
The Acting Director shall seek inter alia to pursue the following objectives:
The Canadian Institute in Greece recognizes the important role to be played by the successful candidate for this position; however, it is only able within its budget to offer a small honorarium (in the range of $5,000 to $6,000) and accommodations at the CIG hostel to assist the holder of the position.
Applicants are asked to submit a letter of application, a CV and the names of two individuals willing to support their application, to the Chair of the Personnel Committee, Dr. Gerald Schaus ( by March 1, 2018.
The Canadian Institute in Greece respects, appreciates and encourages diversity. It welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
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L'Institut canadien en Grèce recherche des candidat(e)s pour un poste d'un an (du 1er juillet 2018 au 30 juin 2019) en tant que directeur/directrice intérimaire de l’ICG.
Les candidat(e)s doivent être des universitaires reconnus avec un dossier solide de recherches et de publications en études helléniques, mais la préférence sera donnée à ceux ou celles dont le principal domaine de recherche est l’archéologie de la Grèce antique. Une connaissance de la vie académique athénienne et une expérience du fonctionnement de l’ICG au Canada et en Grèce sont importantes. Une maitrise de l’anglais, du français et du grec moderne est également recherchée. Des visites régulières à Athènes pendant l’année universitaire (de septembre à mai) ainsi qu'une présence à la rencontre publique annuelle sont essentielles.
Le directeur ou la directrice par intérim administrera et gérera les bureaux à Athènes en étroite consultation avec le directeur adjoint et le président de l’ICG. Il ou elle sera responsable de la prestation de services approuvée pour la programmation de l’ICG en Grèce, ainsi que de l'administration et de l’utilisation des fonds octroyés pour les opérations de l’ICG en Grèce dans le cadre du budget annuel. Le directeur ou la directrice par intérim supervisera et facilitera le travail du personnel à Athènes et encouragera et assistera les activités du boursier de l'Institut et des stagiaires.
Le directeur ou la directrice par intérim s'efforcera notamment d’atteindre les objectifs suivants :
L'Institut canadien en Grèce reconnaît le rôle important que doit jouer la personne retenue pour ce poste ; cependant, il ne peut offrir que des honoraires modestes (de l'ordre de 5 000 $ à 6 000 $) et un hébergement à l'auberge de l’ICG.
Les candidat(e)s sont prié(e)s de soumettre une lettre de candidature, un curriculum vitae et les noms de deux personnes désireuses d'appuyer leur demande, au président du Comité du personnel, M. Gerald Schaus ( d'ici le 1er mars 2018.
L'Institut canadien en Grèce respecte, apprécie et encourage la diversité. Il accueille les candidatures de toute personne qualifiée.
From Michael Fronda
The Department of History and Classical Studies is inviting applications to teach courses in Summer 2018. Please complete the online application form and upload required documents. ABD applicants must also provide a letter from their dissertation supervisor attesting to their progress in their program and preparation to teach the course, submitted electronically to Applications will be ranked according to the collective agreement between McGill University and the MCLIU. Preference will be given to the qualified applicant with the most priority points.
McGill University is committed to equity in employment and diversity. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
For any questions, please contact
Deadline to apply: February 22, 2018
CLAS 215-001 Intensive Introductory Latin (6 credits)
A course designed for beginners with little or no background in Latin. Intensive introduction to grammar, vocabulary, morphology; the reading of sentences and connected passages. Equivalent to CLAS 210 and 212. This course is part of an intensive summer language program. Outline will be designed in consultation with the department. The department may select the textbook.
Dates: July 9-August 10
Schedule: Monday to Friday 10:05-11:55, 13:05-13:55
Qualifications: PhD or ABD in Classics or related field; expertise in Latin language preferred. Experience teaching Latin at the university level preferred; experience with intensive language instruction preferred
Salary: $16440 (including vacation pay)
CLAS 203.001: Greek Mythology (3 credits)
A survey of the myths and legends of Ancient Greece.
Dates: June 4-July 5
Schedule: Monday to Friday 12:05-14:25
Qualifications: PhD or ABD in Classics or related field required. Expertise in Greek religion or literature preferred. Teaching experience in related coursework at the university level preferred.
Salary: $8220 (including vacation pay).
[3] Varia
The Roman Civil Wars of 49–30 BCE: Analysing the Breakdown of Models
Córdoba, Spain, 21–23 June 2018
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2018
From Lindsay Driediger-Murphy
Publications (e.g. Armitage 2017) and conferences (e.g. Kavala 2014) dedicated to the theme of Roman civil wars have been constantly on the increase in recent years. If intellectual life reflects its historical moment, then the phenomenon may be a consequence of both the disappearance of a bipolar international model and the breakdown of the twentieth-century socio-economic basis for the consensus needed for stable parliamentary government. Reflecting upon the current moment, but limited to a discussion of the Roman civil wars of 49-30 BCE, the proposed conference aims to gather scholars from around the world to discuss the breakdown in political and cognitive models that is associated with that particular moment in history. This is a discussion that can usefully be undertaken by widening the scope of investigation and focussing upon not only “minor” characters (e.g. Roucillus and Egus), but also people’s documented difficulty in distinguishing between true and false reports (e.g. Caesar’s alleged descent upon Rome with his Gallic cavalry) as they sought to determine what course to take.
An international workshop will take place at Córdoba, Spain, on 21-23 June 2018. Situated along the Guadalquivir river and commanding the plains of Andalusia, the city of Cordova offers an attractive venue for the theme of the Roman civil wars of 49-30 BCE. Involved in the campaigns of 49 and 45 BCE, the city has an excellent archaeological site and museum collection, aside from being a cultural centre of note as a result of its later history. Three days of round-table discussions will be accompanied by excursions to nearby archaeological sites and conference dinners in the evening. The workshop will involve scholars specialising in Classics and Ancient History and aims to appeal to relatively young scholars and be internationally representative. The keynote address will be delivered by Prof. Cristina Rosillo-López.
We look forward to welcoming experts in the discipline as well as younger, emerging scholars. Colleagues are invited to submit an abstract of 300-400 words and a one-page CV by 15 February 2018.
Please send your abstracts to the organizers (Richard Westall, Hannah Cornwell, and Lindsay Driediger-Murphy) at the following address: Confirmation of receipt should come within 3-4 working days, and a preliminary programme will be announced as of 15 March 2018.
Visualizing Violence in the Classical Past: Artistic and Numismatic Evidence
Organized by the Numismatics Interest Group of the Archaeological Institute of America
From Martin Beckmann
The Numismatics Interest Group of the Archaeological Institute of America invites submissions for a colloquium session examining visual representations of violence in the ancient world. Images of brutality, battle, and conflict are rife in Greek and Roman visual and literary culture. The visual rhetoric of conquest and warfare permeated both public and private realms, from monumental architecture to mass-produced coinage to singular luxury objects. Referencing both the mythological and the historical, the contemporary and the past, these representations served many purposes. The spatial context of violence has been at the forefront of recent scholarly discourse (Fagan and Reiss eds., The Topography of Violence in the Greco-Roman World); our colloquium intends to explore how varied forms of violence were represented in visual culture and to what end.
We welcome papers addressing any aspect of the visual representation of violence in the Greco-Roman world, including numismatic representations. Please send an anonymous abstract of no more than 500 words to Martin Beckmann ( by February 23, in order to allow time for peer review. Papers will be 15-20 minutes, and all presenters will have to be AIA members in good standing at the time of the meeting. Please distribute this call for papers to anyone you think may be interested in submitting a proposal.
Thanks to Alexandria Yen and Steven Barges for writing the Call.
Please note that the early date of the submission of your abstract is due to the need for peer reviewers to read, and the organizer to file for a colloquium within the AIA.
Pegasus Journal – University of Exeter, UK
From Liz Scarth/Ben Pullan
Pegasus, the Journal of the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Exeter is pleased to announce a Call for Papers. The journal, established in 1964, is currently edited by a board of postgraduates and publishes articles on Graeco-Roman literature and language, history, art, philosophy, religion, culture, pedagogy, the history of classical scholarship, and the classical tradition. We especially encourage submissions from postgraduates and early career researchers from the UK and abroad in the form of articles, artwork, notes seeking to advance a new ideas, theoretical perspectives, or methodological approaches, book reviews on scholarship published in English or other languages, and perspective, opinion, and commentary pieces. Everyone, whose submission is published, receives a free copy of the issue of Pegasus.
Submission Instructions: Authors are requested to submit their papers according to the following guidelines: (1) submissions must be less than 9000 words long (excluding notes and references) and will undergo a double peer-reviewed process; (2) written submissions should be in Microsoft word format and sent as an email attachment to the email addresses given below; (3) artwork should be sent as both a colour and a black and white (greyscale) copy in jpeg format; and (4) each submission should include a cover page with a return email address, the author's name, affiliation, paper title, and short abstract. All submissions will receive email confirmation of receipt. All submissions and correspondence regarding submissions should be directed to
Les manifestations du pouvoir – Power and Its Manifestations
Colloque AEPOA – UQÀM – 26-28 avril 2018
De / From Ian Desrosiers
L'Association des Études du Proche-Orient Ancient (AEPOA) est heureuse de vous annoncer son deuxième colloque international ayant pour thème, cette année, "Les manifestations du pouvoir au Proche-Orient ancien". La date limite pour recevoir vos propositions est le 10 février 2018. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez suivre ce lien vers l'affiche ou communiquer avec les organisateurs à cette addresse:
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The Association des Études du Proche-Orient Ancient (AEPOA – Université du Québec à Montréal) is pleased to announce its second international conference on the theme "Power and Its Manifestations in the Near East". Papers can be submitted in French or English. The deadline for submission of a proposal is February 10. For more information, follow this link to the poster or contact the organizers at this address:
Excavation Field School at Ancient Eleon Greecee (May 27–July 7, 2018)
From Brendan Burke
Please share with interested students who are looking for field work opportunities and study abroad experiences. This excavation field school takes place in Greece, May 27 until July 7, 2018.
Project Overview
This project investigates an unexplored settlement in central Greece (Boeotia), dating primarily to the Mycenaean (ca. 1700-1150 BC) and Classical (6-4th c. BC) periods. Ancient Eleon operated within the orbit of the major Greek city of Thebes throughout its history.
Volunteer Program
Student volunteers will participate in all aspects of archaeological fieldwork, learning stratigraphic excavation techniques, recording methods, and artifact analysis. The program offers experiential learning and is physically strenuous.
All student volunteers must be in good physical condition and able to participate in all aspects of the fieldwork.
GRS 495 Practicum in Archaeology (3.0 Units) for University of Victoria credit. Qualified non-UVic students can get UVic transfer credit to their home institution. The course will include training sessions in field techniques, topical lectures, and optional field trips. It is possible to participate as a volunteer in the excavation without enrolling in GRS 495 for credit.
All participants, whether enrolled in GRS 495 or not, will be required to pay a $3300 program fee which will go toward room and board for six weeks. UVic tuition for GRS 495 is separate, as is transatlantic airfare. The excavation team lives in modest, shared apartments in the nearby town of Dilesi, which offers swimming in the Euboean Gulf, internet access, and public transportation to Athens, approximately 1 hour away.
Application and further details can be found here:
The Venus Pompeiana Project
Archaeological Field School at the Sanctuary of Venus in Pompeii (May 21–June 22, 2018)
From Ilaria Battiloro
[Editor's note: We're repeating this announcement because the dates were missing when originally posted in the January issue of the CCB. In that issue, by the way, you'll find other field school announcements. Remember that your UG students don't normally read the CCB; if your school doesn't offer such courses, please inform them of those opportunities at other Canadian universities.]
The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University offers a Summer archaeological field school in Pompeii (Italy) for credit. The aim of this research program is to investigate the Sanctuary of Venus and its architectural and cultural history, with special focus on the pre-Roman phase of the site and the impact that the Roman conquest of Pompeii had on its architectural forms and cultic system.
The field school gives students the opportunity to learn archaeological investigation methods and techniques by working with a research team on an actual excavation site.
For further information on the program and application requirements, please visit the webpage of the Venus Pompeiana Project.
Interested students should contact Dr. Ilaria Battiloro (
Application Deadline is February 16, 2018.