26.06 2020–02–19 ISSN 1198-9149
Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)
Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques
President / présidente: Allison Glazebrook (Brock University) president@cac-scec.ca
Secretary / secrétaire: James Chlup (University of Manitoba) secretary@cac-scec.ca
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg) treasurer@cac-scec.ca
Contents •• Sommaire
[1] Association Announcements & News[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes
[6] Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
[1] Association Announcements & News
[1] Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
Victoria 2020 — Travel assistance (reminder)
Victoria 2020 — assistance voyage (rappel)
From / De Pauline Ripat
The Council of the CAC wishes to offer each year, insofar as possible, financial assistance to encourage and support participation at the Annual conference for graduate students and those without a permanent academic position. Applicants will be reimbursed after they have attended the meetings. Applicants must provide the Treasurer with this application form and original hard copy receipts for travel (air, bus, train or cost of gas; maximum two nights hotel); no one will be reimbursed without original, hard copy receipts. Financial support will be in the range of $150.
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Le Conseil de la SCEC souhaite offrir chaque année, dans la mesure du possible, une assistance financière pour encourager et soutenir la participation au Congrès annuel des étudiant(e)s gradué(e)s et ceux qui détiennent pas de position permanente. Les remboursement sont effectués à la suite du Congrès. Les candidats au soutien financier doivent fournir au trésorier de la Société le formulaire et les copies imprimées originales de leurs documents de voyage, transport et hébergement (par avion, autobus, train ou frais d'essence; maximum permis de 2 nuitées); aucun remboursement ne sera effectué sans la présentation des originaux des titres de transport. Le montant du remboursement sera environ $150.
Lecture Tours — Geyssen subsidy (reminder)
Tournées de conférences — fonds Geyssen (rappel)
From / De Pauline Ripat
The Classical Association of Canada has established the John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours to provide assistance for institutions which are hosting speakers on the three CAC lecture tours (Western tour, Central tour, and Atlantic tour). At this time, the CAC solicits applications for funds to support the tours in the Fall of the 2020-2021 academic year. Please fill out the brief application and submit the completed form to Pauline Ripat, Treasurer, Classical Association of Canada (p.ripat@uwinnipeg.ca). The deadline for application is March 13, 2020.
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La Société canadienne des études classiques a institué les Fonds John Geyssen pour les Tours de conférences pour offrir un soutien financier aux départements ou programmes qui reçoivent un orateur invité dans le cadre de l'une des trois tournées de conférences (Tournées de l'Ouest, du Centre, Atlantique). Il est temps de soumettre la candidature de votre département ou programme pour obtenir un soutien financier pour les tournées automnales de l'année académique 2020-2021. Veuillez s'il vous plaît remplir le bref formulaire et le soumettre à Pauline Ripat, Trésorière, Société canadienne des études classiques (p.ripat@uwinnipeg.ca). La date limite pour le soumission est le 13 mars 2020.
[2] CCB Announcements
[2] Annonces du BCÉA
No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[3] Positions Available
[3] Postes à combler
No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers
[4] Conférences; appels à communications
Bellum ex altera parte: Social Status, Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Warfare
21st UNISA Classics Colloquium
From Rajiv Bhola
We are pleased to announce our first call for papers, inviting abstracts for the annual Unisa Classics Colloquium, to be held in Pretoria, South Africa, from 15 to 18 October 2020.
Ancient artists and writers focused heavily on the role of elite male citizens in their representations of warfare in the ancient world, and this was for the most part also the focus of scholarship on warfare up to the mid-20th century. But an interest in ideologically excluded groups, often called the 'other' or the 'subaltern' in scholarship, gained ground in the second half of the 20th century, and in the last decade or two the subject of war itself is now being examined for information on groups that were not at the top of the social hierarchy (although from the 8th century BC to the 5th century CE the composition of these groups was certainly subject to fluctuation). Our theme this year therefore focuses on those who populated these categories within the context of warfare in the ancient world.
A wide variety of ancient source material reveals perspectives on - but also experiences of - those social, sexual or ethnic groups who have left little or no record of their experience in war and certainly therefore appear to have had no voice in the actual events. For the voices of the sub-elites, of non-males, and of non-Greeks and non-Romans in the arena of war, we therefore encourage papers which examine not only literary works of antiquity, but also documentary sources and material culture to flesh out these perspectives. The aim is to examine not only the perception of these groups who were exploited or victimised, but to expose the reality in that they may have also been the agents of not only military events but also therefore influence the subsequent narrative of various episodes in antiquity.
The conference theme thus hopes to offer plenty of areas for fruitful exploration, of which the following topics are but a sample:
Paper proposals (approximately 300 words) are invited for papers of 30 minutes debating current issues and problems on the conference theme.
Abstracts, titles and your name and affiliation can be sent to Martine De Marre at dmarrmea@unisa.ac.za or dmarrmea@gmail.com.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 July 2020.
We look forward to your submissions and hope to see many of you in October! Please do not hesitate to contact us at the addresses provided above if you have any queries.
Organising committee: Dr Liana Lamprecht; Dr Adrian Ryan; Ms Kajil Kara; Prof Martine De Marre.
[5] Scholarships & Competitions
[5] Bourses et concours
Crake Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for 2020-2021
Mount Allison University — Department of Classics
deadline: February 28th 2020
From Ilaria Battiloro
The Crake Foundation and the Department of Classics at Mount Allison University are pleased to announce the Crake Doctoral Fellowship in Classics for the academic year 2020-2021.
The Crake Fellowship is non-renewable, open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents who, at the time of taking up the fellowship, have completed all course and residential requirements for a Doctorate in Classics, passed all preliminary examinations and completed the research for the thesis, and who can reasonably be expected to finish the doctorate during the year of the fellowship.
The holder will be asked to teach one course in each of the Fall and Winter terms, give a public lecture, and be in Sackville from September to the end of April. In 2020-2021 the holder of the Crake Fellowship will receive $32,500 (CDN), with an allowance of up to $5,000 (CDN) to cover moving expenses. Professional Expense Reimbursement up to $2,100 and a starting grant of $1,000 will also be provided.
Applications may be made through email or post and should include a curriculum vitae, official transcripts and three letters of reference. The thesis supervisor should be asked to write concerning the subject of the thesis and the expected date for its final submission. Applicants should also send a statement regarding the progress of their doctoral studies, including their schedule for completion, and a 1-2 page synopsis of their thesis. Completed applications, digital or on paper, should be sent to:
Dr. Ilaria Battiloro, Head, Department of Classics
Mount Allison University,
63D York Street,
Sackville, New Brunswick
E4L 1G9 Canada
ibattiloro@mta.ca; classics@mta.ca
The deadline for receipt of applications is February 28, 2020.
Mount Allison acknowledges, honours, and respects that the land named Sackville, NB is part of the unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People who are the historic inhabitants, custodians, and dwellers on the land where our University is built and confirms its commitment to strengthening relationships with all Indigenous people.
Mount Allison is committed to diversity and inclusiveness. We encourage applications from members of racialized communities, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual and gender identities. We seek candidates with qualifications and knowledge to contribute specifically to the further diversification of our campus community.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents are given priority. Canadians and permanent residents should indicate their citizenship status in their application.
Canadian Institute in Greece / Institut canadien en Grèce
Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary
Bourse d’études et de voyage Frederick et Joan Winter
From / De Gerry Schaus
Professor Frederick Winter, formerly professor of Art History at the University of Toronto, made many contributions to Classical Archaeology, but he will be remembered best for his masterly monographs, Greek Fortifications (1971) and Studies in Hellenistic Architecture (2006), as well as a series of articles in the American Journal of Archaeology (1976–1982) entitled "Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design I – IV." His wife, Joan, was a constant companion in his field research, an assistant in gathering data and an invaluable sounding board for ideas. Between them, Fred and Joan visited an extraordinary number of classical sites, firmly believing in the importance of seeing a location for oneself.
Now, as a permanent support and assistance for Canadian student fieldwork in Greece and the Mediterranean, following in their formidable footsteps, Prof. Winter's family has established the Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary through the Canadian Institute in Greece.
The Institute therefore invites applications for the Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary to be held during the spring or summer of 2020.
The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, pursuing graduate or post-doctoral studies, and have a clear need to travel either in Greece or the wider Mediterranean, for purposes of research in any field of Hellenic studies, ancient to mediaeval.
To apply, write to Dr Gerald Schaus (gschaus@wlu.ca) by 1 March 2020, including a curriculum vitae, an outline of the proposed research and an explanation for the need to travel for this research. Please arrange for two referees familiar with your work to send letters of support for your application to Dr Schaus.
Within three months of the end of the travel period, a brief report must be sent by the bursary recipient to the Chair of the CIG Fellowships Committee describing the work that was accomplished.
In any subsequent publication of the research work done under the auspices of this bursary, the recipient shall acknowledge both the Canadian Institute in Greece and the Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary.
One or more bursaries will be offered each year, amounting to a total of CAD$2,000.
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Ancien professeur d'histoire de l'art à l'Université de Toronto, Frederick Winter (1922–2011) a publié de nombreux travaux sur l'archéologie du monde classique. Il est connu surtout pour deux ouvrages, Greek Fortifications (1971) et Studies in Hellenistic Architecture (2006), et pour une série d'articles dans l'American Journal of Archaeology (1976–1982) intitulée « Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design I–IV ». Sa femme, Joan, compagne inséparable durant ses recherches sur le terrain, a joué un rôle crucial autant dans la collecte que l'analyse des données. Fred et Joan ont visité ensemble un grand nombre de sites, jugeant que l'expérience personnelle acquise sur le terrain était indispensable.
Pour soutenir et assister en permanence les études sur le terrain d'étudiants canadiens en Grèce et dans le monde méditerranéen, la famille du professeur Winter a créé la «Bourse d'études et de voyage Frederick et Joan Winter» avec l'assistance de l'Institut canadien en Grèce (ICG).
L'Institut canadien en Grèce lance un appel à candidatures pour la Bourse d'études et de voyage Frederick et Joan Winter qui sera offerte pour un séjour à l'Institut au printemps ou à l'été 2020.
Les candidats doivent être citoyens canadiens ou immigrants reçus et inscrits dans un programme d’études supérieures ou postdoctorales. Ils doivent aussi démontrer un besoin manifeste de séjourner en Grèce ou ailleurs dans le monde méditerranéen pour mener des recherches sur le monde hellénique, de l'antiquité à l'époque médiévale, dans la discipline de leur choix.
Pour déposer votre dossier de candidature, veuillez contacter le professeur Gerald Schaus (gschaus@wlu.ca) avant le 1er mars 2020. Les dossiers doivent comprendre un curriculum vitae, un plan détaillé du projet d'études en Grèce, et une explication de la nécessité d'effectuer des recherches sur le terrain. Veuillez demander à deux professeurs souhaitant appuyer votre démarche d'envoyer une lettre de soutien au professeur Schaus.
Dans les trois mois qui suivront la fin de la période de recherche, le candidat devra envoyer, au président du comité des bourses de l'ICG, un court rapport décrivant le travail accompli.
Le bénéficiaire aura l'obligation, dans toute publication ultérieure aux travaux de recherche menés sous les auspices de la bourse, de souligner le soutien de l'Institut canadien en Grèce et de la bourse Frederick et Joan Winter pour l'achèvement de ses travaux.
Une ou plusieurs bourses seront offertes chaque année jusqu'à concurrence de 2000 $ CAD (total des bourses).
Canadian Institute in Greece / Institut canadien en Grèce
Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum Fellowship (reminder)
Bourse Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum (rappel)
From / De Gerry Schaus
The Canadian Institute in Greece invites applications for the Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum Fellowship to be held at the Institute in Athens from 1 September 2020 to 31 May 2021.
The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, pursuing graduate or post-doctoral studies, and have a clear need to work in Greece.
The Fellow will spend at least nine months resident in Athens and, in addition to his or her studies, will provide ten hours of assistance weekly at the Canadian Institute in Greece in the office or library, as well as assisting at the public functions of CIG. Some previous experience in Greece and some knowledge of Modern Greek is an asset, although not a requirement.
The Fellow's research areas should follow those of Professor Alföldi-Rosenbaum, namely Hellenistic to Early Byzantine, in the fields of archaeology, art history, history, epigraphy or related topics.
In any subsequent publication of the research work done under the auspices of this fellowship, the recipient will acknowledge both the Canadian Institute in Greece and the Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum Fellowship.
The Fellow will receive a stipend of CAD $9,000 and free accommodation in the CIG hostel for the nine-month period of the fellowship (1 September to 31 May).
To apply, write to Prof. Gerald Schaus (gschaus@wlu.ca) by 1 March 2020, including a curriculum vitae and an outline of the proposed research. Please provide the names and e-mail addresses of three referees who are willing to support your application.
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L'Institut canadien en Grèce lance un appel à candidatures pour la bourse Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum qui sera offerte pour un séjour de neuf mois à Athènes du 1er septembre 2020 au 31 mai 2021.
Les candidats à la bourse Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum doivent être citoyens canadiens ou immigrants reçus, être inscrits dans un programme d’études doctorales ou postdoctorales et doivent démontrer un besoin manifeste de séjourner en Grèce pour approfondir leurs études.
Outre ses obligations en recherche, le candidat devra séjourner neuf mois à Athènes où il secondera, à raison de 10 heures par semaine, le directeur adjoint dans diverses tâches administratives et bibliothécaires en plus de participer à l’organisation des événements publics présentés à l’ICG. La connaissance du pays et de la langue sera considérée comme un atout pour les candidats, bien que facultative.
Les thématiques de recherche doivent s’apparenter à celles du professeur Alföldi Rosenbaum en l’occurrence l’archéologie, l’histoire de l’art, l’histoire et l’épigraphie des périodes hellénistique à byzantine ancienne.
Le bénéficiaire aura l’obligation, dans toute publication ultérieure aux travaux de recherche menés sous les auspices de la bourse, de souligner le soutien de l'Institut canadien en Grèce et de la bourse Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum pour la complétion de ses travaux.
Le récipiendaire de la bourse se verra remettre une allocation de 9 000 $ CAD et un logement gratuit à l’hôtellerie de l’ICG pour l’entière durée de la bourse (1er septembre au 31 mai).
Pour déposer votre dossier de candidature, veuillez contacter le Professeur Gerald Schaus (gschaus@wlu.ca) avant le 1er mars 2020. Les dossiers doivent comprendre un curriculum vitae, un plan détaillé du projet d’études en Grèce, et les noms et courriels de trois professeurs souhaitant appuyer votre démarche.
[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes
[6] Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[7] Varia (including members' new books)
[7] Varia (dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci