The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
25.03        2018–11–30        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian)

webpage / page web / Twitter

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Mark Joyal (University of Manitoba)
Secretary / secrétaire: James Chlup (University of Manitoba)
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
  • Award of Merit 2019 (reminder) / Prix du mérite 2019 (rappel)
  • Annual Conference 2019: formal call for papers (reminder + addendum) / Congrès annuel 2019: appel officiel à communications (rappel + addendum)
  • CFP" Women's Network / Appel à communications: Réseau des femmes
  • Sight translation contest 2019 (reminder) / Concours de version 2019 (reminder)
  • John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours / Fonds John-Geyssen pour les tournées de conférences
  • Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation (reminder) / Prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat (rappel)
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
  • No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • UofT Mississauga: 3-year CLTA in Classics
  • UQÀM: professeur(e) en Histoire de l'Antiquité (Rome)
  • MacEwan: tenure-track appointment in Classics
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications
  • FIEC Congress information / Information sur le congrès de la FIEC
  • Windsor: 14th Annual UG Conference
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
  • ASCSA: Fellowships for the 2019/20 academic year at the Gennadius Library
[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes / Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
  • Mount Allison: Archaeological field school: The Venus Pompeiana Project
  • ASCSA Summer Session
  • Cologne: German for students of Classics
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
  • CIG: a matching gift! / ICG: un don jumelé!

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société


From/De Mark Joyal

English text follows

Nous invitons les nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l'article (b) du règlement 13 de la Société. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées à la présidente sortante de la Société et présidente du comité de sélection, Professeur Mark Joyal La date limite est le 15 février 2019.

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We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of Bylaw 13 of the Association. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year's Past President and Chair of the Selection Committee, Professor Mark Joyal, The deadline for nominations is February 15, 2019.


From/De Sean Corner

Le français suit l'anglais

This is the formal call for papers for the Annual Conference of the Classical Association of Canada.

The organizers of the conference welcome abstracts of a maximum of 300 words on any classical topic. The deadline for all submissions is January 15, 2019.

All abstracts should be submitted as Word files to the conference email address: For individual presenters, please include your name and the term “abstract CAC 2019” in the subject heading. In the body of the letter, include your full name, affiliation, contact information and paper title. Do not include your name in the abstract but please make sure that the title of the paper on the abstract and the title on the cover letter are the same.

The conference organizers invite proposals for panels. Panels should consist of three to four papers. The panel organizer should submit all abstracts for the panel together along with a summary of the panel at the same time.

Finally, graduate students should include a letter of support from their supervisors along with the abstract.

Payment of conference and banquet fees can be made starting early in the new year (instructions will follow). Payment will be considered as registration.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Hamilton!

The Conference Organizers

Department of Classics
McMaster University

CCB Editor's addendum: As usual, a page dedicated to the forthcoming conference was created on the website: please follow this link (... and please be patient while we're working at improving uploading speed).

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Le comité organisateur du prochain Congrès annuel de la SCÉC lance une invitation formelle aux membres à soumettre leurs propositions de communication sur tout sujet concernant l’antiquité classique. Les propositions ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots et devront parvenir aux organisateurs au plus tard le 15 janvier 2019.

Veuillez envoyer votre proposition en format Word à l'adresse Pour une présentation individuelle, prière d'indiquer votre nom suivi de « proposition SCEC 2019 » dans l'objet du message. Dans le corps du message, indiquez votre nom complet, votre affiliation, vos coordonnées et le titre de votre communication. Nous vous prions de ne pas inscrire votre nom sur la proposition de communication. Pour éviter toute erreur d'identification, assurez-vous que le titre de votre communication soit identique à celui inscrit dans le corps du message.

Les propositions de sessions thématiques (« panels ») sont aussi les bienvenues. Elles devraient consister en trois ou quatre communications. L'organisateur d'une session thématique devrait soumettre toutes ses propositions de communication en bloc avec une brève description du thème de la session.

Les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs doivent joindre à leur proposition une lettre de recommandation de leur directeur de recherche.

Le paiement des frais d'inscription au congrès et au banquet pourront être effectués à partir de janvier 2019; la procédure à suivre sera communiquée prochainement. Le paiement servira de preuve d'inscription.

Au plaisir de vous accueillir bientôt dans la ville de Hamilton!

Les organisateurs du Congrès

Department of Classics
McMaster University

NDLR: Comme toujours, une page du site web est consacrée au Congrès à venir. Veuillez suivre ce lien (... et SVP soyez patients pendant que nous travaillons à l'amélioration du site, surtout en ce qui concerne la vitesse de téléchargement).


From/De Kathy Simonsen

The Women’s Network of the CAC invites submissions for two panels:

  • Representations of Greek and Roman women: reception in film and modern media

Submissions may include, but are not limited to, explorations of the modern representations of ancient women of every status (goddess to slave) as well as the reception of ancient representations of women in film and other media.

  • How to engage with difficult material

Submissions may include, but are not limited to course and syllabus development, social media, and feminist pedagogy.

We warmly encourage all scholars and graduate students who are interested in these topics to apply. The Women's Network is a loose-knit group of scholars and students who are interested in the advancement of scholarship on ancient gender, and support women's academic careers in Classical Studies. The requirements for participation are 1) membership in the CAC and 2) graduate students should obtain a letter of support from their supervisors along with the abstract.

Please submit abstracts of 300 words with relevant bibliography by Monday, January 15th 2019 to Emily Varto, Women's Network Secretary ( and to the conference email address ( Please indicate in the cover letter whether you would like to have your abstract considered for the regular sessions, if it is not included in the Women’s Network panel.

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Le Réseau des Femmes de la SCÉC lance deux appels à contributions pour la séance de cette année:

  • Représentations des femmes grecques et romaines au cinéma et dans les médias contemporains

Nous invitons les œuvres qui explorent (mais ne sont pas limités à) les représentations modernes des femmes anciennes de tous les statuts (déesses à esclaves), ainsi que la réception des représentations anciennes des femmes dans le film et d'autres médias.

  • Approches aux méthodes d'enseignement des matières sensibles

Nous invitons les recherches qui explorent (mais ne sont pas limités à) le développement de cours et de syllabus, les médias sociaux, et la pédagogie féministe.

Nous encourageons vivement tous les chercheurs et étudiantes qui sont intéressées par le sujet à soumettre une proposition. Le Réseau des Femmes est un groupe de chercheurs et étudiantes qui s'intéressent à la recherche sur le genre dans l'Antiquité et qui soutiennent les carrières des femmes en études classiques. Les conditions de participation sont: 1) l'adhésion à la SCÉC et 2) pour les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs, l'ajout, à leur proposition, d'une lettre de recommandation du directeur de recherche.

Faire parvenir votre résumé de 300 mots accompagné d’une bibliographie à Emily Varto, secrétaire du Réseau ( et au comité organisateur ( au plus tard le 15 janvier 2019. Dans la lettre d’accompagnement, prière d’indiquer si vous souhaitez que votre proposition soit tout de même considérée pour une session régulière au cas où elle ne serait pas retenue pour la séance du Réseau.


From Rob Nau

National sight examinations in Greek and Latin for Canadian students at both the university and high school level will be held in January and February of 2019:

  • January 24th 2019: Junior Latin Sight Translation Contest; Senior Latin Sight Translation Contest (Peter Lawson Smith Prize)
  • January 31st 2019: Junior Greek Sight Translation Contest (Margaret H. Thompson Prize); Senior Greek Sight Translation Contest
  • February 7th 2019: National Latin Sight Translation Competition for High School Students

The deadline for requests to participate should be sent by the 21st of December 2018. Please note that requests for participation should be made by departments, not by individual students or faculty.

To request participation please contact, preferably by email:

Robert Nau
Phone: (204) 474-7168
Fax: (204) 474-7684

All expenses and prizes are provided by voluntary contributions. The Association is grateful for the financial support it has received in the past. Anyone interested in contributing to the Sight Translation Competition Fund should follow this link (also in the header of each issue of the Bulletin) or else send their contribution to Pauline Ripat (, University of Winnipeg, Department of Classics, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9. Cheques should be made out to the “National Greek and Latin Sight Translation Contest (CAC)”.

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Le concours national de version grecque et latine improvisée pour étudiants canadiens aura lieu en janvier et février 2019:

  • 24 janvier 2019: Concours national de version latine, niveau intermédiaire; Concours national de version latine, niveau supérieur (Peter Lawson Smith Prize)
  • 31 janvier 2019: Concours national de version grecque, niveau intermédiaire (Margaret H. Thompson Prize); Concours national de version grecque, niveau supérieur
  • 7 février 2019: Concours de version latine improvisée pour les écoles secondaires

La date limite de demande de participation est le 21 décembre 2018. Prendre note que les demandes de participation au concours doivent être envoyées par les insitutions, non par les étudiants ou professeurs à titre individuel.

Pour participer veuillez contacter (préférablement par courriel):

Robert Nau
Téléphone: (204) 474-7168
Télécopieur: (204) 474-7684

Votre générosité permettra de défrayer le coût de la correspondance et des prix. Prière de suivre ce lien (aussi affiché dans l'en-tête de chaque livraison du Bulletin), ou de faire parvenir votre contribution à Pauline Ripat (, University of Winnipeg, Department of Classics, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9. Faire le chèque à l'ordre du “Concours de version grecque et latine improvisée (CAC)”.


From/De Pauline Ripat

The Classical Association of Canada has established the John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours to provide assistance for institutions which are hosting speakers on the three CAC lecture tours (Western tour, Central tour, and Atlantic tour). At this time, the CAC solicits applications for funds to support the tours in the Fall of the 2019-2020 academic year. Please fill out the brief application and submit the completed form to Pauline Ripat, Treasurer, Classical Association of Canada ( The deadline for application is March 1, 2019.

Editor's note: Follow this link for a downloadable version of the form (bilingual).

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La Société canadienne des Études classiques a institué le Fonds John Geyssen pour les tournées de conférences pour offrir un soutien financier aux départements ou programmes qui reçoivent un orateur invité dans le cadre de l'une des trois tournées de conférences (tournées de l'Ouest, du Centre et de l'Atlantique). Il est temps de soumettre la candidature de votre département ou programme pour obtenir un soutien financier pour les tournées de l'année académique 2019/20. Veuillez s'il vous plaît remplir le bref formulaire et le soumettre à Pauline Ripat, trésorière, Société canadienne des Études classiques ( La date limite de soumission est le 1er mars 2019.

NDLR: Suivez ce lien vers une version téléchargeable du formulaire (bilingue).


From / De Mark Joyal

The Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce the fourth competition for the CAC Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation by a member of the CAC/SCEC in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or Ancient Philosophy accepted for a doctoral degree at a Canadian university.

The prize is awarded biennially at the Annual Meeting of the Association for an outstanding dissertation in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or Ancient Philosophy written by a paid-up member of the CAC/SCÉC and accepted for a doctoral degree at a Canadian university. The fourth award will be made in May 2019, in Hamilton, at the Association's Annual Meeting. This will recognize the best dissertation accepted during the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018. The value of the prize is $500.

Professor Mark Joyal
BY DECEMBER 10, 2018

Each nomination must include the following:

  1. an electronic copy of the dissertation in PDF format;
  2. a letter from the university's Faculty of Graduate Studies attesting that the dissertation was accepted for the doctoral degree during the period under consideration;
  3. a letter of nomination from the Department Head, Chair, or Graduate Programme Director, explaining the specific merits and originality of the dissertation. Where a department submits more than one dissertation, the Department Head, Chair, or Graduate Programme Director should forward a separate memorandum addressing the relative merits of the various submissions.

The adjudication committee consists of five members: the immediate Past President (as Chair of the committee), one other member of Council (co-opted by the Past President), and three members-at-large of the Association nominated by the Nominating Committee for election by the membership in the year that nominations are due.

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La Société canadienne des Études classiques (SCEC/CAC) est heureuse d'annoncer la quatrième édition du prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat soumise par un(e) membre de la SCÉC en lettres classiques, en histoire ancienne, en archéologie classique ou en philosophie antique et acceptée pour le doctorat dans une université du Canada.

Le prix est décerné tous les deux ans à l’assemblée générale de la Société pour la thèse la plus remarquable en lettres classiques, en histoire ancienne, en archéologie classique ou en philosophie antique écrite par un(e) membre en règle de la SCEC/CAC et acceptée pour le doctorat dans une université au Canada. Le troisième prix sera attribué en mai 2019 au congrès annuel de la Société, à Hamilton, pour la meilleure thèse acceptée au cours de la période allant du 1er juillet 2016 au 30 juin 2018. En 2019 la valeur du prix sera de 500 $.

M. Mark Joyal, professeur

Chaque candidature doit comprendre les éléments suivants:

  1. une copie numérique de la thèse de doctorat en format PDF ;
  2. une lettre officielle de la Faculté des études supérieures attestant que la thèse a été acceptée pour l'obtention du doctorat au cours de la période sous considération ;
  3. une lettre de nomination du directeur du département ou du programme d'études supérieures, en expliquant les mérites spécifiques et l'originalité de la thèse. Lorsqu'un département fait valoir plus d'une thèse, le directeur du département ou du programme d’études supérieures doit joindre une note explicative supplémentaire sur les mérites relatifs des diverses thèses mises en nomination.

Le comité de sélection est composé de cinq membres : le président sortant de la SCÉC/CAC (en tant que président du comité), un(e) autre membre du Conseil co-opté(e) par le président sortant, et trois membres à titre individuel de l'Association nommés par le Comité des candidatures pour élection par les membres de la Société dans l'année de la demande de candidatures.

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA

No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From Boris Chrubasik

The Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) invites applications for a three-year Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment will begin on 01 July 2019 and end on 30 June 2022.

Applicants must have earned a PhD in Classics by the date of appointment. We seek a candidate whose research complements the expertise already present in the Classical Civilization program in the Department of Historical Studies. The successful candidate’s research will focus on Latin prose literature and must demonstrably engage with the cultural, political, and social contexts that produced the literary works they study. All fields of Latin prose except rhetoric and philosophy will be considered. Successful applicants must also demonstrate strong linguistic skills in both Greek and Latin.

The successful candidate must display evidence of excellence in both research and teaching. Evidence of excellence in teaching will be demonstrated through teaching experience, strong letters of reference, and the teaching dossier (including a statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi and course materials, a description of pedagogic innovation and strategies, and teaching evaluations) submitted as part of the application. Evidence of excellence in research will be demonstrated by the quality of representative writing samples submitted with the application, publications in top-ranked and field-relevant academic journals, presentations at conferences, and strong endorsements by referees.

The successful applicant must have the ability to teach a broad range of existing and new courses from the introductory to the advanced level in the undergraduate curriculum in Classical Civilization at the Mississauga Campus of the University of Toronto. The candidate is also expected to be able to teach Latin and Greek at all levels. While this position includes no formal graduate appointment and graduate teaching duties, the candidate will also be part of the community of the Tri-Campus Graduate Department of Classics. Further information about the departments is available at welcome-department-historical-studies and classics-utoronto.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The successful applicant will join a vibrant intellectual community of world-class scholars at Canada’s largest university, which is home to one of North America’s largest group of Classicists. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is one of the most fascinating, diverse and “livable” places in the world.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applications must be submitted by 31 January 2019, and include 1) a cover letter, 2) CV, 3) one article-length sample of academic writing, 4) statement of research interests, 5) a statement of contribution to equity and diversity (see below), 6) copies of academic transcripts and 7) a teaching dossier (consisting of a statement of teaching philosophy, teaching evaluations, sample syllabi with sample assignments and/or tests, and a description of pedagogic innovations and strategies).

Equity and diversity are among UTM’s core values and are essential to academic excellence. We seek candidates who value diversity and whose research, teaching and service bear out our commitment to equity. Candidates are therefore also asked to submit a 1-2 page statement of contributions to equity and diversity, which might cover topics such as (but not limited to): research or teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities, the development of inclusive pedagogies, or the mentoring of students from underrepresented groups.

Applicants must also arrange to have three letters of reference sent directly by the referee by email (on letterhead and signed) to by the closing date.

Submission guidelines can be found at how-to-apply. We recommend combining attached documents into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. If you have questions about this position, please contact Duncan Hill at 905-569-4913.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


From Christian Raschle

L’entrée en fonction est prévue au 1er septembre 2019 sous réserve des autorisations budgétaires requises.

L’UQAM recherche des candidates et candidats qualifiés afin de renouveler son corps professoral et assurer un développement de qualité dans tous les domaines d’activités.


  • Enseignement aux programmes de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs en histoire
  • Recherche
  • Services à la collectivité


  • Doctorat en histoire (ou discipline connexe) avec spécialisation en histoire de la Rome antique
  • Capacité d'assurer l'enseignement en histoire de l'Antiquité aux trois cycles
  • Dossier de recherche et de publications récentes en histoire de l'Antiquité
  • Maîtrise du français tant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit

DATE D'ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : 1er septembre 2019

TRAITEMENT : Selon la convention collective UQAM-SPUQ

L’Université du Québec à Montréal souscrit à un programme d’accès à l’égalité en emploi. De ce fait, elle invite les femmes, les autochtones, les membres des minorités visibles, des minorités ethniques et les personnes en situation de handicap qui répondent aux exigences du poste à soumettre leur candidature. Nous encourageons les personnes qui s’identifient à l’un ou l’autre de ces groupes à remplir le Questionnaire d’identification et à le joindre à leur dossier de candidature :

Nous encourageons toutes les candidates, tous les candidats qualifiés à postuler ; la priorité sera toutefois accordée aux Canadiennes, Canadiens ainsi qu’aux résidentes, résidents permanents.

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de faire parvenir, de préférence par courrier électronique, une lettre de présentation, un curriculum vitae en français, détaillé, daté et signé, trois lettres de recommandation ainsi qu’une copie de leurs trois plus importantes publications AVANT LE 18 FÉVRIER 2019, 17 h à :

Madame Magda Fahrni, directrice
Département d’histoire
Université du Québec à Montréal
C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-ville Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P8
Téléphone : 514 987-3000, poste 8300
Télécopieur : 514 987-7813
Courriel :


From Cristin Grimble

MacEwan University inspires students through a powerful combination of academic excellence and personal learning experiences. Located in culturally enriched, downtown Edmonton, our comprehensive undergraduate university offers over 65 programs to 19,000 full- and part-time students. With a dedication to teaching excellence informed by scholarly research and creative activity, MacEwan provides an exceptional collaborative and supportive learning environment with a commitment to environmental sustainability and opportunities for community engagement. In support of faculty professional development, unique and enhanced services are provided through the MacEwan Office of Teaching and Learning.

The Department of Humanities in the Faculty of Arts and Science at MacEwan University invites applications for a Tenure-Track appointment in Classics, at the rank of Assistant Professor, commencing July 1, 2019, subject to final budgetary approval.

Classics at MacEwan University is grounded in a commitment to close reading of core texts in classical literature, history, and philosophy. Although the area of specialization for this position is open, the successful candidate’s research and teaching will be oriented to close reading of historically significant works. In addition to teaching and developing courses in their area of expertise, the successful candidate will teach a selection of courses from the Department’s current 200-level classics offerings (as listed online); applicants should speak to their readiness to teach one or more of these courses. An ability to teach ancient Greek and Latin is required. The Department of Humanities is a multidisciplinary department housing programs in Classics, French, History, Philosophy, and Spanish. The Department values collaboration and integration, as evidenced by our great works-based Humanities courses and our emerging interest in digital humanities. Comfort in a multidisciplinary humanist environment and experience making connections between humanist disciplines are assets.

Preferred candidates will hold a Ph.D. in a relevant area of expertise and will demonstrate a primary commitment to undergraduate teaching and an ongoing research program.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching dossier (including recent teaching evaluations), statement of research interests, sample of scholarly work, and academic transcripts through the MacEwan University careers page. Three letters of reference, quoting the competition number and candidate name, should be sent directly from referees to

Questions about this opportunity may be addressed to Edvard Lorkovic, Chair, Department of Humanities. Contact information available at: Disciplines/Classics/index.

How to Apply: Only applications received through the MacEwan University careers page will be considered. To apply, go to and select the job posting.

Thank you for your interest in employment with MacEwan University. We will be reviewing all applications to select the candidates whose qualifications and experience most closely meet our needs. Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.

MacEwan University is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. We encourage Indigenous people, persons living with a disability, sexual and gender minorities, women, and members of all minority groups to apply and self-identify. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian and permanent residents will be given priority.

For general inquiries, please contact us at

This position is included under the Faculty Association collective agreement.

Category: Full-Time Tenure-Track.

Salary: $66,788 to $108,110 per annum.

Closing Date: December 15, 2018 (a review of applications will begin December 1, 2018).

Competition No: 18.10.230

Personal Information Collection Notification (FOIP): Applicant personal information is collected under s.33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, for the purpose of recruitment at MacEwan University. Questions concerning this collection should be directed to the: Information Management and Privacy Coordinator, MacEwan University, 10700 - 104 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2; tel.: 780.497.5423.

[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications


From Paul Schubert

[version française ci-dessous]

Dear colleagues,

You will find below some for important information on the upcoming FIEC Congress (London, July 5–8, 2019).

"We are now able to confirm the fee levels for FIEC 2019 in London and we are delighted to announce that (thanks to the generosity of the Classical Association) we have been able to hold and even reduce the fees in comparison with FIEC 2014.

  • Full rate £195/concessions £48 (including the early bird discount for bookings before 1 April 2019)
  • Late booking (after 1 April 2019): full rate £245/concessions £68.

Further details will be made available in due course. Booking will open in January."

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Chères / chers collègues,

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous une information importante relative au prochain Congrès de la FIEC (Londres, 5-8 juillet 2019).

« Nous pouvons désormais confirmer le niveau de la taxe d'inscription du Congrès de 2019 (Londres) et nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que, grâce à la générosité de la Classical Association, nous avons pu maintenir le montant à un niveau comparable à 2014 (et même le réduire).

Les taxes d'inscription se montent à :

  • Plein tarif £ 195 / prix étudiants £ 48 (comprenant la réduction pour inscription précoce, avant le 1er avril 2019).
  • Inscription tardive (après le 1er avril 2019) : plein tarif £ 245 / prix étudiant £ 68.

Les détails suivront ; les inscriptions ouvriront en janvier. »

Saturday, March 2, 2019

From Max Nelson

The 14th Annual Greek and Roman Studies Undergraduate Conference at the University of Windsor will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at McPherson Lounge in Alumni Hall, with Dr. Donald Sells of the University of Michigan as the keynote speaker. Undergraduate majors in Greek and Roman Studies or related fields are invited to submit abstracts (of 300 words maximum) for a 15 to 20 minute talk on any aspect of ancient Greece or Rome. Please include presentation title, name, year of study, and student number as well as a phone number or e-mail address with your submission, which is to be made to Dr. Max Nelson (who can be contacted at The deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 31, 2019.

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours


From Alicia Dissinger

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is pleased to announce the academic programs and fellowships for the 2019-2020 academic year at the Gennadius Library. Opened in 1926 with 26,000 volumes from diplomat and bibliophile, Joannes Gennadius, the Gennadius Library now holds a richly diverse collection of over 146,000 books and rare bindings, archives, manuscripts, and works of art illuminating the Hellenic tradition and neighboring cultures. The Library has become an internationally renowned center for the study of Greek history, literature, and art, especially from the Byzantine period to modern times.

THE M. ALISON FRANTZ FELLOWSHIP: Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D.s from colleges or universities in the U.S. or Canada, for work in the Gennadius Library for the full academic year. Stipend of $11,500 plus room, board, and waiver of School fees.

COTSEN TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP FOR RESEARCH IN GREECE: Short-term travel award of $2,000 for senior scholars and graduate students, for work at the Gennadius Library. Open to all nationalities. At least one month of residency required. School fees are waived for a maximum of two months.

MEDIEVAL GREEK SUMMER SESSION AT THE GENNADIUS LIBRARY: Graduate students and college professors in any field of late antique, post-antique, Byzantine or medieval studies at any university worldwide. Month-long program in intermediate level Medieval Greek language and philology at the Gennadius Library, with site and museum trips. Up to twelve scholarships available.

Please forward this announcement to eligible students or colleagues you may know who are working on a project in post-classical studies and encourage them to apply. For further information, consult the ASCSA website at:

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes /
Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés

Archaeological Field School at the Sanctuary of Venus in Pompeii (May 18-June 22, 2019)
May 18–June 22, 2019

From Ilaria Battiloro

The Department of Classics at Mount Allison University offers a Summer archaeological field school in Pompeii (Italy) for credit. The aim of this research program is to investigate the Sanctuary of Venus and its architectural and cultural history, with special focus on the pre-Roman phase of the site and the impact that the Roman conquest had on its architectural forms and cultic system.

This program is designed to offer students a holistic view of methodologies and techniques of archaeological research through an extended period of experiential learning.

For further information on the program, application requirements, and application procedures, please visit the webpage:

Interested students should contact Dr. Ilaria Battiloro (

Application deadline is January 11, 2019.

Deadline: January 15, 2019

From Alicia Dissinger

The Summer Session program of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is a six-week session designed for those who wish to become acquainted with Greece and its major monuments, and to improve their understanding of the country’s landscape, history, material culture, literature, and culture from antiquity to the present.

The Director for the 2019 Summer Session (June 10 to July 24, 2019) is Professor Matthew Sears, University of New Brunswick.

Eligibility: Enrollment is open to graduate and advanced undergraduate students and to high school and college instructors of classics and related subjects. Enrollment is limited to twenty participants. The language of instruction is English. Applicants who are not enrolled or teaching at English-speaking colleges, universities, or schools, are required to supply evidence of proficiency in English.

Format: The ASCSA Summer Session has provided the most extensive exposure to Greece, ancient and modern, for generations of students of Classics and related fields. It has a strong academic component with participants researching and presenting topics on site and offers unique opportunities to interact with eminent archaeologists in the field. Roughly half of the session is spent in travel throughout Greece. Three trips of varying duration give the participant an introduction to the major archaeological sites and museum collections. The remainder of the session is devoted to study of the museums and monuments of Athens and the surrounding area with day trips to such sites as Marathon, Sounion, and Eleusis. The Summer Session's commitment to presenting a comprehensive view of Greece's rich history leads to long days and extensive walking in the hot Mediterranean climate. Participants should be prepared for a rigorous program of study.

Cost: Fees for the 2019 program are $4,900. This includes tuition, room for the entire six-week period, partial board in Athens, travel within Greece, and museum and site fees. International airfare, some meals, and incidental expenses are the participant's responsibility. Financial aid is available in the form of ASCSA scholarships, awarded on the basis of academic merit, and many classical professional organizations have funding opportunities. More information at summer-session/ss-scholarships.

Application: More information and online application forms are available through the website at Applicants will complete an online application. Applicants are required to submit legible pdf scans of academic transcripts as part of the online application, and arrange for the online submission of two letters of recommendation by January 15, 2019. Application fee: $25. Link to application: ascsa-summer-session-application

Web site:


All applicants will be notified by March 20, 2019.

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.


From the Editor

Mike Sampson informs me of a German course for students of Classics offered by the University of Cologne. Note that, in lieu of fees, Cologne requests "reciprocity": the possibility that a German student would be welcome at an institution who had a student accepted. The basic idea is that if a student from Cologne wanted to come to Canada as a visiting student, the department would accept him/her. For more information, please contact Anja Bettenworth:

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)


From Angus Smith

The Canadian Institute in Greece is pleased to announce that it has been offered a very generous matching gift from an anonymous donor to be put towards the Institute's Million Dollar Campaign. The donor has agreed that any new donations received after November 1st 2018 will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $100,000!

This gift comes at a crucial time for the Institute since we are still far from reaching our goal of $1 million for the Campaign. Immediately, we need more than $50,000 to complete minimum renovations and structural improvements before moving into the House purchased last year near the Hilton Hotel, and we need slightly more than $200,000 to complete all the planned renovations so that the House is entirely finished and fully usable.

The large, historic House at No. 3 Orminiou St. in Athens is waiting to become the proud new home of the Canadian Institute in Greece. The CIG Board along with our supporters and friends have taken a bold step in purchasing the House and creating this wonderful opportunity. The deadline set for the matching gift is March 1st 2019. Now, with a final push and encouragement from the generosity of our anonymous donor, the end is in sight. Please, let's seize this great chance — CARPE DIEM!

Gifts and pledges can be sent to the CIG Treasurer, Jeff Banks (, home address: 13192 Jasper Place, Tecumseh, ON, N8N 3K4), marked for the Million Dollar Campaign. For more information:

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L'Institut canadien en Grèce est heureux d'annoncer qu'il a obtenu un don jumelé très généreux d'un donateur anonyme à sa campagne "Le million de dollars" de l'Institut. Le donateur s'engage à égaler au dollar près tous les nouveaux dons reçus après le 1er novembre 2018, jusqu'à concurrence de $100,000!

Ce don arrive au bon moment pour l'Institut car nous sommes encore loin de notre objectif de $1 million. Nous avons un besoin urgent de plus de $50,000 pour effectuer les rénovations et améliorations indispensables avant d'emménager dans la nouvelle demeure achetée l'an dernier près de l'hôtel Hilton, et il nous faudrait un peu plus de $200,000 pour mener à bien tous les travaux prévus afin que le bâtiment soit entièrement fini et habitable.

La grande demeure patrimoniale située au 3, rue Orminiou à Athènes, sera le nouveau et superbe foyer de l'Institut canadien en Grèce. Le conseil d'administration de l'ICG, ainsi que nos partisans et amis, ont pris la décision audacieuse d'acheter cette maison et nous offrent ainsi une merveilleuse opportunité. La date limite pour le don jumelé est le 1er mars 2019. Aujourd'hui, avec un dernier effort et les encouragements généreux de notre donateur anonyme, le but est presque atteint. Ne laissons pas passer cette belle occasion — CARPE DIEM!

Les dons et promesses de dons peuvent être envoyés au trésorier du CIG, Jeff Banks (, adresse du domicile: 13192 Jasper Place, Tecumseh, ON, N8N 3K4), avec la mention Campagne "Le million de dollars". Pour plus d'informations:

Angus Smith
President, CIG / Président, ICG

Next regular issue   2018–12–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2018–12–15

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