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Hellenisms Postdoc at SFU
Hellenisms Past and Present Local and Global Postdoctoral Fellowship at Simon Fraser University (Deadline March 1, 2022)Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies Postdoctoral FellowshipSeptember 2022 – August 2023 The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre...
Sources in Early Poetics
SOURCES IN EARLY POETICSOnline launch 16 March 2022 free with registration featuring addresses from the editors and a roundtable discussion with Prof. Gavin Alexander (Cambridge), Prof. Rita Copeland (Penn), Dr Lara Harb (Princeton), Prof. Filippomaria Pontani...
CFP-Ancient Coins
Call for Papers “Ancient Coins and Portraiture” Call for Papers “Ancient Coins and Portraiture” Organized by the Numismatics Interest Group of the Archaeological Institute of America For the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America Jan. 5-8, 2023,...
Phoenix Project Muse
Phoenix moving to Project Muse As of January 1st online subscribers can access current issues of PHOENIX on Project Muse with access to issues going back to 2009. Our back issues (1946-) will remain at JSTOR with a 3-year firewall....
UToronto Summer Bursaries
BURSARIES FOR SUMMER COURSES IN GREEK AND LATIN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTOThe Department of Classics is promoting the study of Ancient Greek and Latin by students from groups currently under-represented in the field (e.g., on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual...
Geyssen Subsidy for CAC Tour
2022 John Geyssen Subsidy / Fonds John Geyssen2022 John Geyssen Subsidy / Fonds John Geyssen The Classical Association of Canada has established the John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours to provide assistance for institutions which are hosting speakers on the three...
Call for Nomination – CAC prizes
Call for Nominations: Award of Merit and Elaine Fantham Award for Public Engagement in Classics / Appel à Candidatures: Prix du Mérite et Prix Elaine Fantham pour la mobilisation du public en études classiques.The Classical Association of Canada invites nominations...
Wonder Woman for President
Wonder Woman for President 2022: 50 Years of Kick-Ass FeminismIn July 1972 Ms. magazine released its first independently-published issue, featuring the now famous “Wonder Woman for President” cover. Although first appearing in comics in 1941, Wonder Woman’s focus on...
CIMS-CIG Student Travel Bursary (Canadian Institute in Greece)
CIMS-CIG Student Travel Bursary / Bourse d'études ICEM-ICGCIMS-CIG Student Travel Bursary Thanks to a generous donation from the Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies (CIMS), the Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG) is proud to be able to offer the...
Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship (Canadian Institute in Greece)
La bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson / The Homer and Dorothy Thompson FellowshipLa bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson L’Institut canadien en Grèce (ICG) lance un appel de candidatures pour la bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson, offerte pour un séjour de neuf mois en...
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