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Three-year Lecturer (Renewable) in Latin Language and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (UBC; Deadline March 25)
Three-year Lecturer (Renewable) in Latin Language and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (UBC; Deadline March 25) The Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies at the University of British Columbia is seeking applications for a renewable three-year...
Urgent: Letters of Support for Classics and Classical Studies at York University!
Urgent: Letters of Support for Classics and Classical Studies at York University! The administration of York University very recently announced, out of the blue, that admissions to the Classics and Classical Studies programs (among many other programs with fewer than...
Spring/Summer Language Offerings at Canadian Universities
Spring/Summer Language Offerings at Canadian Universities In response to a request at last year's Annual General Meeting, we have compiled a list of spring/summer language offerings at Canadian universities. McMaster UniversityFirst year Latin (online) and Greek (in...
CfP: Peopling the Sea: Contextualizing Ancient Maritime Worlds (AIA/SCS Joint Session 2026 – Deadline March 5th)
CfP: Peopling the Sea: Contextualizing Ancient Maritime Worlds (AIA/SCS Joint Session 2026) Organized by the Maritime Archaeology Interest Group Please Note: We invite paper proposals for a session at the 2026 AIA/SCS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, January 7 - 10,...
Joint meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest (March 7-9 @ UBC)
Joint meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian West and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest (March 7-9 @ UBC)CACW/CAPN 2025 -- 7-8 March We share the preliminary program for the joint meeting of the Classical Association of the Canadian...
CFP – Living, Laughing, Loving: Roman Elegy in Light of New Developments in Roman Comedy (SCS 2026; Deadline Feb 28)
CfP Living, Laughing, Loving: Roman Elegy in Light of New Developments in Roman Comedy (SCS 2026)Society for Classical Studies 157th Annual Meeting JANUARY 7-10, 2026SAN FRANCISCO Call for Papers for an Organizer-Refereed Panel Living, Laughing, Loving: Roman Elegy in...
Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation (Extended deadline: January 31)/ Prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat (Date limite prolongée 31 janvier)
Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation / Prix pour la meilleure thèse de doctorat The Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce the competition for the CAC Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation by a member of the CAC/SCÉC in Classics, Ancient History,...
Dr. Leander Tryphonas Study in Greece Bursary (Deadline: 1 March 2025) / Bourse d’étude en Grèce Dr Leander Tryphonas (Date limite 1 mars 2025)
Dr. Leander Tryphonas Study in Greece Bursary / Bourse d’étude en Grèce Dr Leander Tryphonas Bursary_announcement_Tryphonas 2025 Bursary_announcement_Tryphonas 2025_FR (French to follow below) Thanks to a generous donation from the Canadian Institute for Mediterranean...
ROM Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellowship – Department of Art & Culture (Deadline March 31, 2025)
ROM Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellowship - Department of Art & Culture (Deadline March 31, 2025) The Royal Ontario Museum Rebanks Postdoctoral Fellowship – Department of Art & Culture has now been advertised. This is a postdoctoral position for those who have...
AGM CFP – Deadline extended to January 31st/ Date limite repoussé au 31 janvier
CFP for Annual Conference - Deadline extended to January 31st. CFP de la conférence annuelle - Date limite repoussé au 31 janvier. The Department of Classics at the University of Winnipeg warmly invites you to the annual conference of the Classical Association of...
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