Mosaic Scholarship

This scholarship seeks to encourage and support students from historically underrepresented groups in Canada, such as visible minorities and indigenous populations, in the discipline of Classics. One award of $500 is offered each year.

Eligibility and criteria: Applicants must identify as an underrepresented group, be Canadian students (citizens or permanent residents) and currently enrolled in an undergraduate program in Classics or similar program at a Canadian University. Specializations within the general area of Classics, such as ancient history, ancient philosophy, and classical archaeology are eligible. The main criterion is academic achievement.

Application procedure

The following items should be sent in electronic form to the Vice President of the CAC, who is also Chair of the Awards Committee, no later than April 1st (in 2023-2024 the Chair of the Committee is Professor Frances Pownall):

  • A completed application form
  • A personal statement (maximum 500 words) describing the applicant’s academic background to date, relevant employment experience, research interests, and future goals
  • A list of any academic awards and honours received at the postsecondary level
  • Two letters of recommendation from university professors familiar with the applicant’s work. (signed reference letters should be sent independently by email attachment to the chair of the Awards Committee)
  • Electronic copies of university transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable if certified by the applicant’s department)

Selection and award procedure

The Committee meets during the Association’s Annual Conference in May. Applicants will be informed of the results soon after this. The award will be paid in September subject to confirmation that the winner is registered in an appropriate program.

Further information

Questions should be addressed to the Chair of the Awards Committee.

Past Winners

2023 ─ Crystal Huang ─ University of Alberta

2021 ─ Amiel Esmen ─ University of Winnipeg

2020 ─ Melodi Armond ─ York University

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