Concours national de versions grecque et latine
Les compétitions ont normalement lieu dans l’hiver. Les dates limites sont annoncées dans l’onglet nouvelles. Les examens doivent avoir lieu le lundi 3 avril de cette année. Veuillez faire savoir Professeur Christopher Mackay ( si vous souhaitez que vos élèves participent. L’organisateur tient également à jour une liste de personnes de contact pour chaque institution. Veuillez lui envoyer un e-mail avec vos mises à jour (voir les coordonnées ci-dessous).
Des prix seront attribués aux meilleuress traductions improvisées d’un texte grec et aux meilleures traductions improvisées d’un texte latin.
- 1er prix : $150,00
- 2e prix : $100,00
- 3e prix : $50,00
Les gagnants sont annoncés officiellement en mai.
Processus d’inscription
Les demandes d’inscription au concours doivent être envoyées par les institutions. Les demandes envoyées par des particuliers ne seront pas reçues.
Toutes les dépenses et tous les prix sont fournis par des contributions volontaires. L’Association est reconnaissante du soutien financier qu’elle a reçu dans le passé. Pour toute personne intéressée à contribuer au Fonds du concours de traduction à vue, veuillez suivre ce lien. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter le trésorier: tré
Les lauréats sont officiellement annoncés en mai lors de la conférence annuelle et dans l’onglet nouvelles.
Concours seniors grecs et latins
- Ouvert aux étudiants de premier cycle des établissements canadiens qui ont suivi au moins 2 ans de grec ou de latin.
- Pour les concours de latin: les candidats doivent actuellement être des étudiants de premier cycle inscrits dans un établissement canadien qui ont eu au moins 2 ans de latin.
- Pour les concours de grec: les candidats doivent actuellement être des étudiants de premier cycle inscrits dans un établissement canadien qui ont eu au moins 2 ans de grec.
- Chaque candidat, dans sa propre université, dans des conditions similaires à celles des examens officiels, disposera de 90 minutes pour la traduction. Le passage peut être traduit en français ou en anglais. Les dictionnaires ne peuvent pas être utilisés.
Concours juniors de grec et de latin
- Ouvert aux étudiants de premier cycle des établissements canadiens de deuxième année en grec ou en latin.
- Pour les concours de latin: les candidats doivent actuellement être des étudiants de premier cycle inscrits dans un établissement canadien qui sont au niveau de deuxième année en latin.
- Pour les concours de grec: les candidats doivent actuellement être des étudiants de premier cycle inscrits dans un établissement canadien qui sont au niveau de deuxième année en grec.
- Chaque candidat, dans sa propre université, dans des conditions similaires à celles des examens officiels, disposera de 50 minutes pour la traduction. (Les passages peuvent être traduits en français ou en anglais. Les dictionnaires ne peuvent pas être utilisés.)
Concours de latin pour les lycéens
- Le concours est ouvert uniquement aux étudiants actuellement inscrits en latin dans les écoles secondaires des établissements canadiens. Ils doivent être des étudiants seniors ayant de l’expérience dans la traduction de textes classiques en prose latine classique.
- Chaque candidat, dans sa propre école, dans des conditions similaires à celles des examens officiels, disposera de 50 minutes pour la traduction. Le passage latin peut être traduit en français ou en anglais. Les dictionnaires ne peuvent pas être utilisés.
Pour plus d’informations
Dr. Christopher Mackay
Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta
Senior Greek Competitions
1978: Plato, Lysis 213d – 214c
1983: Plato, Hippias Major 282c – 283b
1984: Plutarch, Themistocles 15
1985: Xenophon, Institutio Cyri 1.2.2 – 7
1986: Polybius 16.21.1 – 8
1987: Lysias, Funeral Oration 4 – 6
1988: Xenophon, Lakedaimonion Politeia 10.4 – 7
1989: Plato, Laches 186b – 187a
1990: Plutarch, Comp. of Brutus and Dio 3.4 – 11
1992: Xenophon, Hellenika 2.4.20 – 22
1993: Lysias, In Defense of the Dissolution of the Demos 15 – 17
1994: Xenophon, Memorabilia 2.1.21 – 23
1995: Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus 1518 – 1555
1996: Achilles Tatius, Leucippe & Cleitophon 1.3.5 – 1.5.3
1997: Longus, Daphnis et Chloe 2.7 – 9
1998: Euripides, Cyclops 275 – 312
1999: Euripides, Andromache 155 – 180
2000: Plato, Crito 51c6 -52a5
2001: Thucydides 7.84
2002: Lucian, Prometheus 11 – 12
2003: Xenophon, Hell. 3.5.8 – 11
2004: Ps.-Plato, Minos 320C – 321A (abriged)
2005: Isocrates, ad Nicoclem 20 – 23
2006: Demosthenes, Against Meidias 48 – 50
2007: Thucydides, Histories 1.13.1-3
2008: Philostratus, Heroicus / Philostrate, Héroicos 33.4-8
2009: Gregoy of Nyssa 451-452 (slightly modified), 6
2010: Heliodorus, Aethiopica / Héliodore, Éthiopiques 1.5.2-1.6.1
Senior Latin Competitions
1970: Florus 1.6.1 – 11
1971: Claudian, De Raptu 2.282 – 306
1976: Caesar, Bell. Alex. 72 – 73
1977: Calpurnius Siculus, Ecl. 3.36 – 64
1978: Cicero, De Fin. 3.22
1979: Ovid “luctantur pectusque leve” (Amores 3.11b.33ff.)
1980: Suetonius, Aug. 28 – 29
1981: Martial 8.2 & 10.7
1982: Ovid “si saperem doctas odissem” (Tristia 2.1.13ff.)
1983: Varro, De Rustica 3.1.1 – 5
1984: Livy 2.25
1985: Seneca, De Spe 1 – 22, 43 – 50
1986: Cicero, Pro Balbo 11 – 13
1987: Silius Italicus 10.309 – 336
1988: Seneca, De Beneficiis 4.37
1990: Sallust, Catilina 25 – 26
1992: Livy 38.5
1994: Velleius Paterculus, Histoire de Rome 2.41.2
1995: Cicero, Ad Atticum 5.1.3 – 4 (slightly abridged)
1996: Seneca, De Ira 1.18.3 – 6
1997: Suetonius, Divus Julius 55 – 6
1998: Ovid, Heroides 12.183 – 204
1999: Cicero, Pro M. Marcello 2.4.7 – 7.4
2000: Quintilian, Insttitutio Oratoria 1.2.6 – 8
2001: Suetonius, Life of Tiberius 38 & 39
2002: Seneca, De Beneficiis 1.13.1 – 3
2003: Panegyrici Latini 11.16.1 – 4
2004: Lucan, Civil War 5.790 – 810
2005: Asconius, Pro Milone 30 – 32C
2006: Minucius Felix, Octavius 25.1 – 7
2007: Q. Curtiu Rufus, Historiae Alexandri Magni Macedonis 3.12.1-12
2008: Hirtius, de Bello Gallico VIII, praef I
2009: Horace, Epodes, III
2010: Pliny the Younger, Ep. / Pline le Jeune, Lettres 9.17
Junior Greek Competitions
1973: Xenophon, Cyropaedia 8.6.17 – 18
1989: Xenophon, Anabasis 5.7.5 – 7
1994: Xenophon, Apologia of Socrates 32 – 33
1995: Euripides, Heraclidae 134 – 146
1996: Lysias, Pour l’invalide 24.6 – 9
1997: Chariton 1.8
1998: Xenophon, Anabasis 4.7.23 – 27
1999: Xenophon, Symposium 2.9 – 10
2000: Homer, Odyssey 4.250 – 64
2001: Lysias, Epitaphios 79 – 81
2002: Lucian 35.1, Jugement de Paris
2003: Lysias, In Defense of Mantitheus 10 – 12
2004: Achilles Tatius, Leucippe & Cleitophon 2.21.1 – 4
2005: Longus, Daphnis & Chloe 3.23
2006: Xenophon, Cyropaedia 7.3.14 – 15
2007: Lysias 3.7-10 contra Simon
2008: Parthenius XV (The Story of Daphne)
2009: Palaephatus, Unbelievable Tales / Histoires incroyables, 6
2010: Lysias, Against Andocides / Lysias, Contre Andocide 50-52
Junior Latin Competitions
1994: Petronius, Satyricon 71.4 – 12 (selected passages)
1995: Livy, Ab Urbe Condita 1.57.10 – 58.4
1996: Sallust, De Coniuratione Catilinae 25
1997: Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia 8.1.1 & 8.7.23
1998: Cicero, De natura deorum 1.3.6 – 3.6
1999: Nepos, De Excellentibus ducibus externarum gentium (“Themistocles”) 9.1 – 4
2000: Seneca, Dial. 2.15.1 – 2
2001: Pliny, Epist. 3.7
2002: Pliny the Elder, Historia Naturalis 8.26.67 – 68
2003: Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 3.15.1 – 3
2004: Cornelius Nepos 4.2
2005: Pliny 8.8
2006: Augustine, On the city of God 1.15 (adapted)
2007: Livy 1.16.1-3
2008: Symmachus, Epistulae 5.37
2009: Adapted from the Younger Pliny’s Letters, vi, 20 / Adaptation de Pline le Jeune, Lettres, VI, 20
2010: Seneca, Ep. / Sénèque, Lettres 16.3-4
Latin Competition for High School Students
1999: Livy 21.28 (adapted) — Hannibal brings the elephants across the River Rhone
2000: Livy 1.57.6 – 58.11 ((adapted) — Lucretia, Paragon of Virtue
2001: Pliny, Epist. 4.3 (adapted) — Pliny helps to found a school
2002: Phaedrus 3.17
2003: Aulus Gellius 3.15 (adapted)
2004: Livy 30.12 – 15 (adapted)
2005: Eutropius 2.23 (adapted)
2006: Pliny 3.14 (adapted)
2007: John Harmar, Praxis Grammatica 593 (adapted)
2008: Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae V.9 / Aulu-Gelle, Noctes Atticae V.9
2009: Taken from Vitruvius, de Architectura, Liber II / Pris de Vitruvie, de Architectura, Liber II)
2010: Seneca, de Ira / Sénèque, de Ira 3.4
2024 Lauréats et lauréates
Version grecque, niveau initiation: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- Première place: Gabrielle Clark (Ottawa)
- Deuxième place: Camille Goulet (Montreal)
- Troisième place: Hadley Reese (McGill)
Version grecque, niveau supérieur
- Première place: Anastasia Paraskevopoulos (McGill)
- Deuxième place: Audrey Michel (McGill)
- Troisième place: David Kok (Alberta)
Version latine, niveau initiation
- Première place: Joshua Ng (Toronto)
- Deuxième place: Noah Dennis-Gordon (McGill)
- Troisième place: Filippo Serci (Montreal)
Version latine, niveau supérieur: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- Première place: Izzy Friesen (Toronto)
- Deuxième place: Emily Benko (Western)
- Troisième place: Sophie Miliner (Dalhousie)
2023 Lauréats et lauréates
Version grecque, niveau initiation: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- Première place: Léo Mitchell (Montréal)
- Deuxième place: Alphonse Jeanneret (Montréal)
- Troisième place: David Kok (Alberta)
Version latine, niveau initiation
- Première place: Léo Mitchell (Montréal)
- Deuxième place: Francis Beaudet (Montréal)
- Troisième place: David Kok (Alberta)
Version grecque, niveau supérieur
- Première place: Isaac Howie (UBC)
- Deuxième place: Emily MacPherson (Dalhousie)
- Troisième place: Lillie Nadeau (Toronto)
Version latine, niveau supérieur : Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- Première place: Izzy Friesen (Toronto)
- Deuxième place: Ella Paulin (McGill)
- Troisième place: Adam Rosengarten (McGill)
2022 Lauréats et lauréates
Version grecque, niveau initiation: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- Première place: Clemency Robinson (Ottawa)
- Deuxième place: Emma Carroll (Mount Allison)
- Troisième place: Isaac Howie (UBC)
Version latine, niveau initiation
- Première place: Eric Steele (MUN)
- Deuxième place: Isabelle Guérin (Ottawa)
- Troisième place: Kyle Flewelling (University of Victoria)
Version grecque, niveau supérieur
- Première place: Joanna Daley (Dalhousie)
- Deuxième place: Angus Wilson (Dalhousie)
- Troisième place: Elsy Rytter (Dalhousie)
Version latine, niveau supérieur : Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- Première place: Malcolm Sepulchre (Dalhousie)
- Deuxième place: Angus Wilson (Dalhousie)
- Troisième place: Gabriel Clark (Ottawa)
2020 Lauréats et lauréates
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Christophe Turcotte-Richard, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: William Chénier, Université de Montréal
- 3rd Prize: Madeline C. McIntire, Mount Allison University
- Honorable Mention: Dana Jensen, University of Victoria
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: William Bouchard, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Élias Massey-Neves, Université de Montréal
- 3rd Prize: John Gillmore, Université d’Ottawa
- Honorable Mentions: Malcolm Sepulchre, Dalhousie University, Angus Wilson, Dalhousie University
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Jakob Barnes, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Romane Auger, Université de Montréal
- 3rd Prize: Graham Braun, University of Victoria
- Honorable Mention: Dustin Backer, Concordia University
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Julie Parent, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Yilin Zhu, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Romane Auger, Université de Montréal
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Marianne (Molly) Franssen Keenan, The Abelard School
- 2nd Prize: Francis Nardi, The Abelard School
- 3rd Prize: Tiffany Cai, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- 3rd Prize: Ryan Yu, University of Toronto Schools
- Honorable Mention: Nathan Au, Markham District High School
- Honorable Mention: Joshua Ng, Markham District High School
- Honorable Mention: Marthe-Sarah Nkambou Tchunkuo, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
2019 Lauréats et lauréates
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Loïc-Alexandre Ouellette, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Regan Thiessen, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Valerie Jeffcott, Concordia University
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Regan Thiessen, McGill University
- 2nd Prize: Marcus Forbes-Green, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Julie Parent, Université de Montréal
- Honorable Mention: Christophe Turcotte-Richard, Université de Montréal
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Ulysse Carrière-Bouchard, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Kleio Giannopoulou, University of Victoria
- 3rd Prize: Ethan Speigel, Dalhousie University
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Anissa Baber, McGill University
- 2nd Prize: Alphonse Jeanneret-Grosjean, Université de Montréal
- 3rd Prize: Laura Harris, University of Toronto
- Honorable Mentions: Kenneth Kim, University of Toronto; Avery Hiebert, University of Victoria
High School Latin
- 1st Prizes (2): Michael Ji, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf; Justin Cheng, University of Toronto Schools
- 3rd Prize: Daniel Featherby, Toronto French School
- 4th Prizes (2): Zheyi Li, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf; Marianne Franssen Keenan, Abelard School
- Honorable Mentions: Taline Hajinzian, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf; Jerry Ran, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
2018 Lauréats et lauréates
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Ulysse Carrière-Bouchard, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Kilmeny Jones, University of Victoria
- 3rd Prize: Dustin Barker, Concordia University
- Honorable Mentions: Christophe Groulx, Université de Montréal; Ismaël Kettani, Université de Montréal; Marielle Nicol, Dalhousie University
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Julie Verreault-Tétreault, Université Laval
- 2nd Prize: Aaron Pearce, Memorial University
- 3rd Prize: Samuel Carrier, Université Laval
- Honorable Mentions: Avery Hiebert, University of Victoria; Sandrina Blais, Université Laval; Colin Larose, Université de Montréal
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Ellen Mack, McMaster University
- 2nd Prize: Sophia Alkhoury, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Manuela Galindo-Carvajal, McGill University
- Honorable Mention: Samuel Vincent, Université de Montréal
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Isabelle Gagnon, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Laura Harris, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Sophia Alkhoury, University of Toronto
- Honorable Mentions: Zhenglin Liu, University of Toronto; Evangelos Nikitopoulos, McGill University; Manuela Galindo-Carvajal, McGill University
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: TBA
- 2nd Prize: TBA
- 3rd Prizes: TBA
2017 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Jerry Zhu, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- 2nd Prize: Maya Mikutra-Cencora, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- 3rd Prizes (2): Gautam Manohar , University of Toronto Schools; Alexander Moss, homeschooled
- Honorable Mentions: Bo Chi Zhang, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf; Jia Qi Wu, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Félix-Antoine Gélineau, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Claire Garland, Memorial University
- 3rd Prize: Manuela Galindo-Carvajal, McGill University
- Honorable Mentions: Daniel Cimento, McGill University); Curtis Vanvliet, McMaster University
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Olivier Bordeleau-Lavoie, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Daniel Cimento, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Alan Rempel, Dalhousie University
- Honorable Mention: Julie Verreault-Tétreault, Université Laval
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Tiphaine Lahuec, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: David Douglas, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Andrew Mayo, University of Toronto
- Honorable Mentions: Daniel Russell, University of Winnipeg; Ben von Bredow, Dalhousie University; Cristalle Watson, Dalhousie University
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Damien Cavaleri, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Cristalle Watson, Dalhousie University
- 3rd Prize: David Douglas, McGill University
- Honorable Mentions: Andrew Mayo, University of Toronto; Kieran Wilson, McGill University
2016 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Alexander Moss, home schooled
- 2nd Prize: Samantha Yao, University of Toronto Schools
- 3rd Prize: David Black, St. George’s
- Honorable Mentions: Mila Gorchkova, Markham District High School; Shuli Jones, University of Toronto Schools; Kevin Yu, St. George’s; Jason Qu, St. George’s; Isabella Cesari, St. Clement’s; Julien Paul, Collège Marie de France
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Daniel Russell, University of Winnipeg
- 2nd Prize: Megan Kitt, Dalhousie University
- 3rd Prize: Tiphaine Lahuec, Université de Montréal
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Cristalle Watson, Dalhousie University
- 2nd Prize: Kieran Wilson, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Félix Charron-Ducharme, Université Laval
- Honorable Mentions: Erika Paquet-Lauzon, Université de Montréal; Joel Gamble, McMaster University
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Richard Cameron, University of British Columbia
- 2nd Prize: Andrew Mayo, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Jessica Zung, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mentions: Lily Davies, McGill University
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Joshua Zung, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: David Douglas, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Richard Cameron, University of British Columbia
2015 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Alexander Moss, home schooled
- 2nd Prize: Zhenglin Liu, University of Toronto Schools
- 3rd Prize: Cédric Valle-Mena, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- Honorable Mention: Quinton Huang, St. George’s; David Black, St. George’s; Brian M. Bacinschi, St. George’s
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Anass Dakkach, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Gregory Giannakis, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Roxane Dumont, Université de Montréal
- Honorable Mention: Matthew Beamish, University of Toronto
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Sacha Hashim, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Joshua Zung, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: David Douglas, McGill University
- Honorable Mention: Andrew Bresch, University of Manitoba; Padatchona Tchamdja, Université de Montréal
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Duncan McDonald, McGill University
- 2nd Prize: Allison Graham, Dalhousie University
- 3rd Prize: Torin Vigerstad, Dalhousie University
- Honourable Mention: Jessica Zung, University of Toronto; Matthew Ludwig, Brock University; Richard Cameron, University of British Columbia
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Torin Vigerstad, Dalhousie University
- 2nd Prize: Gregory Giannakis, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Sophia Ly, University of British Columbia
- Honourable Mention: Leyna Shnier, University of Winnipeg
2014 Lauréats et lauréates
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Jessica Zung, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: David Sutton, University of Alberta
- 3rd Prize: Zaphirios Karamboikis, Université de Montréal
- Honourable Mention: Willem Crispin-Frei, University of Toronto; Dominique Collinge (Université de Montréal
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Guillaume Trottier-Gascon, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Torin Vigerstad, Dalhousie University
- 3rd Prize: Rick Parker, Brock University
- Honourable Mention: Sophia Ly, University of British Columbia; Vladislav Mukhomedzyanov, University of Toronto
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Joel White, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Antoine Poupon, Université de Montréal
- 3rd Prize: Christian Boulley, University of Winnipeg
- Honourable Mention: Jesse Hill, University of Winnipeg
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Jesse Hill, University of Winnipeg
- 2nd Prize: Joel White, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Antoine Poupon, Université de Montréal
2013 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Daniel Lovsted, University of Toronto Schools
- 2nd Prize: André Ilinca, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- 3rd Prize: Pietro Lavoni, South Burnaby High School
- Honourable Mention: George Radner, University of Toronto Schools; Christopher Chu, University of Toronto Schools; Aruthy Pathmarajan, Markham District High School; Max Bedford, Saint George’s School
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Duncan McDonald, McGill University
- 2nd Prize: Jessica Zung, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Jennyfer Desbiens, Université de Montréal
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Laura Nicola, University of Windsor
- 2nd Prize: David Sutton, University of Alberta
- 3rd Prize: Gregory Giannakis, McGill University
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Mufei Jiang, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Brett Bartlett, University of Waterloo
- 3rd Prize: Tanner Rudnick, University of Waterloo
- Honourable Mention: Sonya Tors, University of Toronto; Ian Miller, University of New Brunswick
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Mufei Jiang, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Sonya Tors, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Brett Bartlett, University of Waterloo
- Honourable Mention: Neal Porter, University of Toronto
2012 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Sophia Ly, University of Toronto Schools
- 2nd Prize: Xavier Brassard, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- 3rd Prize: Michelle Jia, Markham District High School
- Honourable Mention: Cong Minh Tam Nguyen, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and Cydney Kim, University of Toronto Schools
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Brett Bartlett, University of Waterloo
- 2nd Prize: Andrew Chaban, McGill University
- 3rd Prize: Nicholas Arrigo, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Jessica Zung, University of Toronto Schools
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Joel Benedicto, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Tanner Rudnick, University of Waterloo
- 3rd Prize: Cristina Ichim, University of Toronto
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Adrian Levine, Concordia University
- 2nd Prize: Adrian Saldanha, Concordia University
- 3rd Prize: Doug Devries, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Colin Hancock, University of Toronto; Mufei Jiang, University of Toronto
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Brett Bartlett, University of Waterloo
- 2nd Prize: Colin Hancock, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Mufei Jiang, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Lizzy Ten-Hove, McGill University
2011 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Valentina Beux, South Burnaby High Sc
- 2nd Prize: Jessica Zung, University of Toronto Sch
- 3rd Prize: Eric Merienuk, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- Honourable Mention: Charles Hébert, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf; Alvin Leung, University of Toronto Schools; Soohyun Park, University of Toronto Schools
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Elizabeth Ten-Hove, McGill University
- 2nd Prize: Cristina Ichim, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Mufei Jiang, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Ross Kettleson, McGill University; Jose Campos, McMaster University
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Brett Bartlett, University of Waterloo
- 2nd Prize: Mufei Jiang, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Sonya Tors, University of Toronto
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Alessandro Sisti, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Ruben Post, University of Victoria
- 3rd Prize: William Pemberton, Trent University
- Honourable Mention: Laura Hare, University of Toronto
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Jacob Currie, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Alessandro Sisti, University of Toron
- 3rd Prize: William Pemberton, Trent University
- Honourable Mention: Elizabeth Ten-Hove, McGill University; Nicholas Arrigo, University of Toronto
2010 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Naama Ben David, Waterloo Collegiate Institute
- 2nd Prize: Matthew Farkas-Dyck, Lisgar Collegiate Institute
- 3rd Prize: Bo Yang Zhao, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
- Honourable Mention: Melvin Loong, St. George’s School, BC
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Carol Doyon, Université de Montréal
- 2nd Prize: Maayan Adar, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Ralph Neill, University of Waterloo
- Honourable Mention: Adam Barker, UBC; Emma Whitney, Dalhousie University; David Finer, University of Toronto; April Ross, University of Waterloo; Margherita Devine, McGill University
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Maayan Adar, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Valérie Pageau, University of Ottawa
- 3rd Prize: Brett Bartlett, University of Waterloo
- Honourable Mention: David Cormier, Université de Montréal
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Aron Bojti, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Will Pemberton, Trent University
- 3rd Prize: Joseph Gerbasi, University of Winnipeg
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Alessandro Sisti, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Jacob Currie, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Alin Mocanu, Université de Montréal
- Honourable Mention: Emma Whitney, Dalhousie University
2009 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st prize: Jenny Gu, University of Toronto Schools
- 2nd prize: Amy Lu, University of Toronto Schools
- 3rd prize: Connie Zhao, University of Toronto Schools
- Honourable Mention: Benoît Fournier, Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize (2): Laura Hare, University of Toronto and Jacob Currie, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize (2): David Finer, University of Toronto and Nicholas Arrigo, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Maayan Adar, University of Toronto and Fannie Dionne, Université de Montréal
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize (2): Laura Hare, University of Toronto and Joseph Gerbasi, University of Winnipeg
- 3rd Prize (2): Geoff Martin, University of British Columbia and Maayan Adar, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Ralph Neill, University of Waterloo
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Maria S. Miller, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: Alessandro Sisti, University of Toronto
- 3rd Prize: Samantha Perera, McGill University
- Honourable Mention: Margherita Devine, McGill University, Daniel Lévy, Université de Montréal and Joseph Stannus, Carleton University
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Elias Georgakopoulos, University of Toronto
- 2nd Prize: John McCormick, University of Ottawa
- 3rd Prize: Aron Bojti, University of Toronto
- Honourable Mention: Aline Desarzens, Université de Montréal and Warren Huard, McGill University
2008 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Ellen Leask, Waterloo Collegiate
- 2nd Prize: Hayley Kim, Westdale Secondary School
- 3rd Prize: Nicholas Arrigo, Toronto French School
- Honourable Mention: Jeffrey Choi, St. George’s School
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Alexander Kirby (Mount Allison)
- 2nd Prize: April Ross (Waterloo)
- 3rd Prize: Nathan Sawatzky (Winnipeg)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Laura Morrison (UBC)
- 2nd Prize: Liam Easton (Calgary)
- 3rd Prize: Kristen Koester (Regina)
- Honourable Mention: Elias Georgakopoulos, University of Toronto; Matthew Scarborough, University of Alberta
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: William Pemberton (Trent)
- 2nd Prize: Tyler Flatt (Waterloo)
- 3rd Prize: Maria Miller (Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: Laura Southcott (Toronto) and Emma Lesser (Toronto)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Maria Miller (Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Nathan Sawatzky (Winnipeg)
- 3rd Prize: Michael Lynn (Western)
- Honourable Mention: Leon Grek (McGill) and Kevin Ullrich (Brock)
2007 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Zoë Belk (Centennial Collegiate)
- 2nd Prize: Kind-Ron So (Collège Brébeuf)
- 3rd Prize: Allegra Fryxell (Centennial Collegiate)
- Honourable Mention: Jou Glasheen (Bishop Strachan School); Zesheng Chen (Collège Brébeuf)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Jonathan Weiss (UBC)
- 2nd Prize: Marc Umba (Université de Montréal)
- 3rd Prize: April Ross (Waterloo)
- Honourable Mention: Elizabeth Ferch (Queen’s University); Laurence de Tilly Dion (Université de Montréal)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Leon Grek (McGill University)
- 2nd Prize: Andrew Cleland (McGill University)
- 3rd Prize: Ingrid Mourtialon (Université de Montréal)
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Emilia Barbiero (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Yuriy Lozynsky (York University)
- 3rd Prize: Catherine Émond (Université de Montréal)
- Honourable Mention: Marc Umba (Université de Montréal); Leon Grek (McGill University)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Michael Bonner (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Andrew Murdison (Queen’s University)
- 3rd Prize: Yuriy Lozynsky (York University)
- Honourable Mention: Janet Mowat (University of Winnipeg), Nathan Sawatzky (University of Winnipeg)
2006 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Arden Rogow-Bales (Toronto French School)
- 2nd Prize: Rafael Krichevsky (University of Toronto Schools)
- 3rd Prize: April Ross (Waterloo Collegiate Institute)
- Honourable Mention: Rae Desson (Lisgar Collegiate Institute); Daniel Owen (St. George’s School)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Timothy Riggs (Dalhousie University)
- 2nd Prize: Catherine Émond (Université de Montréal)
- 3rd Prize: Jasvinder Pandher (University of Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: Amelia Hardjasa (University of British Columbia); Éloïse Lemay (Université de Montréal)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prize
- 1st Prize: Rhéa El Housseini (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Stuart Hill (University of Victoria)
- 3rd Prize: Timothy Riggs (Dalhousie University)
- Honourable Mention: Zachary Moull (Dalhousie University)
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Anthony Laughrane (University of British Columbia)
- 2nd Prize: Kyle Gervais (Queen’s University)
- 3rd Prize: Jane Burkowski (Queen’s University)
- Honourable Mention: Tristan Thomas William Sharp (University of Victoria)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Catherine Émond (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Zoe Misiewicz (University of Toronto)
- 3rd Prize: Jane Burkowski (Queen’s University)
- Honourable Mention: Ben Addis (University of British Columbia)
2005 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Danny Yu (St. George’s School)
- 2nd Prize: Ma’ayan Anafi (University of Toronto Schools)
- 3rd Prize: Jonathan Khaiat (Toronto French School)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Oliver Cheng (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Joseph Stannus (Carleton University)
- 3rd Prize: Matthew Siebert (University of Winnipeg)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Lindsay Driediger (University of Calgary)
- 2nd Prize: Catherine Émond (Université de Montréal)
- 3rd Prize: David Chamberlin (University of Victoria)
- Honourable Mention: François Lortie (Université Laval)
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Stephanie Stringer (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Kevin Lawson (York University)
- 3rd Prize: Conor Cook (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: Lindsay Driediger (University of Calgary)
- 5th Prize: Kate Bilkevitch (University of British Columbia)
- Honourable Mention: Yannick Stafford (Université de Montréal)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Elsa Bouchard (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Brian Marrin (University of Winnipeg)
- 3rd Prize: Giancarlo Ciccia (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: Tyson Sukara (University of Winnipeg and University of Manitoba)
- 5th Prize: Guillaume Moreault (Université de Montréal)
- Honourable Mention: Matthew Siebert (University of Winnipeg)
2004 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Stephanie Hamel (College Saint-Maurice)
- 2nd Prize: Xiaodi Wu (University of Toronto Schools)
- 3rd Prize: Alexandre Labelle (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
- Honourable Mention: Chen Chen (Markham District High School); Wilson Wong (St. George’s School)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Guillaume Moreault (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Brian Marrin (University of Winnipeg)
- 3rd Prize: Justin St.-Charles (Université de Montréal)
- Honourable Mention: Tristan Sharp (University of Victoria); Andrea Lane (Dalhousie University)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Elsa Bouchard (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Jane Burkowski (Queen’s University)
- 3rd Prize: Caitlin Smith (University of Victoria)
- Honourable Mention: Matthew Siebert (University of Winnipeg); Victoria Goddard (Carleton University)
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Lindsay Gayle Driediger (University of Calgary)
- 2nd Prize: Philippa Geddie (McGill University)
- 3rd Prize: Paulette Jenner (Queen’s University)
- 4th Prize: Anthony Laughrane (University of British Columbia)
- 5th Prize: Andrew Snelgrove (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Brian Marrin (University of Winnipeg)
- 2nd Prize: Michael J. Griffin (University of British Columbia)
- 3rd Prize: Adrial Fitzgerald (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: Philippa Geddie (McGill University)
- 5th Prize: Stephanie Stringer (University of Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: Aaron Kelsh (University of Guelph)
2003 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Leon Grek (University of Toronto Schools)
- 2nd Prize: Tom Carter (Markham District High School)
- 3rd Prize: Kasper Podgorski (University of Toronto Schools)
- Honourable Mention: Nikhil Gandhi (Markham District High School); Nguyeri Trong Tieu (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Roland Houle (Université Laval)
- 2nd Prize: James Fleming (Saint Mary’s University)
- 3rd Prize: Lydia Pelletier-Michaud (Université Laval)
- Honourable Mention: Jenice Batiffora (University of Winnipeg); Charles Podles (McGill University)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Carmela Penner (University of Manitoba)
- 2nd Prize: Ryan Topping (University of Winnipeg)
- 3rd Prize: Svetlana Soldatov (University of Alberta)
- Honourable Mention: Riley Kearns (University of Winnipeg); Evelyne Langlois (Université de Montréal)
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Matthew Donnelly (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: James Eastland (University of British Columbia)
- 3rd Prize: Michael Griffin (University of British Columbia)
- 4th Prize: Philippa Geddie (McGill University)
- 5th Prize: Stephanie Stringer (University of Toronto)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Michael Griffin (University of British Columbia)
- 2nd Prize: Paul Harms (University of Winnipeg)
- 3rd Prize: Brian Marrin (University of Winnipeg)
- 4th Prize: Alexander Orwin (University of Toronto)
- 5th Prize: Edwin Wong (University of Victoria)
- Honourable Mention: Adrial Fitzgerald (University of Toronto)
2002 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Sai Rupa Vangala (University of Toronto Schools)
- 2nd Prize: Nikhil Gandhi (Markham District High School)
- 3rd Prize: Léonid Sirota (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
- Honourable Mention: Bikrampal Singh Sidhu (University of Toronto Schools)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Jeffrey Green (University of British Columbia)
- 2nd Prize: Taddy Stzinger (McGill University)
- 3rd Prize: David Wachsmuth (McGill University)
- Honourable Mention: David Lachapelle (Université de Montréal); Edward Moore (University of Victoria)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Brian Morrin (University of Winnipeg)
- 2nd Prize: Gilles Roy (Concordia University)
- 3rd Prize: Christopher Gordon (University of Waterloo)
Senior Latin: Peter Lawson Smith Prize
- 1st Prize: Brian Monteiro (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Christopher Gordon (University of Waterloo)
- 3rd Prize: Alexander Orwin (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: Jean-Philippe Chartré (McGill University)
- 5th Prize: Florence Yoon (Dalhousie University)
- Honourable Mention: Michelle Wong (University of Toronto)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Edward Barham (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Michael James Griffin (University of British Columbia)
- 3rd Prize: Christine McGill Universityis (University of Waterloo)
- 4th Prize: James Eastland (University of British Columbia)
- 5th Prize: Brian Monteiro (University of Toronto)
2001 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Andriei Swidinsky (Centennial Collegiate V.I.)
- 2nd Prize: Annika Schwarz (Centennial Collegiate V.I.)
- 3rd Prize: Giselle Gos (The Bishop Strachan School) and Andrew Moller (Centennial Collegiate V.I.)
- Honourable Mention: François Arsenault-Hubert (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf); Attilio Braga (Centennial Collegiate V. I.)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: David Monette (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Paul Harms (University of Winnipeg)
- 3rd Prize: Andrew Stefanelli (Memorial University)
- Honourable Mention: Jean-Philippe Chartré (Université de Montréal); Benoit Malouf (Université de Montréal)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Andrew Stefanelli (Memorial University)
- 2nd Prize: Mathieu Parent (Université de Montréal)
- 3rd Prize: Catherine Cleland (Carleton University)
Senior Latin
- 1st Prize: Daniel McCusker (McGill University)
- 2nd Prize: Luke Bridgewater (University of Calgary)
- 3rd Prize: Sébastien Rossignol (Université de Montréal)
- 4th Prize: Victoria Newman (McGill University)
- 5th Prize: Florence Yoon (Dalhousie University)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Luke Bridgewater (University of Calgary)
- 2nd Prize: Jim Grant (Queen’s University)
- 3rd Prize: Brian Monteiro (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: Michael Griffin (University of British Columbia)
- 5th Prize: Daniel McCusker (McGill University)
2000 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: Lu Shih En (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
- 2nd Prize: Andriei Swidinsky (Centennial Collegiate, Guelph, Ontario)
- 3rd Prize: Ian Wheeler (Markham District High School)
- Honourable Mention: Simon Éthier (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf); Paul Johnson (St. Michael’s College)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Daniel McCusker (McGill University)
- 2nd Prize: Marie-Claire Beaulieu (Université de Montréal)
- 3rd Prize: Victoria Neumann (McGill University)
- Honourable Mention: Michael Helfield (McGill University); Cyprian Laskowski (University of British Columbia)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Pascale Charlebois (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Lynda Struger (University of Victoria)
- 3rd Prize: Rajiv Johal (Concordia University)
Senior Latin
- 1st Prize: Jack Mitchell (McGill University)
- 2nd Prize: Luke Bridgewater (University of Calgary)
- 3rd Prize: Brent Venton (University of Winnipeg)
- 4th Prize: Brian Lam (University of Windsor)
- 5th Prize: Brian Monteiro (University of Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: Albert Gootjes (McMaster University)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Luke Bridgewater (University of Calgary)
- 2nd Prize: Jonathan Keathley (Université Laval)
- 3rd Prize: Albert Gootjes (McMaster University)
- 4th Prize: Colin Bailey (University of Calgary)
- 5th Prize: Mark Nugent (University of Victoria)
1999 Lauréats et lauréates
High School Latin
- 1st Prize: David Lizoain (University of Toronto Schools)
- 2nd Prize: Pascal Charbonneau (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
- 3rd Prize: David Wachsmuth (University of Toronto Schools)
- 4th Prize: Zyad El-Tagi (Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf)
- 5th Prize: Michelle Mok (University of Toronto Schools)
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Albert Gootjes (McMaster University)
- 2nd Prize: Cameron Hawkins (University of Calgary)
- 3rd Prize: Marie-Hélène Rousseau (Université de Montréal)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Jonathan Keathley (Université Laval)
- 2nd Prize: Linda Honey (University of Calgary)
- 3rd Prize: Alexandra Kyritsis (Wilfrid Laurier University) and Guillaume Pinson (Université de Montréal)
Senior Latin
- 1st Prize: Patricia Dutchak (University of Alberta)
- 2nd Prize: Andrew Rimmington (University of British Columbia)
- 3rd Prize: Karen Gallot (Université de Montréal)
- 4th Prize: James Richards (University of Toronto)
- 5th Prize: Paul Meyer (University of Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: Chris Eckart (McMaster University)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Katerina Janeteas (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Rebecca Jamin (University of Victoria)
- 3rd Prize: Paul Meyer (University of Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: Tim Wray (McMaster University)
1998 Lauréats et lauréates
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Brendan van Niejenhuis (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Amélie Josselin (University of Ottawa)
- 3rd Prize: Renaud Gagné (Université de Montréal)
- Honourable Mention: Tom Keenan (University of Winnipeg); Jeff Longard (University of Alberta)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Jeff Longard (University of Alberta)
- 2nd Prize: Karen Gallot (Université de Montréal)
- 3rd Prize: Chris Eckart (McMaster University)
- Honourable Mention: Tim Pettipiece (University of Guelph); Christopher Suon (University of British Columbia)
Senior Latin
- 1st Prize: Tim Hill (University of Alberta)
- 2nd Prize: Brent Miles (University of Toronto)
- 3rd Prize: Pam Little (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: George Bevan (University of British Columbia)
- 5th Prize: Karen Gallot (Université de Montréal)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Renaud Gagné (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Pam Little (University of Toronto)
- 3rd Prize: Brendan van Niejenhuis (University of Toronto)
- 4th Prize: James MacHattie (University of British Columbia)
- 5th Prize: Christine Mitchell (Carleton University)
1997 Lauréats et lauréates
Junior Latin
- 1st Prize: Pascal Delorme (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: James MacHattie (University of British Columbia)
- 3rd Prize: Christine Wong (University of Toronto Schools)
- Honourable Mention: Shelley Reid (University of British Columbia); Martin Sirois (Université de Montréal)
Junior Greek: Margaret H. Thomson Prizes
- 1st Prize: Janette Auer (Brock University)
- 2nd Prize: Christine Mitchell (Carleton University)
- 3rd Prize: Katina Janateas (University of Toronto)
- Honourable Mention: André Gonciar (University of Ottawa); Dejan Jankovic (Carleton University)
Senior Latin
- 1st Prize: Jonathan Tracy (University of Toronto)
- 2nd Prize: Melanie Williams (McMaster University)
- 3rd Prize: Kevin Wilkinson (University of British Columbia)
- 4th Prize: Paul Meyer (University of Toronto)
- 5th Prize: Karen Gallot (Université de Montréal)
Senior Greek
- 1st Prize: Martin Sirois (Université de Montréal)
- 2nd Prize: Jonathan Tracy (University of Toronto)
- 3rd Prize: Alexandra Harthel (McGill University)
- 4th Prize: Emmanuel Bourbouhakis (Concordia University)
- 5th Prize: Paul Meyer (University of Toronto)
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