Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary

Bourse d’études et de voyages Frederick et Joan Winter Frederick and Joan Winter Student Travel Bursary (English follows) Bourse d’études et de voyages Frederick et Joan Winter Ancien professeur d’histoire de l’art à l’Université de Toronto, Frederick Winter...

prize of merit call

Call for Nominees for the CAC Prize of Merit 2023 Members of the CAC are reminded of the opportunity to nominate recipients of the annual Prize of Merit. Nominations are to be sent to the Past-President, Bruce Robertson at by the deadline of Feb....

Fantham Call

Announcement of Elaine Fantham Award Call 2023 Members of the CAC are reminded of the opportunity to nominate recipients of the annual Elaine Fantham Award in Public Engagement. Nominations are to be sent to the Past-President, Bruce Robertson at by...

Bursaries for Summer Courses in Greek and Latin

Bursaries for Summer Courses in Greek and Latin at the University of Toronto Summer 2023 The Department of Classics is promoting the study of Ancient Greek and Latin by students from groups currently under-represented in the field (e.g., on the basis of race,...

UToronto Assistant Prof 5yrs

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (Contractually Limited Term Appointment) in Ancient Language Pedagogy, University of Toronto The Department of Classics in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto (St. George Campus, Downtown Toronto) invites...