Brock Cities and Sanctuaries

The Department of Classics and Archaeology at Brock University: CLAS 2P34 Cities and Sanctuaries The Department of Classics and Archaeology at Brock University invites applications to teach CLAS 2P34 Cities and Sanctuaries. This course surveys the cities of the...

UBC Greek AsstProf

2-year Assistant Professor Without Review in Greek History and Language, UBC, Vancouver The Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies, at the University of British Columbia, is seeking applications for a two-year limited-term full-time appointment...

mosaic prize

Call for Nominees for the CAC Mosaic Prize 2023 Mosaic Scholarship This scholarship seeks to encourage and support students from historically underrepresented groups in Canada, such as visible minorities and indigenous populations, in the discipline of Classics. One...

CAC prize of merit

Call for Nominees for the CAC Prize of Merit 2023 Members of the CAC are reminded of the opportunity to nominate recipients of the annual Prize of Merit. Nominations are to be sent to the Past-President, Bruce Robertson at by the deadline of April 7....

CAC Diss Prize

Classical Association of Canada PhD Dissertation Prize The Classical Association of Canada is pleased to announce the sixth competition for the CAC Prize for the Best PhD Dissertation by a member of the CAC/SCEC in Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology, or...

Grad Paper Prize AGM 2023

Graduate Student Presentation Prize / Prix pour la meilleure présentation par un étudiant lors du congrès annuel Graduate Student Presentation Prize For the best paper presented by a graduate student at the Annual Meeting. Further details can be found at...