The Executive and Council

The Executive

Past President (2024-26)
Judith Fletcher
Wilfrid Laurier University
Department of History
Kitchener, ON

President (2024-26)
Frances Pownall

University of Alberta
Department of History & Classics
Edmonton, AB


Vice President (2024-26)
Robert Weir
University of Windsor
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Windsor, ON

Secretary (2020-23)
Christian Raschle
Université de Montréal
Centre d’Études classiques
Montréal, QC

Treasurer (2024-27)
Craig Maynes
University of Calgary
Department of Classics & Religion
Calgary, AB

Journal and Digital Content Editors

Editor, Phoenix
Boris Chrubasik (2022-2025)
University of Toronto Mississauga
Department of Historical Studies
Mississauga, ON

Andrew Faulkner (2024-2028)
University of Waterloo
Department of Classical Studies
Waterloo, ON


Joint Editor, Mouseion
Kathryn Simonsen
Memorial University of NFLD
Department of Classics
St. John’s, NL

Joint Editor, Mouseion
Myles McCallum
Saint Mary’s University
Department of Modern Languages and Classics
Halifax, NS

News Editor
Leah Bernardo-Ciddio

Website Editor
Leah Bernardo-Ciddio

Other Council Members

Bernd Steinbock (2024-2027)
University of Western Ontario
Department of Classical Studies
London, ON

Juliana K. Will (2024-2027)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Department of Classics
St. John’s, NL

Diana Pai (2022-25)
Pre-university representative
St. Clement’s School
Toronto, ON

Carolyn Willekes (2023-26)
Department of General Education
Mount Royal University
Calgary, AB

Émile Caron
Chair of the Graduate Student Caucus
University of Montreal
Department of Education
Montreal, QC

Pierre-Luc Brisson (2022-25)
Université Laval
Département des sciences historiques
Québec, QC

Myles McCallum (2022-25)
St. Mary’s University
Modern Languages and Classics
Halifax, NS

Melanie Racette-Campbell (2022-25)
University of Winnipeg
Department of Classics
Winnipeg, MB

Kenneth Yu (2022-25)
University of Toronto
Department of Classics
Toronto, ON

Anne-France Morand (2023-2026)
Université Laval
Institut d’Études anciennes
Québec, QC

Carolyn MacDonald (2024-2026)

Senior Co-Chair, Women’s Network

University of New Brunswick
Department of Classics and Ancient History
Fredericton, NB

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