Online launch 16 March 2022 free with registration

featuring addresses from the editors and a roundtable discussion with Prof. Gavin Alexander (Cambridge), Prof. Rita Copeland (Penn), Dr Lara Harb (Princeton), Prof. Filippomaria Pontani (Venice), and other discussants to be confirmed shortly!

Sources in Early Poetics publishes primary sources in literary criticism from Greco-Roman antiquity to the Enlightenment. Cutting across established period and disciplinary divides, the series emphasizes both the essential continuity and the inventive range of over two millennia of criticism in the West and its neighbouring traditions. From the Levant to the Americas, from Greek and Latin to Arabic, Hebrew, and the rising vernaculars, Sources in Early Poetics provides a forum for new materials and perspectives in the long, cosmopolitan history of literary thought.

The series publishes editions of single works as well as collections of shorter texts by one or more authors, with facing-page English translations provided for all non-English texts. We also publish English translations of works available in adequate editions elsewhere, but unavailable in authoritative and accessible English renderings. Special attention is given to unpublished, unedited, and untranslated sources, especially those remaining in manuscript.

The series has its origin in Poetics before Modernity, an international project founded by the General Editors in 2016. In addition to sponsoring Sources in Early Poetics and other publications, the project also organizes events and collaborates with affiliated institutions, and is backed by an extensive Advisory Board, featuring some of the most distinguished scholars in the field.

General Editors

Vladimir Brljak (Durham)

Micha Lazarus (Warburg Institute)



Baukje van den Berg (Central European University)

Elsa Bouchard (University of Montreal)

Bryan Brazeau (University of Warwick)

Andrew Kraebel (Trinity University)


Advisory Board

Gavin Alexander (Cambridge), Jan Bloemendal (Huygens), Rita Copeland (Pennsylvania), Anders Cullhed (Stockholm), Pierre Destrée (U catholique de Louvain), Kathy Eden (Columbia), Roland Greene (Stanford), Beatrice Gründler (Freie U Berlin), Stephen Halliwell (St Andrews), Lara Harb (Princeton), Philip Hardie (Cambridge), Bernhard Huss (Freie U Berlin), Ian Johnson (St Andrews), Casper de Jonge (Leiden), Pauline LeVen (Yale), Martin McLaughlin (Oxford), Alastair Minnis (Yale), Glenn W. Most (Chicago/MPWG Berlin), Stratis Papaioannou (Crete), Aglae Pizzone (Southern Denmark), Filippomaria Pontani (Venice), James Porter (UC Berkeley), Panagiotis Roilos (Harvard), Elizabeth Scott-Baumann (KCL), Peter T. Struck (Pennsylvania), María José Vega Ramos (U Autònoma de Barcelona), Zhang Longxi (City U of Hong Kong), Jan Ziolkowski (Harvard)

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