Postdoctoral Associate Position in Roman Provincial Archaeology

We are accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Associate position to work with Dr. Elizabeth Greene and the Vindolanda Archaeological Leather Project (VALP) in the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. The duration of the postdoctoral position will be two years. A PhD is required with a research specialty in Roman provincial archaeology, completed within the past three years (PhD awarded May 2018 or later). The appointment involves full-time scholarship and research at Western in London, Ontario (we will work around Covid–19 restrictions that are in place at the time of appointment start). The ideal candidate will also have research interest and experience in the related subjects of the VALP project as described below.

The successful candidate will work closely with Dr. Elizabeth Greene on the VALP project. This research project has many different facets including documenting and databasing the assemblage of leather objects from Roman Vindolanda, thoroughly analyzing archaeological footwear and leather from many perspectives, and finding new and innovative approaches to the assemblage. The ideal candidate will fulfill at least one of the research goals of the project, which may include: demographic studies, issues surrounding Roman technology and manufacturing, leather technologies, representation of self and others, clothing and dress in the Roman world, or issues surrounding health, movement and mobility from shoes. The successful candidate will be expected to take part in the day-to-day work of the project, which currently includes database building and digital data organization, as well as to work with Dr. Greene and other team members (partners in the UK, Western Graduate Research Assistants, Undergraduate team members) on academic publication and public-facing scholarship like website maintenance, blog entries and public presentations. The successful candidate will be encouraged to discover and pursue their own interests in the VALP project and to publish both independently and cooperatively with Dr. Greene and the research team (details of permissions to work with specific archaeological materials will be discussed during hiring process). The position will also involve travel to the project site at Vindolanda (Hadrian’s Wall in northern England) once travel restrictions allow. Funding for travel from Canada to the project site and expenses while there are included with the position, as is conference and other research travel, as necessary.

The position also includes teaching in the Classical Studies department (one course per year) in Roman Archaeology. The ideal candidate should demonstrate teaching experience and will be ready to discuss potential courses to offer in the department (for current course calendar please see: They should also have excellent writing skills, communication and presentation skills, and some experience with public-facing media.

The University of Western Ontario offers excellent supports to postdoctoral scholars through the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, encouraging mentorship, training, services and social events to ensure success. For more information, see and the Postdoctoral Association at Western

We invite applications from all qualified individuals. Western is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, members of racialized groups/visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression. Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process.

To apply, please submit by April 1st a single PDF document that includes: 1) a cover letter with a brief statement of relevant research/teaching interests and experience; 2) full curriculum vitae; 3) a 1-page statement of how you might contribute to the VALP project; 4) names and contact details (email and telephone) of 3 referees we may contact. Please submit applications and inquiries by email to: Dr. Elizabeth Greene,


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