Canadian Classical Bulletin (interim edition, 8 March 2021)

Canadian Classical Bulletin / Bulletin canadien des Études ancienne

27.04 2021–03–08

Editor / rédacteur: Peter Miller (U. Winnipeg)

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Bruce Robertson (Mount Allison University)
Secretary / Secrétaire: Christian Raschle (Université de Montréal
Treasurer / trésorière: Pauline Ripat (University of Winnipeg)

JOB: Postdoctoral Associate Position in Roman Provincial Archaeology (Western University; application due date: April 1)

Digital Humanities Project Assistant, American School of Classical Studies at Athens (applications accepted until position filled)

CFP: International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (deadline: March 30)

Desmond Conacher Scholarship (due date: April 1)

Notice of Passing: Dr. Robert (Bob) Gold, University of Winnipeg

JOB: 8-month Teaching Term appointment at Memorial University of Newfoundland (application due date: March 15)

New Book by Pierre-Luc Brisson, Histoire de la Rome antique. Une Introduction.

JOB: University of Victoria Sessional Lecturer Positions (2 Positions; applicate due date: 22 March 2021)

New Book by Gerald Schaus

“Whirling Greece,” a series of lectures (online) by Pierre Bonnechère (Université de Montréal)

Applications for the John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours (application due date: 7 May 2021)

4th round of Microgrants for CAC Regular Members (income less than $40,000) and student members

Postdoctoral Associate Position in Roman Provincial Archaeology

We are accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Associate position to work with Dr. Elizabeth Greene and the Vindolanda Archaeological Leather Project (VALP) in the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. The duration of the postdoctoral position will be two years. A PhD is required with a research specialty in Roman provincial archaeology, completed within the past three years (PhD awarded May 2018 or later). The appointment involves full-time scholarship and research at Western in London, Ontario (we will work around Covid–19 restrictions that are in place at the time of appointment start). The ideal candidate will also have research interest and experience in the related subjects of the VALP project as described below.

The successful candidate will work closely with Dr. Elizabeth Greene on the VALP project. This research project has many different facets including documenting and databasing the assemblage of leather objects from Roman Vindolanda, thoroughly analyzing archaeological footwear and leather from many perspectives, and finding new and innovative approaches to the assemblage. The ideal candidate will fulfill at least one of the research goals of the project, which may include: demographic studies, issues surrounding Roman technology and manufacturing, leather technologies, representation of self and others, clothing and dress in the Roman world, or issues surrounding health, movement and mobility from shoes. The successful candidate will be expected to take part in the day-to-day work of the project, which currently includes database building and digital data organization, as well as to work with Dr. Greene and other team members (partners in the UK, Western Graduate Research Assistants, Undergraduate team members) on academic publication and public-facing scholarship like website maintenance, blog entries and public presentations. The successful candidate will be encouraged to discover and pursue their own interests in the VALP project and to publish both independently and cooperatively with Dr. Greene and the research team (details of permissions to work with specific archaeological materials will be discussed during hiring process). The position will also involve travel to the project site at Vindolanda (Hadrian’s Wall in northern England) once travel restrictions allow. Funding for travel from Canada to the project site and expenses while there are included with the position, as is conference and other research travel, as necessary.

The position also includes teaching in the Classical Studies department (one course per year) in Roman Archaeology. The ideal candidate should demonstrate teaching experience and will be ready to discuss potential courses to offer in the department (for current course calendar please see: They should also have excellent writing skills, communication and presentation skills, and some experience with public-facing media.

The University of Western Ontario offers excellent supports to postdoctoral scholars through the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, encouraging mentorship, training, services and social events to ensure success. For more information, see and the Postdoctoral Association at Western

We invite applications from all qualified individuals. Western is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, members of racialized groups/visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression. Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process.

To apply, please submit by April 1st a single PDF document that includes: 1) a cover letter with a brief statement of relevant research/teaching interests and experience; 2) full curriculum vitae; 3) a 1-page statement of how you might contribute to the VALP project; 4) names and contact details (email and telephone) of 3 referees we may contact. Please submit applications and inquiries by email to: Dr. Elizabeth Greene,

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens is seeking a Digital Humanities Project Assistant to work closely with senior staff in Athens to prepare the public release of a program that was originally developed at the excavations of the Athenian Agora for annotating the field notebooks. It is now being adapted and updated for more general use. The Digital Humanities Project Assistant will be responsible for communicating regularly with users of the program, collecting feedback, annotating new collections, producing content for the program’s website, and writing technical documentation. The position is full-time temporary, ending August 31, 2021, with possibility for continuation. Working remotely is possible but working locally at the School in Greece is preferred. Salary commensurate with experience.

Digital Humanities Project Assistant applicants should possess the following:

Bachelor’s degree. Advanced degrees are preferred.
Fluency in English; preferably some reading ability in modern Greek.
Familiarity with archaeological research and terminology.
English technical-writing skills. Expertise in documentation writing, editing, or publishing is preferred.
Demonstrated competence in the use of computer programs. Experience with digital humanities projects, database design, metadata schemas, and scripting languages preferred.
Ability to read cursive handwriting in English quickly and accurately, and ability to type transcriptions from scanned, archival documents.
Good interpersonal skills.
Applications including a letter of intent, a résumé, an English language writing sample, and the names and contact information of at least two references, can be submitted to

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.


The ASCSA is an EEO/AA employer. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.

About the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Founded in 1881, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) is a private research and teaching institution dedicated to the advanced study of all aspects of Greek culture, including literature, history, art, and archaeology from prehistoric times to the present. The School provides graduate students and scholars from North American institutions with a base and resources for research and study, including two libraries with extensive archives (the Gennadius and Blegen) and an archaeological science laboratory (Wiener Laboratory). It carries out excavations directly through its two sites (the Athenian Agora and Ancient Corinth) and also oversees other American archaeological field projects throughout Greece, in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Culture. For more information, consult our website at
CFP: International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

Chères et chers collègues,

Le prochain congrès international d’épigraphie grecque et latine comprendra 20 sections pour accueillir vos propositions de communications. Vous trouverez sur le site du congrès ( la liste de ces sections avec, désormais, une présentation pour chacune d’entre elles.
L’appel à communication est toujours en cours. Vous pouvez envoyer vos propositions de communication selon les règles figurant dans la circulaire ci-jointe, d’ici au 30 mars 2021.

Vous pouvez toujours vous abonner à la liste de diffusion :

En vous présentant nos cordiales salutations,

Au nom du comité d’organisation,
Pierre Fröhlich et Milagros Navarro Caballero

Dear colleagues,

The next International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy will have 20 sections to welcome your proposals for papers. You will find on the congress website ( the list of these sections with, from now on, a description for each of them.
The call for papers is still open. Proposals for papers may be submitted according to the rules set out in the attached circular by 30 March 2021.

You can also subscribe to the mailing list :
Desmond Concacher Scholarship / La Bourse Desmond Conacher

Annual scholarship of $3000 awarded to a young scholar entering graduate school in Classics

Bourse annuelle de $3000 offerte à un jeune étudiant commençant des études de maîtrise en études classiques

Deadline for Application: April 1st (details available on the CAC website)

Date limite: 1er avril (détails sur le site de la SCEC)
Notice of Passing : Dr. Robert (Bob) Gold, University of Winnipeg

Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Dr Robert (Bob) Gold, retired associate professor of Classics and Fellow of United College at the University of Winnipeg. Bob passed away Feb. 24th 2021. He leaves behind, amid much else, a legacy as a much-loved teacher and colleague, and a life’s work that helped solidify the place of Classics at the (then new) University of Winnipeg. Please see the in memoriam page at the University of Winnipeg for more information on Bob’s life and for his obituary in the Winnipeg Free Press:
8-month teaching term position, Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Department of Classics at Memorial University of Newfoundland invites applications for an 8-month Teaching Term appointment to begin September 1, 2021, subject to budgetary approval. The successful applicant will be expected to teach six courses (three per semester), including courses in Latin and/or ancient Greek language and other Greek and Roman studies courses. The final assignment of courses will be determined by the requirements of the department.

The minimum qualification for teaching term appointments is normally a completed doctoral degree in the discipline. In some cases, a master’s degree in the discipline together with appropriate teaching experience may be an acceptable qualification. For more information about the Department of Classics, please visit our website at If you have any questions about the position or application process, please contact Dr. Luke Roman (

Please submit by email a curriculum vitae, evidence of effective teaching, and the names and contact information of three referees to Dr. Luke Roman, Head (, Department of Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. Please note that only electronic submissions will be accepted at this time. Deadline for the receipt of applications is March 15, 2021.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Memorial University is committed to employment equity and diversity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women; people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; Indigenous peoples; visible minorities, and racialized people; and people with disabilities.
New Book by Pierre-Luc-Brisson

New Book by Pierre-Luc Brisson, Histoire de la Rome antique. Une introduction:
University of Victoria Sessional Positions (2 Positions; application due date: 22 March)

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies invites applications for two Sessional Lecturerpositions to teach courses in Latin, Greek, Roman History and other core courses. The courses have been provisionally divided between a lecturer who focuses mainly on Latin and Roman History, and a lecturer who focuses on languages and core courses. The successful applicants will be expected to teach six courses over two semesters. Depending upon the strengths of the successful applicants, there could be some flexibility in course assignments. Applicants should hold a PhD, show potential for success as a university professor, and have demonstrable skill and enthusiasm in teaching a broad range of courses in Classical Studies.

Position #1 Fall 2021

Latin 101 Introductory Latin I

Latin 307 Roman Historians

GRS 342 Roman Daily Life

Spring 2022

Latin 102 Introductory Latin II

GRS 314 Age of Nero

GRS 335 Women in the Greek and Roman World

Position #2

Fall 2021

Latin 101 Introductory Latin I

Greek 201 Advanced Greek Grammar

GRS 200 Greek and Roman Mythology

Spring 2022

Greek 102 Introductory Ancient Greek II

GRS 204 The Ancient World on Film

GRS 250 Greek and Latin Roots of English

Please send (by e-mail) a letter expressing interest in the position. Include evidence of innovative teaching and experience, a complete CV, and a teaching reference to: Ingrid Holmberg, Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies before March 22, 2021. A decision should be made soon after. The University reserves the right to fill additional teaching assignments from the pool of applicants for this posting.

These appointments are within CUPE, local 4163 (Component 3), Sessional Lecturers certification. The University is committed to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion in our living, learning and work environments. In pursuit of our values, we seek members who will work respectfully and constructively with differences and across levels of power. We actively encourage applications from members of groups experiencing barriers to equity. The University’s full equity statement is located at: All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority
New Book by Gerald Schaus

Gerald Schaus has published a new book:
Gerald P. Schaus, Laconian and Chian Fine Ware Pottery at Miletus. Milet V, 4. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Harrasowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden, 2020)
“Whirling Greece,” a series of lectures (online) by Pierre Bonnechère (Université de Montréal)

Please join us for a series of lectures presented by Pierre Bonnechère (Université de Montréal) starting March 12th (2 pm EST)! The topic is “Whirling Greece”. Please see this video for more information:

Please RSVP to Jessica Romney ( for the Zoom link and password. Subsequent presentations in the series are scheduled for March 19, 29 and April 9.

De Jessica Romney, présidente du comité ad hoc sur covid–19

Joignez-vous à nous pour une série de conférences présentées par Pierre Bonnechère (Université de Montréal) sur le thème « Le Tourbillon en Grèce ». Veuillez regarder cette vidéo pour plus d’informations !

La série débute le 12 mars (14h HNE) et continue le 19 mars, le 29 mars, et le 9 avril. Ceux qui veulent se joindre à nous sont priés de RSVP à Jessica Romney ( pour recevoir le lien et mot de passe.
Applications for the John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours (application due: 7 May 2021)

The Classical Association of Canada has established the John Geyssen Subsidy for Lecture Tours to provide assistance for institutions which are hosting speakers on the three CAC lecture tours (Western tour, Central tour, and Atlantic tour). At this time, the CAC solicits applications for funds to support the tours in the Fall of the 2021–2022 academic year. Please fill out the brief application and submit the completed form to Pauline Ripat, Treasurer, Classical Association of Canada ( The deadline for application is May 7, 2021.

La Société canadienne des études classiques a institué les Fonds John Geyssen pour les Tours de conférences pour offrir un soutien financier aux départements ou programmes qui reçoivent un orateur invité dans le cadre de l’un des trois tours de conférences (Tour de l’Ouest, Tour du Centre, Tour Atlantique). Il est temps de soumettre la candidature de votre département ou programme pour obtenir un soutien financier pour les tours en automne de l’année académique 2021–2022. Veuillez s’il vous plaît remplir le bref formulaire et le soumettre à Pauline Ripat, Trésorière, Société canadienne des études classiques ( La date limite pour le soumission est le 7 mai, 2021.
4th round of Microgrants for CAC Regular Members (income less than $40,000) and student members

The CAC is pleased to announce that membership for regular members (with income less than $40,000) is free for 2021. Regular members in this category and student members are eligible to apply to the CAC for microgrants.

We are now inviting applications for the 4th round of microgrants (March 1-April 30). Please see the following link for more information and to find the application form:

La SCEC a le plaisir d’annoncer que l’adhésion pour les membres ordinaires (revenu de moins de 40 000 $) est gratuite en 2021. Ceux qui sont membres ordinaires (revenu de moins de 40 000 $) ou membres étudiants peuvent demander à la SCEC des micro-subventions.

Nous sollicitons maintenant les candidatures pour la troisième série des micro-subventions (du 1er mars au 30 avril). Veuillez voir le lien suivant pour plus d’informations et pour trouver le formulaire :

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