The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
20.04        2013–12–15        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian University)

webpage / page web

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Laurentian University)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
  • Latest issue of Phoenix now available / Dernier fascicule de Phoenix maintenant disponible
  • Annual Meeting, McGill University, Montreal, May 6–9, 2014 (reminder) / Congrès annuel, Université McGill, Montréal, 6–9 mai 2014 (rappel)
  • Women's Network panel: "Women and Competition" (reminder) / Séance du Réseau des femmes: "Les femmes et la compétition" (rappel)
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
  • A word from the Editor / Un mot du rédacteur
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
  • St Thomas Moore College: Assistant Professor in History (Latin Christian Antiquity)
[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications
  • UBC: CFP: “The Time Is Out of Joint”: Disjointed Narratives, Weird Chronologies and Yawning Bridges to the Ancient Past
  • Waterloo: Workshop "Recent Research on Ancient Galatia"
  • Waterloo: Graduate Symposium "Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor"
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
  • CIG: Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship (reminder) / ICG: Bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson (rappel)
  • SCAPAT: Undergraduate Essay Contest (reminder) / SCAPAT: concours de dissertations de premier cycle (rappel)
[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes / Cours d'été et écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés
  • UVic: Field Schools in Greece, Summer 2014
  • Manitoba: MA program: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek Trade
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
  • Optical character recognition of over 600 volumes of ancient Greek

[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société


From/De Michele George

The newest issue of Phoenix (67.1–2) is now available. For the Table of Contents, please click on this link:

Electronic subscribers can read the journal online via JSTOR. CAC members will be asked to renew their memberships at the end of December 2013; at this time, members who have not indicated whether they wish to receive Phoenix in hard copy or electronically should take the opportunity to do so.

CAC members who choose the electronic option via JSTOR will be provided with a user ID and password to the JSTOR site. JSTOR also allows subscribers to set up an RSS feed and to receive email alerts when new issues of the journal are available.

N.B. Life members of the CAC do not receive a membership renewal reminder, so we ask that they take a moment to log in to their accounts and indicate their preferred method for receiving Phoenix. This can be done through the CAC webpage or on this website:

For all inquiries, please contact the Phoenix office at

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Le dernier numéro de Phoenix (67,1–2) est maintenant disponible. Pour consulter la table des matières, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien :

Ceux qui ont souscrit à un abonnement électronique peuvent lire la revue en ligne via JSTOR. Les membres de la SCEC seront invités à renouveler leur adhésion à la fin décembre 2013 ; les membres qui n'ont pas encore indiqué s'ils souhaitaient recevoir Phoenix en version papier ou par voie électronique devraient saisir cette occasion pour nous communiquer leur préférence.

Les membres de la SCEC qui choisissent l'option électronique via JSTOR recevront un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe pour le site JSTOR. JSTOR permet également aux abonnés de mettre en place un flux RSS et ainsi de recevoir des alertes e-mail quand de nouveaux numéros de la revue sont disponibles.

N.B. Puisque les membres à vie de la SCEC ne reçoivent pas de rappel de renouvellement d'adhésion, nous leur demandons de prendre un moment pour se connecter à leur compte et indiquer la version (papier ou électronique) qu'ils souhaitent désormais recevoir. Il suffit pour cela d'aller sur cette page :

Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau de Phoenix à l'adresse suivante :


From Hans Beck

The Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada (CAC) will be held at McGill University in Montreal, May 6 to 9, 2014. The program committee is inviting proposals for paper presentations. In addition to submissions from individual speakers, we solicit proposals for panels from research networks and sponsored research teams that wish to present their collaborative work. Proposals from graduate students (PhD) should include a supporting letter from their supervisor.

Proposals should be sent to the chair of the program committee at, indicating the following reference in the subject line: Paper Proposal, Name (or: Panel Proposal, Name of the responsible panel contact). The submission deadline for proposals is January 15, 2014. In an ongoing effort to ensure a high quality of contributions, all submissions will undergo the process of double blind review.

Nota bene: The CAC conference will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians (AAH), which will run in part in parallel with the CAC, from May 8 to 11. A joint keynote address is scheduled for May 8, 2014.

[Editor's note: The web page for the Annual Meeting on the Department's website will be found here. A page for the 2014 AGM was created on the CAC website as well. See below the Women's Network CfP for a panel on "Women and Competition".]

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Le congrès annuel de la Société canadienne des études classiques (SCÉC) aura lieu à l'Université McGill, à Montréal, du 6 au 9 mai 2014. Le comité responsable de l'organisation lance un appel à communications. En plus des soumissions pour des présentations individuelles, nous sollicitons aussi des suggestions de séances de la part de groupes de recherche commandités qui souhaiteraient présenter le fruit de leur travail collectif. Les soumissions provenant de candidat(e)s au doctorat doivent inclure une lettre d'approbation de la part du directeur ou de la directrice de recherche.

Les soumissions peuvent être envoyées au directeur du comité d'organisation à l'adresse suivante : Veuillez inclure les informations suivantes dans le titre de votre message : Titre de la présentation, Nom (ou : titre de la séance, Nom de la personne responsable pour la séance). La date limite de soumission est le 15 janvier 2014. Dans le but d'assurer la qualité des présentations, toutes les propositions seront soumises à une double évaluation anonyme.

Nota bene : Le congrès de la SCEC aura lieu conjointement avec celui de l'Association of Ancient Historians (AAH) qui se déroulera en partie en même temps, soit du 8 au 11 mai. Un discours d'ouverture pour les deux conférences est prévu le 8 mai 2014.

[NDLR: Pour accéder à la page web du congrès annuel sur le site du département, suivez ce lien. Une page dédiée au congrès a aussi été créée sur le site de la SCÉC. Voir ci-dessous l'appel à communications du Réseau des femmes de la SCÉC pour une séance sur "Les femmes et la compétition".]


From Judith Fletcher

The Women's Network/Réseau des Femmes of the CAC/SCÉC invites submissions for this year's panel themed "Women and Competition". We invite submissions (maximum 15 minutes) that explore a variety of interdisciplinary topics related to women and competition in the ancient Mediterranean world. Specifically, we are interested in the different ways in which women compete, formally or informally, with other women and/or with men. Contributors may examine, but are not limited to, such topics as: athletics, dramatic performances, spectacles, domestic life, adornment, physical competition, or visual displays (funerary monument, sanctuary votives). We also welcome papers that address gendered competition more broadly, or physical spaces which are gendered (temporarily or permanently) by competition.

Please submit abstracts of 300 words (with relevant bibliography) by January 15 2014 directly to Allison Surtees ( and indicate that the abstract is for the Women's Network/Réseau des Femmes. Further enquiries can be directed to Lisa Trentin ( or Allison Surtees (

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From Judith Fletcher

Le Réseau des Femmes/Women's Network du SCÉC/CAC lance un appel à contributions pour la séance de cette année sur le thème "Les dans la Santé et la Médecine". Nous invitons les œuvres (15 minutes maximum) qui explorent une variété de sujets interdisciplinaires liés à les femmes et la compétition dans le monde méditerranéen antique. Plus précisément, nous intéressons aux différentes manières dont les femmes sont en concurrence, officiellement ou officieusement, avec d'autres femmes et/ou avec des hommes. Les contributeurs peuvent examiner, mais ne sont pas limités à, des sujets tels que: l'athlétisme, représentations théâtrales, spectacles, vie domestique, les parures, la concurrence physique, ou des étalages visuels (monument funéraire, votives sanctuaire). Nous félicitons également des œuvres qui traitent de la concurrence sexiste de manière plus générale, ou des espaces physiques qui sont sexuées (temporairement ou définitivement) par la concurrence. Faire parvenir votre résumé de 300 mots, accompagné d'une bibliographie, à Allison Surtees ( au plus tard le 15 janvier 2014. Pour tout complément d'information ou question éventuelle nous vous prions de contacter Lisa Trentin ( ou Allison Surtees (

[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA

In case you didn't know, you can access earlier issues of the CCB on this page. The November issue (20.03.0) contains a number of announcements of interest to graduate students (conferences, field schools, etc.) whose deadline have not yet passed.

You are a member of the CAC and have published a book recently? Please send me the link to it on the publisher's website; I'll add it to the next issue of the Bulletin.

[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler


From Sharon Wright

I wish to point out to members of the Canadian Classics community the following job posting:

Assistant Professor, History (Latin Christian Antiquity).

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor (tenure track).

Review of Applications: January 10, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants are to forward their application materials to: Dr. Sharon Wright, Acting Head, Department of History, St Thomas More College, 1437 College Drive, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0W6. Email:

Starting Date: July 1, 2014.

Particulars of the Position: This is a tenure stream position in the area of Latin Christian Antiquity. The successful candidate will have a completed PhD in a relevant area of study at the time of appointment. Possessing a broad background in the Catholic intellectual tradition and an advanced knowledge of Latin, the successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to STM’s Minor in Catholic Studies and the Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies program. An advanced knowledge of Latin will enable the incumbent to direct graduate theses involving projects from the classical to the renaissance period, and allow for possible teaching of undergraduate courses in Latin, Classical Mythology, and Roman Civilization in addition to courses related to Christian Antiquity. Knowledge of palaeography and of Greek would be an asset.

Starting Salary: $86,844 and up. STM also provides a comprehensive benefits plan for faculty.

STM is committed to high-quality teaching and research. Successful candidates will be expected to contribute to one or more of STM’s interdisciplinary programs (Catholic Studies; Critical Perspectives on Social Justice and the Common Good; Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Jewish and Christian Origins; Ukrainian Studies) according to his/her interest or requirements of the position. Candidates will be expected to develop an active, externally funded program of research, and to participate in collaborative research in an interdisciplinary environment.

Applicants must send a letter describing qualifications, a curriculum vitae, letters of reference from three referees, and transcripts, as well as a sample of academic writing. The successful candidate will be expected to supply a teaching dossier (e.g. teaching philosophy, peer and student evaluations of courses taught, sample syllabi, and other materials as appropriate).

ST. THOMAS MORE COLLEGE (STM) is the Catholic liberal arts college federated with the University of Saskatchewan. In our mission statement, we affirm that “through our teaching we are devoted to a partnership of learning and growth with our students which addresses the synthesis of faith and reason in all aspects of the human condition. The creative discovery of truth and its open dissemination nourishes our life as teachers and members of the wider academic and Catholic intellectual community.”

Departments at STM collaborate with University of Saskatchewan departments in offering undergraduate and graduate programs in the humanities and social sciences.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. STM is committed to diversity within its faculty. Women, Aboriginal people, people with disabilities, visible minorities and members of other designated groups are encouraged to self-identify on their application. Additional information on STM College and the University of Saskatchewan is available on (the STM website).

This appointment is subject to the availability of funds.

[4] Conferences & Lectures; Calls for Papers / Conférences; appels à communications


From Andrei Mihailiuk

The Department of Classical, Near-Eastern and Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia is pleased to present the 2014 Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. The conference will be held in Thea’s Lounge in the GSS on May 2nd and 3rd, 2014, with a keynote address by Dr. Giovanna Ceserani on Friday night.

What happens in that eternity between when an ancient work is first penned, chipped, painted or performed, and when it finally reaches our 21st century eyes? Time has a curious way of speeding up, slowing down, repeating itself or stopping altogether. In what ways is time twisted to the author’s devices in ancient literature, the performing arts and the visual arts? Chronology is an essential component to archaeological inquiry. What are some of the new dating techniques being employed in the field? Or, to go back a step, how much faith can we put in the chronologies of the past that modern scholars work with?

Papers may address, among other things, time’s relation to:

  • Art and architecture, and its reception
  • Literature, be it fictional, historical or philosophical
  • Religious scripture and ceremony
  • Archaeological theory, methodology and chronology

Those interested should please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words by Friday, January 17, 2014. Please include your name, institution, degree, specialization and contact info, as well as any A/V equipment you may require. Presentations should be no more than 15-20 minutes in length. All faculties and disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Please send submissions and any further questions to

MARCH 13–14, 2014

From Altay Coşkun

After David Magie's Roman Asia Minor (1950), Stephen Mitchell's magisterial Anatolia (1993) represented the first major historical synthesis of central Asia Minor in Hellenistic and Roman times, especially of Galatia and its adjacent territories. This landmark publication spurred further studies to a degree that the topical lamentation about the neglect of Galatia by Archaeologists, Epigraphists and Historians is now out-fashioned. On the contrary, in a survey article published in Anatolica (39, 2013, 169-195), I have tried to make the wealth of the diverse and dispersed scholarship of some 250 recent publications more accessible, thereby attempting a preliminary synthesis, identifying current trends, showcasing ongoing research and discussing some of the still most controversial questions. The upcoming workshop is designed to foster the dialogue among colleagues from all relevant disciplines with a sustained interest in Galatia, in order to share, compare, and contextualize most recent research results. Topics will include:

  • the (de-)construction of the image and ethnicity of Galatians (Konstantin Boshnakov, Toronto; Oleg Gabelko, Moscow; Thomas Nelson, Oxford; Ryan Walsh, Hamilton ON);
  • temple state and city of Pessinous (Angelo Verlinde, Ghent; Gocha Tsetskhladze, Melbourne [not yet confirmed]);
  • history of the cults of Cybele and the Roman Emperors (Edward Dandrow, Orlando FL; Altay Coskun, Waterloo ON);
  • urbanization (Shannan Stewart, Illinois [not yet confirmed]; Christian Wallner, Graz);
  • Roman provincial rule (Mustafa Adak, Antalya).

Paper presentations will be 25 mins long, followed by discussions of ca. 30 mins. The proceedings are planned to be published in the series Colloquia Antiqua, ed. by Gocha Tsetskhladze, Leuven: Peeters.

A few further paper proposals will be warmly welcomed. Please, send abstracts of ca. 250 words and short CVs to by Friday, January 17, 2014. Advanced students may want to have their application endorsed by a short email by their supervisor. A limited number of colleagues and students who cannot present this time, but are planning to start or resume research on Anatolia in the future will be likewise welcome, though registration is required. There will be no conference fee, and we hope to be able to cover the costs for accommodation and meals for those who will present.

MAY 1–2, 2014

From Altay Coşkun

The Department of Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo is pleased to announce a graduate symposium on "Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor" (Thursday May 1 to Friday May 2, 2014).

Lying at the crossroads between the western and eastern worlds, Asia Minor witnessed both the transfer of imperial power and the establishment of political and social influence between peoples and empires throughout the history of the ancient world (and beyond). From the campaigns of Alexander to the dominance of the Roman Empire, the region saw the migration of new populations, the settlement of colonies, and the conduct of military campaigns. As such, the development of culture and empire within this geographic and temporal framework will serve as the broad operative concept for our symposium, and we welcome papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Governance and Policy
  • Military Engagement and Organization
  • Social Organization and Development
  • Settlement Practices and Colonization
  • Art and Cultural Development
  • Multicultural Interaction
  • Hellenistic/Roman Asia Minor in Literature

We extend this invitation to both MA and PhD students, but would also consider applications from exceptionally qualified undergraduate students. Submissions should be suitable for a 20 minute presentation.

Please send abstracts to Del John Houle (, Brett Bartlett ( or Tanner Rudnick ( with "Symposium on Asia Minor" as the subject. Submissions are expected to include your name, level of study, institution, and contact information; in the case of undergraduate students, an email of endorsement by your supervisor should be added. While travel expenses cannot be covered, we shall provide catering and private accommodation for presenters. Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any question you may have. Enquiries may also be directed to Dr. Altay Coskun (

Submissions are due by February 14, and notifications will be sent by March 1.

[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours


From/De Gerry Schaus

(Le français suit l'anglais)

The Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG) invites applications for the Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship to be held at the Institute in Athens from 1 September 2014 to 31 May 2015.

The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, pursuing graduate or post-doctoral studies, and have a clear need to work in Greece.

The Fellow will spend at least nine months resident in Athens and, in addition to his or her studies, will provide ten hours of assistance weekly at the Canadian Institute in Greece in the office or library, as well as assisting at the public functions of CIG. Some previous experience in Greece and some knowledge of Modern Greek is an asset, although not a requirement.

The Fellow’s research focus may be any aspect of Hellenic studies, from ancient to mediaeval, and in any academic discipline.

In any subsequent publication of the research work done under the auspices of this fellowship, the recipient will acknowledge both the Canadian Institute in Greece and the Homer and Dorothy Thompson Fellowship.

The Fellow will receive a stipend of C$8,000 and free accommodation in the CIG hostel for the nine-month period of the fellowship (1 September to 31 May).

To apply, write to Dr Sheila Campbell ( by 1 March 2014, including a curriculum vitae and an outline of the proposed research. Please provide the names and e-mail addresses of three referees who are willing to support your application.

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L’Institut canadien en Grèce (ICG) lance un appel à candidatures pour la bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson qui sera offerte pour un séjour de neuf mois à Athènes du 1er septembre 2014 au 31 mai 2015.

Les candidats à la bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson doivent être citoyens canadiens ou immigrants reçus, être inscrits dans un programme d’études doctorales ou postdoctorales et doivent démontrer un besoin manifeste de séjourner en Grèce pour approfondir leurs études.

Outre ses obligations en recherche, le candidat devra séjourner neuf mois à Athènes où il secondera, à raison de 10 heures par semaine, le directeur adjoint dans diverses tâches administratives et bibliothécaires en plus de participer à l’organisation des événements publics présentés à l’ICG. La connaissance du pays et de la langue sera considérée comme un atout pour les candidats, bien que facultative.

La thématique de recherche du récipiendaire doit porter sur le monde hellénique, de l'antiquité à l'époque médiévale, peu importe la discipline.

Le bénéficiaire aura l’obligation, dans toute publication ultérieure aux travaux de recherche menés sous les auspices de la bourse, de souligner le soutien de l'Institut canadien en Grèce et de la bourse Homer et Dorothy Thompson pour la complétion de ses travaux.

Le récipiendaire de la bourse se verra remettre une allocation de 8000 $ CAD et un logement gratuit à l’hôtellerie de l’ICG pour l’entière durée de la bourse (1er septembre au 31 mai).

Pour déposer votre dossier de candidature, veuillez contacter la Professeure Sheila Campbell ( le 1er mars 2014 au plus tard. Les dossiers doivent comprendre un curriculum vitae, un plan détaillé du projet d’études en Grèce, et les noms et courriels de trois professeurs souhaitant appuyer votre démarche.


From/De Conor Whately

(English text follows)

La Section canadienne de l'Association pour l'Antiquité tardive est heureuse d'annoncer le lancement d'un concours annuel de dissertations de niveau 1er cycle portant sur n'importe quel thème relatif au monde méditerranéen entre 200 et 650 après J.-C. Les dissertations, soit en français ou en anglais, doivent être d'une université canadienne, mais il n'est pas nécessaire qu'ells soient rédigées dans un cours portant sur l'Antiquité tardive, ni que les participants soient inscrits dans un programme spécifique (archéologie, histoire de l'art, études classiques, histoire, etc.). Un prix de 150$ sera attribué au gagnant. La dissertation devra être soumise par courrier électronique (à partir d'une adresse courriel universitaire), soit par l'étudiant ou par le professeur au nom de l'étudiant. Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, l'étudiant devra avoir l'approbation du professeur. Les documents doivent être envoyés en format pdf à M. Conor Whately, professeur à l'Université de Winnipeg:

La dissertation ne devra contenir aucune information permettant d’identifier l’auteur. Le nom de l’étudiant, son courriel, son institution et le titre de la dissertation seront fournis dans un document séparé, aussi envoyé par courrier électronique. Si la dissertation est soumise par un professeur, le nom et le courriel de l’étudiant doivent être inclus.

Les dissertations doivent être soumises telles qu’elles ont été présentées dans le cadre du cours, sans révision ou corrections, à l’exception des fautes typographiques. Les textes doivent compter 15-22 pages (incluant la bibliographie) à double interligne. Les étudiants ne peuvent soumettre qu’une seule dissertation par année.

Les travaux seront jugés à la fois sur la forme et sur le contenu. La dissertation sélectionnée devra être bien écrite, structurée de façon claire, exempte d’erreurs grammaticales ou syntaxiques ; en outre, le gagnant du concours devra avoir fait preuve d’un bon usage des sources pertinentes dans la rédaction de la dissertation. De plus celle-ci traitera le sujet de façon rigoureuse et présentera idéalement un caractère innovateur. La date limite du concours est le 30 avril 2014. Le gagnant sera avisé en juillet (2014) et annoncé dans le prochain bulletin de la SCAPAT.

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The Canadian section of the Association pour l’Antiquité Tardive (Association for Late Antiquity) is pleased to announce the launch of an annual prize for the best undergraduate essay, in English or French, on any theme on the Mediterranean world in Late Antiquity between A.D. 200 and 650 at Canadian universities. Applicants do not need to be a major in a pertinent discipline (Archaeology, Art History, Classics, History, etc.) to submit their work. Furthermore, the course for which the essay was written need not be focused specifically on Late Antiquity. The prize for the winner will be $150. Essays should be submitted electronically (from a university e-mail address) by either the student or the instructor on the student’s behalf. In either case, the student should have the instructor’s endorsement. They should be sent in pdf format to Dr. Conor Whately of the University of Winnipeg:

There should be no indication of the student’s identity on the essay document itself. Instead, the required information should be provided on a separate document (also sent electronically) that indicates the student’s name, email address, university affiliation, and the title of the paper. If the essay is being submitted by an instructor the name and email address of the applicant should be included.

The essay should be submitted as it was written for its course without revisions, with the exception of typographical corrections. It should be 15-22 pages in length (including bibliography) and double-spaced. Students may submit only one essay per year.

The judging is based on both the essay’s content and its form: the winning essay must be well written, clearly organized and free from errors of grammar and syntax; and the contest winner will have made good use of the pertinent sources, have covered their chosen subject thoroughly, and ideally have provided new insights on their chosen topic. The deadline for submitting material to the competition is April 30th, 2014. The winner will be notified in July (2014) and will be announced in a subsequent SCAPAT newsletter.

[6] Summer Study, Field Schools, Special Programmes /
Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, programmes spécialisés


From Brendan Burke

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Victoria is accepting applications to two field schools in Greece during Summer 2014. Both programs are directed by Dr. Brendan Burke ( Colleagues are requested to let their students know about the following:

  • UVic in Greece (GRS 395, 3.0 Units) is a 4-week travel study-tour throughout Greece, running from May 1-26. Program fee is $3700 for ground/sea transportation, hotel accommodation, and breakfasts. Highlights of the program will include visits to the Mycenaean Argolid, Crete, Boeotia, Thessaloniki, Epirus and Athens.  More information can be found here:
  • GRS 495 (3.0 Units) is an Archaeological Field School at the site of ancient Eleon in eastern Boeotia from June 2nd-July 12th. Student volunteers will participate in all aspects of archaeological fieldwork, learning stratigraphic excavation techniques, artifact analysis, and principles of conservation. Students must be in good physical condition and be able to participate in all aspects of the fieldwork. All participants are asked to pay a $2000 program fee which will go toward room and board for six weeks. The excavation team lives in modest, shared apartments in the nearby town of Dilesi, which offers swimming in the Euboean Gulf, internet access, and public transportation to Athens, approximately 2 hours away. More information can be found here:

Students can get transfer credits of up to 6.0 units at their home institution (equivalent to 4 regular semester-long courses at UVic) by participating in both programs. Neither program fee includes airfare or UVic tuition. For more information on either program, please contact Brendan Burke (


From Mark Lawall

As part of a research program on transport amphoras found at three major sites of ancient commerce, Athens, Corinth and Ephesos, I am soliciting applications for up to two MA students to start September 2014. The research program focuses on publication of amphora material from these three sites as well as others, and aims both to advance understanding of amphora typologies and chronologies and to explore the implications of the material for economic histories of Archaic through Hellenistic Greece.

The MA program in Classics at the University of Manitoba is a two-year degree with 12 credit hours of required coursework (and an option for another 12 hours) and a thesis.

Preference will be given to applicants who will complete a four-year BA with at least two semesters each of both Greek and Latin, and at least a further two semesters in one of the two languages; a solid background in Classical Archaeology; and preferably some experience on excavations. Interested students with backgrounds combining some experience in Classical Studies with either Economics (especially economic history) or Anthropology (archaeology and/or economic anthropology) could be considered in the framework of the University of Manitoba’s Independent Interdisciplinary MA program. Other research programs in the department, which may be complementary to applicants’ research interests, include the art and archaeology of the Roman Empire (especially Tunisian archaeology and sculpture in Late Antiquity), Greek tragedy, papyrology, ancient philosophy, Greek and Latin epic, and Greek and Roman historiography.

Thesis topics will be closely related to the overall research program whether in terms of typological/chronological studies of amphoras or the application of relevant archaeological, historical or literary/subliterary evidence to issues of economic history.

Selected students will receive a stipend of CDN$ 15,000 per year for each of the two years. The research program also includes summer travel funding as well as conference travel funds for MA students (in addition to the stipend noted above).

Please make this opportunity known to promising advanced undergraduate students. This call for applications is not limited to Canadians or Canadian residents, but the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba does require a minimum period of residency in Winnipeg completing coursework and other program requirements.

Interested students should contact me directly ahead of the formal application:; applications will start to be reviewed after January 15 2014, but submissions will be accepted past that date as well (though the likelihood of the positions having already been filled will only increase).

[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)


From Bruce Robertson

Bruce Robertson at Mount Allison University has performed high-quality optical character recognition on over 600 volumes of ancient Greek in collaboration with Federico Boschetti of the CNR, Pisa. Page images with corresponding OCR output and freely downloadable archives of all stages of processing are available at the project website: 

Complete or near-complete series include the volumes in Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, Cramer's Catena Graecorum Patrum, and Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Handbook series of biblical commentaries.

The collection also comprises many collections of fragments, papyri, etc., such as Kock, T. Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta 3, Koerte's fragments of Metrodorus of Lampsacus and Diels' original Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker

There are important Canadian elements to this effort: it was made possible through a specially allocated High Performance Computing environment from Compute Canada; and most of the excellent page images needed to start this process were produced at the University of Toronto through a collaboration with


Next regular issue   2014–01–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2014–01–15

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Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). The editor typically does not allow attachments; provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). En général le rédacteur ne permet pas les pièces jointes; insérez les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.