The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
19.03 2012–11–17 ISSN 1198-9149
Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian University)
webpage / page web
Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques
President / président: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Laurentian University)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)
Contents / Sommaire
[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
Winnipeg, Manitoba, 14—16 May 2013
Winnipeg, Manitoba, du 14 au 16 mai 2013
From / de: James Chlup
(le français suit l'anglais)
Every year, the Classical Association of Canada holds a conference gathering some 150 researchers from all areas of Classical Studies. In 2013, the Departments of Classics at the Universities of Manitoba and Winnipeg have the honour of hosting the meeting at University College, the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The keynote address will be delivered by Professor Erich Gruen of the University of California Berkeley, on the evening of 15 May in the Great Hall, University College, the University of Manitoba. Please note that the closing date for abstract submissions is Thursday, 31 January 2013, and that you must be a CAC member in good standing to present a paper. To join the Association, please follow this link.
Call for Papers: General information: The CAC's 2013 Annual Meeting will take place from Tuesday, 14 May to Thursday, 16 May, 2013. Registration material and related information will be posted on the conference website (see above) as it becomes available, as will all other conference information regarding programme, accommodations, banquet, etc.
Paper Proposals: Scholarly contributions in all areas of Classical Studies are welcomed. Presentations must not exceed twenty (20) minutes, so as to allow for discussion following each paper. Proposals and abstracts should be submitted electronically to Dr. James T. Chlup at: The deadline for receipt is Thursday, 31 January 2013. Please note that there is a template for abstracts: each abstract must be between 350-500 words and include relevant bibliography. A graduate student who wishes to propose a paper are strongly encouraged to consult with his or her supervisor or other appropriate faculty member before submitting an abstract. In addition, the CAC Council has mandated that a student who wishes to present at the CAC must include a letter of support from his or her supervisor or other appropriate faculty member, allowing him or her to do so. All abstracts will be judged anonymously. Please do not identify yourself in any way in the abstract itself.
Panel Submissions: There is one CAC sponsored panel. You must be a CAC member in good standing to present at this panel. To join the Association, please follow this link.
1. Women's Network panel: Gendered Bodies in Health and Medicine
The Women's Network/Réseau des Femmes of the CAC/SCÉC invites submissions for this year's panel themed "Gendered Bodies in Health and Medicine". We invite submissions that explore a variety of interdisciplinary topics related to health, medicine and the body as they interact with gender in the ancient Mediterranean world. Specifically, we are interested in the differentiation between women's health and men's health and the medical, scientific, and intertwined socio-cultural approaches toward the fe/male body. Contributors may examine, but are not limited to, such topics as: Hippocratic gynaecology, the reproductive health of gendered bodies, gender specific illness and disease, and, more generally, men's views on the female body. We also welcome submissions that explore themes of reception, specifically the classical origins of attitudes (and/or stereotypes) towards the female body in health and medicine of the Renaissance and beyond.
Please submit abstracts of 350-500 words (with relevant bibliography) by Thursday, 31 January 2013 directly to Dr. James T. Chlup ( and indicate that the abstract is for the Women's Network/Réseau des Femmes. Further enquiries can be directed to Judith Fletcher ( or Lisa Trentin (
2. In addition to this sponsored panel and regular papers, scholars can propose specific panel sessions around a topic (e.g., specific research topics or teaching and professional issues). A panel must normally be limited to a maximum of four individual papers. Proposals for these should be submitted to Dr. James T. Chlup ( by Thursday, 31 January 2013, and should include a session title, statement of purpose (maximum 200 words), names of participants, and the individual 300-500 word abstracts (with relevant bibliography) for all the papers in the proposed panel. Again, you must be a CAC member in good standing to present on any panel. To join the Association, please follow this link.
Please send enquiries via email to Dr. James T. Chlup ( using the subject line "CAC-SCEC question" or by mail to: James Chlup, Department of Classics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2M8.
Conference website:
Department of Classics, University of Manitoba:
Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg:
Winnipeg Tourism: ::::::: ::::: ::: : ::: ::::: ::::::: :::::::::
La Société canadienne des études classiques organise annuellement un congrès d’envergure, réunissant quelque cent cinquante chercheurs et chercheuses de la communauté scientifique œuvrant dans le domaine des études anciennes et classiques. Cette année, les départements d'études classiques à l’Université de Manitoba et à l’Université de Winnipeg ont l'honneur d’accueillir ce congrès, à University College, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. La Conférence d'ouverture sera prononcée, le 15 mai en soirée, par M. Erich Gruen, professeur de l’Université de Californie à Berkeley, dans le Great Hall, University College. Veuillez noter que la date limite pour soumettre une communication est le jeudi, 31 janvier 2013. Pour cela, vous devez être membre en règle de la Société. Pour y adhérer, veuillez suivre ce lien.
Appel à communications: Information générale: Le Congrès annuel 2013 de la SCEC se tiendra du mardi 14 mai au jeudi 16 mai. Le matériel nécessaire ainsi que toutes les informations sur le congrès seront publiés sur le site web (voir ci-dessus) au fur et à mesure qu’ils seront disponibles.
Proposition de communication: Les propositions de communication portant sur tous les domaines des études classiques sont les bienvenues. Chaque présentation doit être d’une durée maximale de vingt (20) minutes afin de permettre une discussion suivant chaque communication. La date limite pour la soumission des résumés est le jeudi, 31 janvier 2013. Les propositions et les résumés doivent être soumis électroniquement à M. James Chlup, professeur: (, suivant un modèle préétabli : chaque résumé comptera entre 300-500 mots et comportera une bibliographie pertinente. Nous encourageons fortement les étudiants et étudiantes de maîtrise ou de doctorat qui désirent participer à consulter leur directeur/directrice ou un(e) professeur(e) de leur programme d’études avant de soumettre un résumé. En outre, le Conseil a exigé que les étudiants désireux de présenter à la SCEC doivent inclure une lettre d'appui de leur superviseur(e) ou d'un autre membre du corps professoral approprié, leur permettant de le faire. Tous les résumés seront jugés de manière anonyme. S'il vous plaît, ne vous identifiez pas de quelque façon que ce soit dans le résumé lui-même.
Proposition de séance: Il y aura une séance parrainée par la SCEC. Pour participer, vous devez être membre en règle de la Société. Pour adhérer à celle-ci, veuillez suivre ce lien.
1. Séance du Réseau des Femmes: Les corps genrés dans la Santé et la Médecine
Le Réseau des Femmes/Women’s Network du SCÉC/CAC lance un appel à contributions pour la séance de cette année sur le thème “Les corps genrés dans la Santé et la Médecine”. Nous invitons les œuvres qui explorent une variété de sujets interdisciplinaires liés à la santé, la médecine et le corps comme ils interagissent avec les sexes dans le monde méditerranéen antique. Plus précisément, nous intéressons à la différenciation entre la santé des femmes et la santé des hommes et des médicaux, scientifiques et socio-culturels liés approches vers le corps féminin/ masculine. Les contributeurs peuvent examiner, mais ne sont pas limités à, des sujets tels que: Hippocrate gynécologie, la santé reproductive des organes sexués, les maladies spécifiques au genre et la maladie, et, plus généralement, les vues des hommes sur le corps féminin. Nous félicitons également des œuvres qui explorent les thèmes de la réception, en particulier les origines classiques de l'attitude (et / ou stéréotypes) vers le corps de la femme en matière de santé et de la médecine de la Renaissance et au-delà.
Faire parvenir votre résumé de 350-500 mots, accompagné d’une bibliographie, à M. James T. Chlup, professeur (, au plus tard le jeudi, 31 janvier 2013. Pour tout complément d’information ou question éventuelle nous vous prions de contacter Judith Fletcher ( ou Lisa Trentin (
2. En plus de ces séances parrainées et des communications régulières, les spécialistes de tout domaine des études classiques sont invités à proposer des séances reliées à un sujet spécifique (thème de recherche précis, questions de didactique ou sujets professionnels). Une séance de ce type doit se limiter à un maximum de quatre communications. Les propositions de telles séances doivent être soumises à M. James T. Chlup, professeur (, au plus tard le jeudi 31 janvier 2013. Elles doivent inclure un titre de séance, une brève explication de son objectif (maximum 200 mots), les noms de tous les participants/participantes et leurs résumés de communication de 300-500 mots respectifs, accompagné d’une bibliographie. Pour participer, vous devez être membre en règle de la Société. Pour adhérer à celle-ci, veuillez suivre ce lien.
Toute question supplémentaire concernant cet appel à communications peut être soumise par courriel à James T. Chlup ( avec comme entête «sujet» : «CAC-SCEC question» ou par la poste à : James T. Chlup, Department of Classics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2M8.
Site web du congrès:
Département d’Études Anciennes, l’Université de Manitoba:
Département d’Études Anciennes, l’Université de Winnipeg:
Winnipeg Tourism:
From: John Serrati
I am presently working to update Association's Archives and to fill in some very large gaps in our records. The Archives are excellent for the years 1947-1984 and 2001-present, incomplete for 1985-1986 and 1995-2000, and non-existent for 1987-1994. I would therefore be grateful if CCB readers who were CAC members at the time, could look through their records to for documents pertaining to the years 1985-2000. Please forward anything and everything you find pertaining to the CAC. Even if it is from before 1985, I would be interested. You may scan documents and send them to me at, or post them to:
Prof. J. Serrati
McGill University
Dept of History and Classical Studies
855 Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2T7
If you have a large amount of material and/or are worried about postage costs, then please get in touch.
Additionally, I have an archival mystery on my hands that I am wondering if CCB readers can solve. A woman named 'J.W. Scrivin' served as Secretary of the Association in 1953, yet this person is otherwise unknown. The Archived Minutes from 1953 make clear her gender but nothing more. No first name or academic affiliation are mentioned in her signatures or in any of the Minutes. She does not appear on the 'official' list of Officers of the Association in the Secretary's Archive, but does feature in a handwritten list of Secretaries at the end of the first volume of Minutes (1947-1960). Those who served as acting secretaries, even for more than one meeting, do not appear on this list. Moreover, acting secretaries consistently sign the Minutes as such during these years, whereas J.W. Scrivin always signed as 'Secretary'. Therefore, it would appear that she was a full member of the Executive. The Report of the Nominating Committee for 1953, uncharacteristically, does not feature the names of the newly elected officers. I have searched the Mary White Archive, which holds a great deal of material from these years, but this yielded no further clues. I would be grateful if anyone could help with this mystery so that J.W. Scrivin could receive her proper place on the fasti of the Officers of the Association.
John Serrati
McGill University
From: Bonnie MacLachlan
There were 57 entries this year, 17 in the Junior category and 40 in the Senior category. Two were submitted in French (by the same person). The winners for 2012 are as follows:
Junior category
1st prize — Kris Toohy (Concordia) "The Choice of Abstraction over Reality in Byzantine Art"
2nd prize — Eric Tincombe (Brock) "Mos Barbarorum: Tacitus' Portrayal of the Britons in Agricola and Annals"
3rd prize — Brendan Palangio (McMaster) " 'Books from the Ships' and Editors of Homer: The Library of Alexandria and Ptolemaic Cultural Hegemony"
Honorable Mention — Jacqueline McGoldrick (McGill) "A Study in Sanctity: the Symbolic Appropriation of Vestal Identity, or the Correlative Identities of Vestal Virgins and Julio-Claudian Women"
Senior category
1st prize — Shelley Hartman (Carleton) "Entropy, Individualism and the Collapse of Empires"
2nd prize (shared) — Amber Jacob (UBC) "Plutarch's Reception of Osiris: The Problem of the Missing Phallus" and Elizabeth Ten-Hove (McGill) "Multiplying Voices: a Choral Tradition"
Honourable Mention — Alain Zaramian (U of T) "Some Aspects of Otium in the Works of Pliny the Younger"; Leah Bernardo-Ciddio (York) "A Return to the Mos Maiorum? Contextualizing the Augustan Legislation on Manumission"; Theodore Naff (McGill) "The Dark Age of Mathematics"; Delphine Ngirumpatse (Concordia) "Emotion in the Art of Ancient Egypt and Hellenistic Greece"
The Grace Irwin Award for Classics
Bourse Grace Irwin pour les études classiques
From: Maggie Rogow
(le français suit l'anglais)
The Grace Irwin Award, worth $500, is designed to reward a secondary school teacher of Latin, Ancient Greek or Classical Civilization who is seeking to upgrade existing abilities by engaging in different types of activities such as an accredited training course or travel to see artefacts and exhibits.
Application procedures for 2012-2013:
1. Eligible applicants: teachers of Latin, Ancient Greek or Classical Civilization. The teacher should have at least one year's teaching experience and be currently teaching in a Canadian secondary school. The teacher should also be employed as a teacher of Classics in the year in which she/he would use the award.
2. Application: applicants should send a letter of application, plus an up-to-date curriculum vitae, to Maggie Rogow, Chair of the Grace Irwin Award Committee, North Toronto C.I., 17 Broadway Ave., Toronto, ON M4P 1T7, to arrive no later than March 1, 2013. In the letter of application, the applicant should provide a detailed outline of the purpose for which the funds are to be used and a timetable for the completion of the proposed activity.
3. Letter of reference: all applicants should arrange for ONE confidential letter of reference (from a department head or administrator) regarding the applicant's professional activities to be sent to the Chair (address as above) by the same date.
Adjudication process:
A committee consisting of the Chair, Vice-President of the Classical Association of Canada and one other secondary school teacher will review all applications and select the winner of the Grace Irwin Award by May 1st at the latest. The committee shall inform the winner in writing soon thereafter.
Report on completion of project:
The winner of the award shall submit a brief written report for the Canadian Classical Bulletin to the Chair of the committee as soon as the project is complete and in any case by January 1st of the calendar year following the granting of the award. The Chair will communicate this report to the CAC council at their next meeting.
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La bourse Grace Irwin, d'une valeur de 500$, reconnaît un(e) professeur(e) de latin, de grec ancien ou de civilisation classique au niveau secondaire. Le candidat ou la candidate sera à la recherche d'activités visant à améliorer ou mettre à jour ses compétences dans une variété de domaines. Il pourrait s'agir, par exemple, de cours d'accréditation ou de voyages pour visiter des musées ou des expositions.
Processus pour candidature pour l'année 2012-2013:
1. Candidat(e)s admissibles : professeur(e)s de latin, de grec ancien ou de civilisation classique. Le (la) professeur(e) doit détenir au moins une année d'expérience d'enseignement et doit continuer à enseigner dans une école secondaire canadienne. En outre, le (la) professeur(e) devra être employé(e) comme professeur(e) d'études classiques dans l'année d'ontention de la bourse.
2. Comment poser sa candidature: les candidat(e)s devraient envoyer une lettre de candidature et un curriculum vitae courant à Maggie Rogow, Présidente du comité de la bourse Grace Irwin, North Toronto C.I., 17 Broadway Ave., Toronto, ON M4P 1T7. Le formulaire doit arriver au plus tard le 1er mars 2013. La lettre de candidature doit comprendre un plan détaillé du but pour lequel on utilisera les fonds et un programme strict pour la réalisation de l'activité choisie.
3. Lettre de recommandation : les candidat(e)s doivent faire en sorte qu'UNE seule lettre de recommandation soit envoyée concernant ses activités professionnelles. Cette lettre proviendra d'un chef de département ou d'un(e) administrateur(trice) et sera envoyée à la Présidente à l'adresse ci-dessus avant la même date.
Processus de jugement:
Un comité qui consiste en la Présidente, la Vice-présidente de la Société canadienne des études classiques et un(e) autre professeur(e) du niveau secondaire évaluera les candidatures admissibles dans le but de sélectionner le (la) gagnant(e) avant le 1er mai au plus tard. Le comité lui fera part de sa décision peu après.
Rapport après avoir complété le projet:
Le (la) gagnant(e) de la bourse présentera un court rapport pour le Bulletin de la Société canadienne des études classiques dès que le projet sera complété et en tout cas avant le 1er janvier de l'année civile qui suit l'attribution de cette bourse. La Présidente transmettra ce rapport à la Société lors de sa prochaine réunion.
REMINDER: Sight Translation Competitions in Greek and Latin
RAPPEL: Concours de versions grecque et latine
From: Alison Barclay
National sight examinations in Greek and Latin for Canadian students at both the university and high school level will be held in January of 2013:
Deadline for application submissions: 17 December 2012
Please note: Submissions should be presented by departments, not by individual students or faculty. Please submit only one application per institution.
For more information and the procedure for application, please visit:
or contact:
Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Tel: (902) 420-5816
Fax: (902) 491-8694
All expenses and prizes are provided by voluntary contributions. The Association is grateful for the financial support it has received in the past. Anyone interested in contributing to the Sight Translation Competition Fund should send their contribution to Dr. Ingrid Holmberg, Treasurer, CAC, Dept. of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P4. Cheques should be made out to the "National Greek and Latin Sight Translation Contest (CAC)".
[Editor's note: You can also give to the fund by following the "Give to the CAC" link in the header of this Bulletin.]
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Le concours national de version grecque et latine aura lieu en janvier 2013
Date limite d'inscription: 17 décembre 2012
Les demandes d'inscription au concours doivent être envoyées par les insitutions. Chaque institution est priée de présenter une seule fiche de demande.
Pour des renseignements supplémentaires, veuillez suivre ce lien:
ou contacter:
Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Téléphone: (902) 420-5816
Télécopieur: (902) 491-8694
Les amis des études classiques sont priés de bien vouloir verser une contribution. Leur générosité permettra de défrayer le coût de la correspondance et des prix. Prière de faire parvenir votre contribution à Mme Ingrid Holmberg, Treasurer, CAC, Dept. of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P4. Adressez votre chèque au "Concours de versions grecque et latine improvisée (SCEC)".
[NDLR: Vous pouvez aussi utiliser le lien "Faire un don à la SCÉC" dans l'entête du Bulletin.]
From / de: Alison Keith
(English text follows)
Nous invitons les nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l’article (b) du règlement 13 de la Société. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées à la présidente sortante de la Société et présidente du comité de sélection, Mme Alison Keith, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 125 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C7. Email: <>. La date limite est le 15 décembre 2011.
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We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of Bylaw 13 of the Association. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year’s Past President and Committee chair, Professor Alison Keith, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 125 Queen's Park, Toronto ON M5S 2C7. Email: <>. Note: The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2011.
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
1—If you teach in a department or programme where the Chair is not likely to know the CCB, you are invited to inform him/her of this excellent means of advertising new positions to potential Canadian candidates.
2—To the excellent obituary published in the previous issue on the late Robert J. Buck, I would only like to add that he was President of the CAC in 1986–1988.
3—Now that Professor John Serrati has made a call to members about the CAC Archives, I'd like to say a few words about the mysterious J.W. Scrivin he mentions at the end of his message. If, indeed, one is looking for a woman, I am almost certain that "Mrs. J.W. Scrivin" is Muriel Scrivin (née Simkins), the late wife of the late J.W. Scrivin. If so, she is recorded in the obituaries of the Trinity Alumni Magazine 45.3 (Fall 2008) on p. 46: "Scrivin: Muriel (Simkins), May 31, wife of the late J.W. Scrivin, Trinity Dean of Residence 1951-53, and mother of Helen Scrivin [graduate of UofT in] '61."
J.W. Scrivin was Secretary of the CAC, according to the list of CAC officers published in some fascicles of Phoenix in 1953 and 1954. He was said to be Professor, and indeed, in Phoenix 6.1 (1952), in the "Notes on Contributors" (he had contributed a book review), he was said to be "Assistant Professor of Classics, Trinity College, Toronto". A Professor who was also Dean of Residence? you may ask. C.N. Cochrane was Professor of Greek and Roman History at University College in the 1930s while he was "Dean of Residence with free house, heat and light valued @ $300" (UofT Report of the Board of Governors for the Year ended 30th June 1937, p. 204, Toronto 1938).
J.W. Scrivin contributed four book reviews to Phoenix, all in the field of Latin poetry, between 1951 and 1953. In the last two, published in issue 7.4, pp. 157 and 158, his name is followed by the mention "(ob.)", which I understand to mean "(obit)". As a matter of fact, he died on November 7th 1953, as reported in the Proceedings of the APA 85 (1954). He had become a member of the APA in 1951. In the UofT Magazine for Winter 2011, p. 60, J.W. Scrivin is listed in a long list of those "who have had gifts made in their memory" to the University of Toronto.
I hope this will be useful to anyone who would like to investigate this archival mystery further.
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
Tenure Track position in Greek and Roman Studies
From: Liz Klaassen
The Greek and Roman Studies program in the College of the Humanities at Carleton University invites applications for a tenure track appointment in Ancient Science and Technology, preferably with an emphasis in ancient medicine, at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment, which is subject to final budgetary approval, will commence 1 July 2013, by which time the candidate must hold a doctoral degree.
The successful candidate will be able to teach Greek and Latin at all levels, to undertake research leading to significant peer-reviewed publications, to demonstrate excellence in teaching, and to contribute effectively to academic life in the program, the College of the Humanities, and the larger university.
Complete application includes three letters of reference, sent under separate cover, at least one of which speaks to the candidate’s teaching abilities; a curriculum vitae; a statement of research interest, recent publications; a teaching dossier or other evidence of teaching excellence. All materials should be sent by 14 December 2012 to:
Professor Farhang Rajaee
College of Humanities
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6
Carleton University is committed to fostering diversity within its community and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, the application of Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.
For additional information on the BA program in Greek and Roman Studies, please consult the web-site: For additional information on the College, and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, please consult the following websites:;
[4] Calls for Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences; appels à communications
Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC)
Nineteenth Annual Conference
Re-thinking the Liberal Arts through Core Texts: Science, Poetry, Philosophy and History
From: David Mirhady
The Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC) Nineteenth Annual Conference: Theme: Re-thinking the Liberal Arts through Core Texts: Science, Poetry, Philosophy and History. Sponsored by the College of the Humanities, Carleton University, and Co-sponsored by University of King's College, Thursday, April 25—Sunday, April 28, 2013, The Chateau Cartier Hotel, Gatineau-Ottawa. For further information, see
From: Milorad Nikolic
The Department of Classics at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s will be hosting an open collaborative workshop on the history of medicine, science, and technology as well as other related fields. We are calling out to potential participants who have a work in progress on any aspect of the above fields and would like to share and invite feedback. The work in progress can be, for example, a manuscript in progress or a conference paper that could be converted to an article manuscript.
Ideally, we are planning for six to eight participants who will circulate their working documents among one another prior to the workshop. The aim is to emerge with a substantially more complete manuscript ready to submit for consideration in a special edition of Mouseion.
The intended format will allow one hour per participant, during which the presenter presents a 20-minute synopsis of his or her paper. This presentation can, according to the presenter’s preference, be followed by any or a combination of the following:
Limited financial support is available to defray expenses, but participants are encouraged to seek their own funding.
Please send a description of your work and include your name, position, and affiliation, and the subject of your research. You should also indicate at what stage your document will be at the time of the workshop. Proposals must be submitted by e-mail attachment to Milo Nikolic ( by December 15, 2012 with a response by the first week of January.
Call for Papers: (Re)Constructing the Past: Abandonment and Renewal in the Ancient World
Graduate Student Conference, February 22-23, 2013
Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan
From: Laura Banducci
Keynote Speaker: Professor Karl Galinsky, University of Texas at Austin
Modern conceptions of the ancient world are often dominated by images of destruction and abandonment, concretized in the ruins of ancient structures or fragments of lost texts. But ruin in the ancient world is almost always accompanied by eventual renewal, a regeneration or remembrance of the thing lost, abandoned, or destroyed.
The 2013 interdisciplinary conference in Classical Studies is open to graduate students studying the history, literature, art, and archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean and will focus on cycles of desertion, ruin, and rebuilding in the ancient world. We invite papers on the abandonment of cities, buildings, and regions, the abandonment of literary genres and styles, the abandonment of ideas and religious practices and beliefs, and the modern abandonment of interpretative theories, as well as the memory of and responses to such abandonment. We welcome papers addressing how and why deserted objects and ideas are reconstructed, as well as the effects of rebuilding on individuals, society, material culture, and literature. Potential topics also include the historical and literary trope of moral or artistic decline, the literary topos of abandoned women, themes of regret and nostalgia, and the subject of exile. Submissions dealing with issues of reception and adaptation, including the reuse and reappropriation of abandoned buildings, objects, texts, laws, or ideas are also encouraged.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words by December 1, 2012 via email as a PDF attachment to In your email please include the presenter's name, institution, email address, phone number, and any A/V needs. Please omit identifying information from the actual abstract document. Accepted presenters will be notified in early January 2013. Food and lodging will be provided for presenters.
SELEUCID STUDY DAY III (Bordeaux, September 5–7, 2012)
SELEUCID STUDY DAY IV: SELEUCID ROYAL WOMEN (McGill University, Montreal, February 20–23, 2013)
From: Altay Coskun
Following previous meetings at Exeter and Waterloo in 2011, the Seleucid Study Group met for a third time at the VIIth Celtic Conference of Classics which was hosted by Anton Powell (Swansea, Wales) and Jean Yvonneau (Bordeaux) at the University of Bordeaux (Sept. 5-7, 2012). A particular Seleucid Panel allowed to continue the collaborative research agenda on one of the most under-explored world empires. In his introductory address, the panel convenor Kyle Erickson (Trinity St David, Lampeter, Wales) pointed out two particular desiderata of Seleucid Studies: first a more systematic inclusion of the satrapies east of the Euphrates into the picture, and secondly a stronger focus on the period intervening between Seleucus I, the founder of the dynasty (ruled 320/311-281 BC), and its second pinnacle Antiochus III (ruled 223-187 BC). After a second introductory note by Stephen Mitchell (Exeter, UK), eleven papers were presented, three of which by colleagues from Canadian institutions (Altay Coskun, Waterloo ON; Alex McAuley, McGill; Richard Wenghofer, Nipissing ON).
For a one-page summary with pictures, see the link on the Website of the Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies.
A four-page report with summaries of all individual contributions has been posted at H-Soz-u-Kult, 22.10.2012.
Similar detailed reports on Seleucid Study Days II (Waterloo, Nov. 2011) and I (Exeter, UK, Aug. 2011) have been published on the same platform: H-Soz-u-Kult, 9.1.2012 and H-Soz-u-Kult, 27.10.2011.
The next meeting of the group, scheduled to take place at McGill University, 20-23 February 2013, will be dedicated to Seleucid Royal Women. Following the guidelines of SSHRC, only the launch events will be open to the public, but the organizers are happy to consider providing those colleagues and graduate students with access who have a demonstrable interest in either the Seleucids or Gender Studies in the Hellenistic world. A preliminary program will be published on the website of the Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies early in January.
For more information, please contact acoskun at uwaterloo or alexander.mcauley at mail.mcgill.
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci
[6] Summer Study, Field School, Online Courses / Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, cours "en ligne"
Department of Modern Languages and Classics, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Archaeological Field School in the Basentello Valley, Italy
July 5 – August 23, 2012 (CLAS 3610 and 3611) (Dates are Approximate)
From: Myles McCallum
The Department of Modern Languages and Classics invites applications for its archaeological field school in the Basentello Valley in the historic regions of Puglia and Basilicata (south central Italy; the 'instep' of the boot). Students will participate in an ongoing archaeological research project which involves the excavation of a Roman imperial estate in southern Italy (including a small village and a Roman cemetery) as well as regional field survey of a 200 square km area in the territories of Genzano di Lucania, Banzi, and Irsina. The goal of our research is to examine the settlement patterns of this territory, with special emphasis on the transitions from the Hellenistic to the Roman period, and from the Imperial to the Late Antique period. We are also examining cultural interaction between the pre-Roman indigenous population of the region and the Romans who arrive in the area as colonists and landowners during the first century BC.
History of the Project:
Since 2005, students from North American and European universities have participated in the study of an imperial estate and its surrounding territory in the Basentello Valley of south Italy. This has included the excavation of a Roman villa, part of an imperial estate, the analysis of artifactual and environmental data from this excavation, and the survey of a roughly 200 square kilometer territory to the west of the Basentello River Valley. The project has involved specialists in pottery, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, CAD, GIS, and the environmental scientists. Reports of our fieldwork have been published in the Papers of the British School at Rome, the Fasti Online, and Taras, and a substantial preliminary report will appear shortly in Mouseion. The project, which is partially funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, is of vital importance for our understanding of the process of Romanization or cultural hybridization in southern Italy, as well as to our understanding of the nature of imperial estates in Italy. A field school has been associated with the project since its inception, which has been a formative experience in the careers of many graduate students, including one Rhodes scholar, and many professional archaeologists.
Work in 2013:
During the summer of 2013, the field school will afford students the opportunity of excavating the villa site at San Felice, documenting this work, and dealing with the finds from the excavation. Students will also participate in archaeological field survey in the territory of the modern towns of Genzano di Lucania, Banzi, and Irsina. Throughout the field school, students will interact with professors and students from Mount Allison University (excavating at San Felice), McMaster University (excavating a Roman period cemetery 850 meters from the villa at San Felice), and Sheffield University (excavating a small Roman village associated with the villa and the cemetery).
Students will be trained in the essential methods and techniques of archaeological excavation, photography, drawing, documentation, data entry, finds analysis, environmental archaeology, field walking, digital mapping, GIS, and site identification. This training is hands on and will take place almost entirely in the field, complemented by a series of lectures presented by professors and specialists related to various aspects of the project.
Students will be graded on their ability to learn and execute various archaeological techniques in the field and the lab, on their entries in an archaeological daybook, and on a final exam. Students will enroll in two 3.0 credit hour courses (CLAS 3610, Field Study in Roman Archaeology and 3611, Roman Archaeology Field Laboratory) offered by Saint Mary's University through the Department of Modern Languages and Classics.
For Canadian students, the tuition and fees for these two courses are between $1,100 and $1,200 (total). Non-Canadian Students pay double this fee. Students are also required to pay a $2,500.00 participation fee to Saint Mary's University, which covers costs associated with the field school, including meals, accommodation, and transport to and from the site each day. This fee does NOT include airfare; students are required to arrange for their travel to and from the field school. In general, student airfare to and from Italy during the summer runs between 900 and 1,500 dollars (depending on the point of departure, airline, and route). Students should also budget some amount of pocket money for the purchase of souvenirs and for entertainment.
Accommodation, Meals, and Student Life:
During the field school, students live in rental apartments in both the town of Gravina in Puglia (province of Bari, region of Puglia) during the excavation, and the town of Banzi (province of Potenza, region of Basilicata) during the field survey. The apartments in Gravina have kitchens, so most meals will be taken in the apartments, although we dine out as a group twice per week at local restaurants and pizzerias. During their stay in Gravina, student participants live amongst and interact with students from McMaster University and Sheffield University. The apartments in Banzi, which are located in the small, medieval historical center of the town in a 15th century structure, are currently under renovation; the plan is for them to be equipped with kitchenettes, but this may change depending on the finances of the town and the region who are paying for this construction. Students also have the opportunity to participate in local festivals in both Gravina in Puglia and Banzi, and to interact with locals in the evenings. In the past, this has included participating in a Medieval banquet and festival in Banzi, dancing, and endless games of scopa.
Work Week:
Students will work in the field and lab 5 days/week, starting between 6 and 7 am and finishing in the mid to late afternoon (between 2 and 4 pm, depending on weather conditions). Weekends are free, although there will be optional trips to nearby archaeological and historical sites and museums, such as those at Metaponto, Venosa, Melfi, Altamura, Taranto, and Potenza, and a weekend-long excursion to Pompeii and sites in the Bay of Naples. Students who are not interested in the scheduled trips may make their own weekend travel arrangements.
Faculty and Staff:
The field school is directed by Dr. Myles McCallum, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Classics, Saint Mary's University (email: Other faculty includes Dr. Hans vanderLeest, Dean of Arts, Mount Allison University, Dr. Adam Hyatt, University of Michigan Papyrology Library, Dr. Michael MacKinnon, Associate Professor, Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg, Dr. Robyn Veal, Researcher, Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Greg Baker, Spatial Lab Technician, Saint Mary's University, as well as graduate student site supervisors from institutions in North America and Europe. Students will also have the opportunity to interact with members of the team from McMaster University, directed by Dr. Tracy Prowse, Associate Professor of Anthropology, and Sheffield University, directed by Dr. Maureen Carroll, Reader in Roman Archaeology, as well as with Italian archaeology students who volunteer to work alongside us.
The prerequisite for the field school (CLAS 3610 and 3611) is 3.0 credit hours of archaeology through a Classics or Anthropology Department, or 3.0 credit hours in Classics.
Application Process:
If you are interested in applying to participate in the 2013 field school, please contact Dr. Myles McCallum, Department of Modern Languages and Classics, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, NS, Canada, via email at: If you have questions about the field school, you may also contact Dr. McCallum via email or by telephone at: (902) 420-5815. More information about the field school is available at: and
McGill University
From: John Serrati
Now in its second year, the Summer Institute in Classical Studies offers students at all levels a unique opportunity to develop their understanding of the ancient world. Located within the heart of Montreal, the Institute is ideal for those students who are seeking university credits over the summer, those considering an undergraduate degree at McGill, or those wishing to gain experience in a collegiate setting as preparation for university. An intensive introductory course in Latin is complemented by classes on classical mythology and ancient civilization, with an aim of fostering the understanding of ancient Mediterranean history and culture. McGill University stands at the foot of Mount Royal in the culturally dynamic and bilingual city of Montreal, and is in close proximity to Ottawa and Quebec City. As such, the Institute integrates many of the cultural offerings from these vibrant cities into its program.
Summer courses for 2013:
CLAS 206 Classics and Modern MediaUpon completion, students shall receive a formal attestation and a certificate from McGill University.
We believe that students from Canada and the United States would be very interested in this opportunity. University credit is transferrable and high school credit is negotiable on a per school basis. Housing options are available to students who require on-campus accommodations for the duration of the course(s) at McGill. Interested students, parents, and teachers should contact Prof. John Serrati for more information.
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
Florence Yoon, The Use of Anonymous Characters in Greek Tragedy: The Shaping of Heroes (Mnemosyne Supplements 344; Leiden: Brill, 2012).
Cassandra Borges & C. Michael Sampson, New Literary Papyri from the Michigan Collection: Mythographic Lyric and a Catalogue of Poetic First Lines (New Texts from Ancient Cultures; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2012).
Vergilian Turkey Trip June 28 - July 13, 2013
Directors: Andrew L. Goldman and Amy E. Goldman
We will visit sites linked to major and minor gods and mythological characters, discussing both the physical remains at the sites and the literary texts that inform our understanding of their associated myths and rituals. Participants will begin the journey in the city of Antalya on the southern Turkish coast, with visits to nearby Perge and the Antalya Museum. After excursions to Olympos, the mysterious flames of the Chimera and the sanctuary of Leto near Xanthos, the group will then continue on to Fethiye to enjoy a day touring the Lycian coast by boat. Turning inland, we will then visit Hierapolis, Aphrodisias, and Nysa. The tour will then head southwards to ancient Halicarnassus and embark on a ferry trip to Knidos. We will then spend several days visiting major sites along the western coast of Turkey, including Didyma, Priene, Ephesus, Claros, Pergamum, Assos, Tenedos, and Alexander Troas. After a day exploring ancient Troy and discussing the events of the Homeric conflict, the group will cross the Hellespont via ferry and proceed to Istanbul. The trip will end with a day in modern Istanbul, where we will tour the major ancient monuments, visit the famous Archaeology Museum, and get a taste of modern Turkish life. Price: $2,575: Single supplement: $425
The Italy of Caesar and Vergil: A Workshop for Teachers July 2-13, 2013
Directors: Anne Haeckl and Amy Leonard
This workshop for high school Latin teachers will combine classroom sessions in successful pedagogical practices with thematically relevant site visits that illuminate the lives and works of Caesar and Vergil. Morning study sessions will provide ideas and skills to enrich both beginning and advanced courses, with a focus on the readings and abilities required by the revised Advanced Placement syllabus. Afternoon site and museum visits will contextualize the writings of these authors elucidating the common themes of Caesar's commentarii and Vergil's Aeneid. Through thoughtfully constructed lectures and on-site readings from ancient writers, teachers will acquire interpretive insights and instructional strategies for teaching these essential authors. Sites include: Rome (Forum, Palatine, Campus Martius), Temple of Apollo and Atrium of the Sibyl at Cumae, Lake Avernus, Tomb of Vergil, Sperlonga, Pompeii, Lavinium, Herculaneum and Vesuvius. Price: $2,595
From Neapolis to Apragapolis: The Greco-Roman Bay of Naples July 15 - 27, 2013
Directors: James Andrews and Randall Colaizzi
The Bay of Naples was always one of the most important centers of Classical culture, and the culminating destination of the European Grand Tour. It was the foothold of the Greeks in their colonization of Magna Graecia; the scene of decisive moments in the Punic, Social, and Slave Wars of the Roman Republic; and the graveyard of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the hundreds of villas buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Celebrated here were the fishponds of Lucullus, the aqueduct of Augustus, the real extravagances of Nero, and the fictional eccentricities of Petronius. Greeks, Etruscans, Samnites, Lucanians, and Romans lived here; Augustus, Tiberius, and Pliny the Elder died here. We will visit the archaeological sites and the several museums which preserve the artifacts from two millennia of Greco-Roman culture. Sites include Sperlonga, Terracina, Cumae, Lake Avernus, Solfatara, Pompeii, Naples, Paestum, Pozzuoli, Beneventum, Saepinum, Herculaneum, Oplontis (Torre Annunziata), Capri, Baiae, Bacoli, Misenum. Price: $2,595
Vergil the Poet and Medieval Wizard: Literary Magic July 29-August 10, 2013
Directors: Chris Ann Matteo and Ray Clark
We shall walk in the footsteps of Trojan Aeneas upon the acropolis of Cumae, in the Sibyl's cave, and at Lake Avernus, where he descended alive into the Land of the Dead. Vergil's immortalization of this landscape in the Aeneid resulted in many medieval legends attributing to him the magical power of transforming the landscape. Thus all the hot springs in the area were thought by medievalists to have been of his creation. With this and the Aeneid in mind we shall explore with on-site lectures the marvels of Cumae and other early Greek settlements set within the Flaming (Phlegraean) Fields and its environs, and explore places familiar to Vergil. Price: $2,595