The Canadian Classical Bulletin — Le Bulletin canadien des Études anciennes
19.02 2012–10–17 ISSN 1198-9149
Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian University)
webpage / page web
Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques
President / président: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Laurentian University)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)
Contents / Sommaire
[0] Obituary Notice / Notice nécrologique[0] Obituary Notice / Notice nécrologique
Dr. Robert J. Buck (1926–2012)
From: Jeremy Rossiter
Dr. Robert (Bob) J. Buck, emeritus professor of Classics at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, passed away peacefully on September 21st after a long illness. He was 86 years old. His passing marks the end of an era in Alberta Classics. He was one of the last of that now rare breed of 'universal' Classicists who felt equally at home reading Greek epic poetry as he did sorting Late Roman pottery. He was the only member of the Classics faculty who could claim, with pride, that he was born, raised, and schooled in Alberta. Nevertheless his career in Classics took him far and wide, with periods spent researching and teaching in Greece, Italy, and the United States.
After completing a BA degree at the University of Alberta in 1949, Bob went to the University of Kentucky to study for his MA and then to the University of Cincinnati for his PhD. While at Cincinnati he studied Greek Archaeology under Carl Blegen and worked with him on his excavations in Greece. It was there that he met, and later married, his wife Helen. After graduating from Cincinanati his first academic job was as an Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of Kentucky. In 1960 he moved to the Department of Classics at the University of Alberta and remained there until his retirement in 1992. He served as Head, and then Chair, of the Department from 1964 until 1972 during which time the Department grew in strength from four to ten full-time faculty. His research interests were many, ranging from early Greek History to Late Roman law. During his career he produced two well received books on the history of Boeotia [A History of Boeotia (1979) and Boeotia and the Boeotian League, 432-371 BC (1993)] and countless articles on topics which included politics in Classical Athens and roads in Roman Lucania. He had a sharp intellect and an insatiable appetite for knowledge, which he applied to any Classical, or sometimes non-Classical, topic which caught his interest. More importantly he had a great gift for passing his learning and enthusiasm for Classics on to his students. He will be remembered by some as a humorous raconteur in the classroom, by others as a diligent supervisor of graduate research. For others (including myself) the fondest memories will always be of Bob's years as co-director, with Alastair Small, of the University of Alberta's excavations at San Giovanni di Ruoti in South Italy (1977 – 1984) where his constant bonhomie, his skillful diplomacy, and his terrifying driving became the stuff of legend.
Throughout his life Bob made many friends, not only in the academic world but in the community at large. He had a great love of Classical music and, in later years, a passion for ballroom dancing. He was a stalwart friend and a dependable colleague, a man of great integrity who always 'kept calm and carried on' in times of difficulty (and there were a few). He never hesitated to speak his mind and had a reputation as a writer of stinging letters when people or events challenged his sense of justice. For more than thirty years he championed the teaching of Classics at the University of Alberta and did an immense amount to ensure that Classics was recognized and valued as a key discipline within the Faculty of Arts. Bob is survived by his wife of 57 years, Helen, and by his two children, George (a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta) and Zoe (a musician with the Edmonton Symphony).
[1] Association Announcements & News / Annonces et nouvelles de la Société
Sight Translation Competitions in Greek and Latin
Concours de versions grecque et latine
From: Alison Barclay
National sight examinations in Greek and Latin for Canadian students at both the university and high school level will be held in January of 2013:
Deadline for application submissions: 17 December 2012
Please note: Submissions should be presented by departments, not by individual students or faculty. Please submit only one application per institution.
For more information and the procedure for application, please visit:
or contact:
Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Tel: (902) 420-5816
Fax: (902) 491-8694
All expenses and prizes are provided by voluntary contributions. The Association is grateful for the financial support it has received in the past. Anyone interested in contributing to the Sight Translation Competition Fund should send their contribution to Dr. Ingrid Holmberg, Treasurer, CAC, Dept. of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P4. Cheques should be made out to the "National Greek and Latin Sight Translation Contest (CAC)".
[Editor's note: You can also give to the fund by following the "Give to the CAC" link in the header of this Bulletin.]
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Le concours national de version grecque et latine aura lieu en janvier 2013
Date limite d'inscription: 17 décembre 2012
Les demandes d'inscription au concours doivent être envoyées par les insitutions. Chaque institution est priée de présenter une seule fiche de demande.
Pour des renseignements supplémentaires, veuillez suivre ce lien:
ou contacter:
Dr. Alison Barclay
Assistant Professor of Classics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Classics
Saint Mary's University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Téléphone: (902) 420-5816
Télécopieur: (902) 491-8694
Les amis des études classiques sont priés de bien vouloir verser une contribution. Leur générosité permettra de défrayer le coût de la correspondance et des prix. Prière de faire parvenir votre contribution à Mme Ingrid Holmberg, Treasurer, CAC, Dept. of Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P4. Adressez votre chèque au "Concours de versions grecque et latine improvisée (SCEC)".
[NDLR: Vous pouvez aussi utiliser le lien "Faire un don à la SCÉC" dans l'entête du Bulletin.]
From / de: Alison Keith
(English text follows)
Nous invitons les nominations au Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l’article (b) du règlement 13 de la Société. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées à la présidente sortante de la Société et présidente du comité de sélection, Mme Alison Keith, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 125 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON M5S 2C7. Email: <>. La date limite est le 15 décembre 2011.
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We call for nominations for the Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of Bylaw 13 of the Association. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year’s Past President and Committee chair, Professor Alison Keith, Department of Classics, University of Toronto, 125 Queen's Park, Toronto ON M5S 2C7. Email: <>. Note: The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2011.
De / From: Patrick Baker
(English version follows)
Comité des bourses de la SCEC 2011-2012
Le comité des bourses était composé cette année de C. Bolton (Concordia), G. Chamberland (Laurentian), I. Holmberg (trésorière, Victoria), K.Simonsen (MUN) et P. Baker (président, Laval). Avant de passer au détail des travaux de ce comité, je tiens ici à remercier chaleureusement tous ses membres et à préciser que K. Simonsen a bienveillamment accepté de remplacer à pied levé G. Thériault dont la tâche de directeur de département fut alourdie en raison des mouvements sociaux au Québec.
Bourse Desmond-Conacher
Le comité de sélection de la SCEC est heureux d’annoncer qu’après délibérations, le dossier de M. Paul McGilvery (Laurentian University) a été retenu pour la Bourse Desmond-Conacher. M. McGilvery a entrepris cet automne des études de maîtrise à Dalhousie University.
Le comité a reçu cette année 10 dossiers de candidature (un peu moins que l'an passé). Les membres se réjouissent néanmoins de l'intérêt constant que suscitent les études classiques dans tout le pays. Les 10 candidats se répartissent en 6 femmes et 4 hommes, 9 anglophones et 1 francophone. La répartition géographique des universités d’attache et des universités envisagées pour la maîtrise montre un certain désir de mobilité de la part des étudiants candidats : en effet, 6 sur 10 souhaitent, dans leur premier choix, changer de ville, voire de province.
Candidat |
Université d’attache (BA) |
Université(s) de destination (MA) |
1 |
U. of Guelph |
Queen’s U.; U. of Calgary; U. of Waterloo |
2 |
McGill U. |
McGill U.; Université de Montréal |
3 |
U. of Windsor |
U. of Windsor; U. of Guelph |
4 |
York U. |
U. of Alberta |
5 |
U. of Ottawa |
U. of Toronto; UBC |
6 |
Trent U. |
Trent U. |
7 |
Laurentian U. |
U. of Ottawa; Dalhousie U. |
8 |
U. of Alberta |
U. of Toronto; U. of Alberta; UBC |
9 |
U. of Winnipeg |
U. of Waterloo |
10 |
Dalhousie U. |
Dalhousie U.; U. of Toronto |
Prix pour la meilleure communication par un membre étudiant de 2e ou 3e cycle au Congrès Annuel
Après avoir effectué une première sélection parmi les 13 communication soumises en version écrite, le comité de sélection a identifié trois finalistes dont les communications ont été entendues avec attention à l’occasion du Congrès annuel de 2012 à UWO (London). Les délibérations qui ont suivi ont permis de choisir la communication de M. Ruben Post, étudiant à la maîtrise à McGill University (Montréal), comme étant la meilleure communication offerte par un étudiant de 2e/3e cycle. La communication très stimulante de M. Post s’intitulait: « Demographics, Fortifications, and Territorial Integrity in 4th and 3rd c. BC Boiotia ».
Les 13 participants se répartissent en 9 femmes et 4 hommes. Un seul texte provient d’une étudiante francophone. Les 3 finalistes se répartissent en 1 femme et 2 hommes. La répartition géographique montre que la participation est davantage locale cette année : 9 des candidats sont inscrits dans des universités canadiennes
• 1 à l'U. de Calgary;
• 2 à l'U. de Western Ontario;
• 1 à l'U. McMaster
• 1 à l'U. de Toronto;
• 1 à l'U. York;
• 2 à l'U. McGill;
• 1 à l’Université Laval;
et 4 autres sont inscrits à l’étranger :
• 1 à l'U. de Buffalo, USALes informations fournies par les étudiants ne permettent cependant pas de savoir si ces derniers sont des Canadiens inscrits à l'étranger ou des étudiants étrangers; 7 sont des candidats au doctorat (PhD), 4 sont de niveau maîtrise (MA) et 2 n’ont pas fourni d’information à ce sujet.
Pour les membres du comité de sélection 2011-2012
Patrick Baker
Président de la SCÉC
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CAC Awards Committee, 2011/12
The 2011/12 Awards Committee was composed of Catherine Bolton (Concordia), Guy Chamberland (Laurentian), Ingrid Holmberg (CAC Treasurer, UVic), Kathryn Simonsen (MUN), and Patrick Baker (President of the Committee, Laval). I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the committee members. I would like to add that K. Simonsen agreed to join the committee only weeks before the AGM to replace G. Thériault whose duties as department Chair were increased by the social upheaval in Quebec.
Desmond Conacher Scholarship
The Committee is pleased to report that Mr Paul McGilvery (Laurentian University) was awarded the Desmond Conacher Scholarship. Mr McGilvery has just started his M.A. studies in Classics at Dalhousie University.
There were 10 submissions, which is somewhat less than last year. Nevertheless, the Committee is pleased to see very promising students undertake graduate studies in our discipline.
There were 6 submissions by women and 4 by men; 9 were in English and 1 in French. The institutions selected by the candidates to pursue their studies at the graduate level indicate a willingness to move to a new city, or even to a new province.
Candidate |
Home University (BA) |
Destination University (MA) |
1 |
U. of Guelph |
Queen’s U.; U. of Calgary; U. of Waterloo |
2 |
McGill U. |
McGill U.; Université de Montréal |
3 |
U. of Windsor |
U. of Windsor; U. of Guelph |
4 |
York U. |
U. of Alberta |
5 |
U. of Ottawa |
U. of Toronto; UBC |
6 |
Trent U. |
Trent U. |
7 |
Laurentian U. |
U. of Ottawa; Dalhousie U. |
8 |
U. of Alberta |
U. of Toronto; U. of Alberta; UBC |
9 |
U. of Winnipeg |
U. of Waterloo |
10 |
Dalhousie U. |
Dalhousie U.; U. of Toronto |
Prize for the Best Paper by a Graduate Student member (MA or PhD) at the Annual Meeting
The Committee shortlisted three of the 19 papers submitted for consideration for this prize, all accepted for presentation at the CAC congress last May, at the University of Western Ontario in London. The members of the committee attended and evaluated the shortlisted papers. After deliberations, the Prize was awarded to Mr Ruben Post, an MA student at McGill University (Montreal). Mr Post’s engaging paper was entitled “Demographics, Fortifications, and Territorial Integrity in 4th and 3rd c. BC Boiotia”.
Of the 13 submissions, all in English except for one in French, 9 were written by women and 4 by men. Most of the candidates were registered in Canadian universities:• 1 at the University of Calgary;
• 2 at the University of Western Ontario;
• 1 at McMaster University;
• 1 at the University of Toronto;
• 1 at York University;
• 2 at McGill University;
• 1 at Université Laval.
The 4 remaining candidates attend foreign institutions:
• 1 at the University of Buffalo, USHowever, since the Committee did not have any data about citizenship, it was not possible to determine whether these candidates were foreigners or Canadians studying abroad. 7 of them are PhD candidates and 4 are MA students; the remaining 2 candidates have not provided information in this regard.
For the Awards Committee,
Patrick Baker
President, CAC
[2] CCB Announcements / Annonces du BCÉA
No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci
[3] Positions Available / Postes à combler
From: Mark Joyal
Position Vacancy # 15210
The Department of Classics, Faculty of Arts, at the University of Manitoba invites applications for a full-time probationary position at the rank of Instructor I or Instructor II. The successful candidate will teach between six and eight three-credit-hour courses per year, depending upon the responsibilities which s/he is assigned for academic service. The courses will normally include some combination of the Department’s first-year Classical Studies survey courses (Introduction to Ancient Greek Culture and Introduction to Ancient Roman Culture), its survey course in Greek and Roman Mythology, and its introductory and intermediate courses in ancient Greek and Latin. Duties will also include student advising, public outreach and service to the Department, Faculty and University. The appointee will be an experienced instructor with a demonstrable record of superior teaching, and applicants are required to show special interest, ability and success in teaching introductory courses. Those who have made or are likely to make pedagogical contributions to the discipline through the scholarship of teaching and/or their development and dissemination of teaching materials will be at an advantage. A completed PhD in Classics is preferred. The effective date of the appointment will be July 1, 2013. The Department of Classics at the University of Manitoba currently has a vigorous staff complement of 6 permanent members with professorial rank. This complement is regularly augmented by part-time and/or temporary lecturers, instructors and teaching assistants.
The Department offers undergraduate major and minor programs in Greek, Latin and Classical Studies and an M.A. in Classics.
Starting salary and rank will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The University of Manitoba encourages applications from qualified women and men, including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, people of all sexual orientations and gender, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
Applications for this position must include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae and three confidential letters of reference sent directly by the referees. Candidates must also include evidence of effective teaching, preferably in the form of a teaching dossier. Applications should be sent to:
Dr. Mark Joyal, Chair
Department of Classics Search Committee
University of Manitoba
220 Dysart Road, Room 364
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2M8
Tel: (204) 474-9502; FAX (204) 474-7658
The deadline for receipt of applications is November 30, 2012. Applications, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the “The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act“ (Manitoba). Please note that C.V.s may be provided to participating members of the search process.
From: James Rives
[Editor's note: In issue 19.01.1, I inadvertantly inserted this announcement together with another position at the same institution. I am therefore reposting the Roman Archaeology position; for the other position, in Latin Prose, please consult issue 19.01.1.]
The Department of Classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the College of Arts and Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Roman archaeology at the rank of assistant professor. Preference will be given to applicants with a developed research plan based on primary fieldwork. Applicants should have the Ph.D. in hand at time of application; indicate teaching and research interests that are complementary to existing strengths in the archaeology program (; and demonstrate excellence in research and a commitment to teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels. UNC Chapel Hill is an EOE employer. Women and minority scholars are encouraged to apply. Applicants apply online at and attach a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and the names of four people who will write letters of recommendation. Applications must be received by November 15, 2012 for consideration. The four letters of recommendation should be sent directly to: Donald C. Haggis, Chair, Roman Archaeology Search Committee, Department of Classics, CB# 3145, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145. E-mail inquiries should be addressed to:
From: Allison Glazebrook
The Department of Classics at Brock University invites applications for a probationary tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin 1 July 2013. The Department seeks a specialist in the visual and material culture of the Roman world.
The successful candidate should be actively involved in archaeological fieldwork and will be expected to coordinate and teach the Brock University Archaeological Practicum. Responsibilities will include teaching courses in Roman art and archaeology, senior and graduate level specialty seminars, and may include classical civilization and Latin and/or Greek courses. The successful applicant is also expected to supervise M.A. students. Applicants should have completed the Ph.D. by the time of appointment and provide evidence of excellence in teaching and potential for scholarly achievement.
Classics at Brock is currently a department of nine permanent faculty, and over 100 majors, teaching on a 2:2 load a variety of courses towards majors and honours degrees in Classical Studies, Classical Languages, and Ancient Art and Archaeology. In addition to these programs, we offer large introductory courses in mythology and civilization to satisfy a general university requirement. The department offers an M.A. degree in Classics with special fields in Art and Archaeology and Text and Culture, and is active in Brock's Medieval and Renaissance Studies program and the Women's and Gender Studies program. The department also houses a teaching collection of Cypriote antiquities and an archaeology lab.
The deadline for applications is 16 November 2012. Applicants should submit in hard copy format a letter of application accompanied by a curriculum vitae, evidence of successful teaching, a statement of research and a sample of scholarly writing, and should arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be sent to: Dr Allison Glazebrook, Chair, Department of Classics, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave., St Catharines, Ontario, CANADA. L2S 3A1.
Members of the department will meet with applicants at the 2013 Annual Meetings of the American Philological Association and the Archaeological Institute of America in Seattle.
Brock University is actively committed to diversity and the principles of Employment Equity and invites applications from all qualified candidates. Women, Aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities, and people with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply and to voluntarily self-identify as a member of a designated group as part of their application. Candidates who wish to be considered as a member of one or more designated groups should fill out the Self-Identification Form available at and include the completed form with their application.
For inquiries on the position email:
The position is subject to final budgetary approval.
[4] Calls for Papers; Conference & Lecture Announcements / Conférences; appels à communications
Following is the Call for Papers for a panel to be sponsored by the International Plutarch Society, organized by the North American Sections of the USA and Canada. The panel will be part of the annual meeting of the American Philological Association, January 2-5, 2014, in Chicago.
Representation and Self-Representation in Imperial Greek and Latin Dialogues
Sponsored by the International Plutarch Society. Organized by Jeffrey Beneker, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Noreen Humble, University of Calgary.
The dialogic form originated by Plato and other Socratic philosophers has long been the subject of scholarly study and debate. Questions have been posed about the intersection of the dialogues' literary form and their philosophical content, why the dialogue became the Socratics' preferred genre, and the realism of the dialogues' characters and settings. The genre, however, has a long tradition that crosses into Latin and extends well into the Imperial Era. Dialogues from the later part of the tradition have raised interesting questions of their own, and several recent studies have focused on developments in the genre that manifest themselves during the Imperial Era. These include broad studies, such as Goldhill (ed.), The End of Dialogue in Antiquity (2008), which takes a comparative look at the dialogue across Greek, Roman, Christian and Jewish cultures, and more narrow studies devoted to individual works, such as Klotz & Oikonomopoulou (eds.), The Philosopher's Banquet (2011), a collection of essays on Plutarch's Table Talk. Books such as these have helped to illuminate the great variety in the form, content, setting, and purpose of the Imperial dialogues. In this panel we aim to continue this investigation particularly in regard to the representation of individuals and the intersection of reality and fiction when it comes to the "guest lists" of literary dialogues.
The International Plutarch Society invites abstracts for papers that explore the representation of self and of others in Greek and Roman dialogues from the Imperial Era. Some preference may be given to papers that shed light on Plutarch's aims and methods, but our primary goal is to assemble a collection of papers that explore various aspects of representation in the dialogues of this period.
Questions addressed by the panel might include the following: How realistic are the portraits of the known characters who participate in these dialogic compositions (e.g. Plutarch's brother Timon in the Table Talk)? Are they meant to be realistic or are they simply vessels for the discussion at hand? If they are meant to be readily identifiable, how much of what is unstated about their character is meant to be understood as augmenting their presentation? To what extent are supposed historical figures, particularly philosophers, vehicles for an author's own agenda (e.g. Plotinus in St Augustine's Against the Academicians)? How far are we to separate author from character when an author appears as a character in his own dialogue? And how much does an ancient understanding of the role of Socrates in Plato's dialogues or of Cicero in his own dialogues affect the presentation of interlocutors in the later tradition?
Abstracts should be sent electronically, in MS Word format or PDF, to Jeffrey Beneker ( In preparing the abstract, please follow the formatting guidelines for individual abstracts that appear in the APA Program Guide, and plan for a paper that takes no more than 20 minutes to deliver. Abstracts will be judged anonymously. Membership in the International Plutarch Society is not required for participation in this panel. The deadline is February 1, 2013.
For more information about the annual meeting of the APA or the format of abstracts, please visit:
[5] Scholarships & Competitions / Bourses et concours
From: Mary Darlington
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, one of America's most distinguished centers devoted to advanced teaching and research, was founded in 1881 to provide American graduate students and scholars a base for their studies in the history and civilization of the Greek world. Today, over 130 years later, it is still a teaching institution, providing graduate students a unique opportunity to study firsthand the sites and monuments of Greece. The School is also a superb resource for senior scholars pursuing research in many fields ranging from prehistoric to modern Greece, thanks to its internationally renowned libraries, the Blegen, focusing on all aspects of Greece from its earliest prehistory to late antiquity, and the Gennadius, which concentrates on the Greek world after the end of antiquity.
REGULAR MEMBERSHIP: Graduate students in classical and ancient Mediterranean studies or related fields (e.g., history of art, anthropology, prehistory, studies in post-classical Greece), who, preferably, have completed at least one year of graduate work. Competition is on the basis of transcripts, recommendations, and examinations. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013. (application fee: $50)
STUDENT ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Advanced graduate students in the same fields as above who plan to pursue independent research projects, and who do not wish to commit to the full Regular Program. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
SENIOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Postdoctoral scholars with suitable research projects. Application should be made online at NO APPLICATION DEADLINE.
SUMMER SESSIONS MEMBERSHIP: Two six-week sessions explore the sites and museums in Greece. Open to graduate and undergraduate students and to secondary school and college teachers. The fee of $4,500 includes tuition, travel within Greece, room, and partial board. Scholarships available. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013. (application fee: $25)
MEDIEVAL GREEK SUMMER SESSION AT THE GENNADIUS LIBRARY: Graduate students and professors in any field of late antique, post-antique, Byzantine or medieval studies from any university worldwide. Month-long program in intermediate level Medieval Greek language and philology at the Gennadius Library, with site and museum trips. The Leventis scholarships cover tuition, travel within Greece, lodging but no meals. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013. (application fee: $25)
ATHENIAN AGORA EXCAVATIONS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: Volunteers wishing to participate in the archaeological excavations of the Athenian Agora during the summer of 2013, for eight weeks beginning early June and continuing until early August. DEADLINE: DECEMBER 15, 2012.
Membership application to the School must be made online at at the same time you apply to any outside funding organization for work at the School.
REGULAR MEMBERSHIP FELLOWSHIPS: Up to 13 predoctoral fellowships offered for Regular Members for the nine-month program with a stipend of $11,500 plus room and board at Loring Hall on the School grounds, and waiver of School fees. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013. (application fee: $50)
ADVANCED FELLOWSHIPS: Several School fellowships with a stipend of $11,500 plus room, board, and waiver of School fees are available to students who have completed the Regular Program or one year as a Student Associate Member. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 19, 2013.
FULBRIGHT FELLOWSHIPS: Contact the Institute of International Education, at 809 United Nations Plaza, NY 10017 ( for application and stipend information. Candidates must submit ASCSA application for Regular or Student Associate Membership by due date for Fulbright application. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 17, 2012.
THE M. ALISON FRANTZ FELLOWSHIP: Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D.'s for work in the Gennadius Library. A stipend of $11,500 plus room, board, and waiver of School fees. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
THE JACOB HIRSCH FELLOWSHIP: For projects carried out in Greece, Ph.D. candidate from U.S. or Israel writing a dissertation or recent Ph.D. revising a dissertation for publication. A stipend of $11,500 plus room, board, and waiver of School fees. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
WIENER LABORATORY FELLOWSHIPS: Fellowships awarded annually to graduate students or postdoctoral scholars working on well-defined projects in skeletal, faunal, geoarchaeological, or environmental studies. Stipends of $15,500 to $27,000. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
THE HARRY BIKAKIS FELLOWSHIP: North American or Greek graduate students researching ancient Greek law or Greek graduate students working on a School excavation. The $1,875 fellowship is awarded periodically. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
COTSEN TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP FOR RESEARCH IN GREECE: Short-term travel-to-collections award of $2,000 for senior scholars and graduate students for projects and research at the Gennadius Library. At least one month of residency required. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
THE GEORGE PAPAIOANNOU FELLOWSHIP: Ph.D. candidates or recent Ph.D.'s writing on the Greek Civil War, Fellows are required to make use of and refer to the George Papaioannou Papers housed at the Archives of the Gennadius Library. Open to all nationalities. Stipend of €1,000. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
HENRY S. ROBINSON CORINTH RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS: Ph.D. candidates or recent Ph.D.'s for research on a doctoral dissertation or primary publication, requiring the use of the resources, archaeological site, and collections at Corinth. Open to all nationalities. One or more grants for up to three months, maximum amount of stipend is $4,500. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
WIENER LABORATORY RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIPS: Funding up to $7,000 for well-defined research projects at the Wiener Laboratory. DEADLINES: APRIL 1, SEPTEMBER 1, DECEMBER 1, ANNUALLY.
THE OSCAR BRONEER TRAVELING FELLOWSHIP: Ph.D. candidate or recent Ph.D. for study in Athens and Rome in alternate years, using either the American Academy in Rome or the American School of Classical Studies at Athens as a base from which to pursue research through trips. For 2013-2014, application information at DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
COULSON/CROSS AEGEAN EXCHANGE PROGRAM (CAORC): Short-term fellowships for Greek nationals and scholars to pursue research in Turkey under the auspices of the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT). Stipend of $250 per week plus round-trip airfare. Associate Member application to ASCSA. DEADLINE: MARCH 15, 2013.
MULTI-COUNTRY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS (CAORC): Predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars with research requiring travel to several countries with an American overseas research center. Applications at CAORC's web site: Associate Member application to ASCSA. DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
WIENER LABORATORY TRAVEL GRANTS FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH IN GREECE: Travel grants of $2,000 for graduate students or postdoctoral scholars from North American institutions working on projects in archaeological science in Greece. DEADLINES: APRIL 1, SEPTEMBER 1, DECEMBER 1, ANNUALLY.
KRESS PUBLICATIONS FELLOWSHIPS: Postdoctoral scholars working on a Corinth or Agora publication. Grants for at least three months (up to $10,000) to a maximum of nine months (up to $30,000). DEADLINE: JANUARY 15, 2013.
NEH FELLOWSHIPS: Awards for postdoctoral scholars and professionals in the humanities. Terms: Two to four fellowships, five to ten months in duration. Maximum stipend for a five-month project, $21,000; for a ten-month project, $42,000. U.S. citizens or foreign nationals being U.S. residents for three years before application deadline. Candidates must hold their Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree at time of application. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31, 2012.
For MORE information and TO APPLY ONLINE:
Visit our web site at or contact: ASCSA, 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: 609-683-0800 • E-mail: School programs are generally open to qualified students and scholars at colleges or universities in the U.S. or Canada; restrictions may apply for specific fellowships and programs. The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership.
[6] Summer Study, Field School, Online Courses / Cours d'été, écoles de terrain, cours "en ligne"
No announcement this month / Rien à signaler ce mois-ci
[7] Varia (including members' new books / dont les nouveaux livres des membres)
Jitse Dijkstra, Syene I: The Figural and Textual Graffiti from the Temple of Isis at Aswan (Beiträge zur ägyptischen Bauforschung und Altertumskunde 18; Darmstadt/Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 2012), 239 pp. + 20 Figs. + 36 Pls. (with a contribution on the Egyptian texts by E. Cruz-Uribe).
A list of positions in Classics & Ancient History
This is a reminder that Kai Brodersen (Universität Erfurt) maintains a list of available positions, to which you can subscribe.