Supplementary Issue  — Numéro spécial
18.12.1        2012–08–27        ISSN 1198-9149

Editor / rédacteur: Guy Chamberland (Thorneloe University at Laurentian University)

webpage / page web

Newsletter of the Classical Association of Canada
Bulletin de la Société canadienne des Études classiques

President / président: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Secretary / secrétaire: Guy Chamberland (Université Laurentienne)
Treasurer / trésorière: Ingrid Holmberg (University of Victoria)

Contents / Sommaire

[1] Association and CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA
• Email and directory update / Mise à jour des adresses courriel et du répertoire

[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler
• UofT Mississauga: tenure-stream position in Ancient Greek History

[3] Varia
• No announcement in this issue / Rien à signaler dans ce numéro-ci

[1] Association & CCB Announcements / Annonces de la Société et du BCÉA

From: Guy Chamberland

I would like to remind all CAC members and other CCB subscribers to update your contact information with me and on your membership page on the website. Please also have a look at the Directory of Classicists in Canada and contact the Webmaster for any change or correction. Thanks!

J'aimerais rappeler aux membres de notre Société de m'informer de tout changement d'adresse électronique et de mettre à jour votre page de membre sur le site de la SCÉC. Auriez-vous aussi l'obligeance de vérifier les informations vous concernant dans le répertoire des "antiquisants" au Canada et d'informer le webmestre de toute correction? Je vous remercie à l'avance de votre coopération.

[2] Positions Available / Postes à combler

University of Toronto Mississauga
Historical Studies

The Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga invites applications for a tenure-stream position in Ancient Greek History at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment will begin on July 1, 2013, by which time the candidate must hold a doctoral degree.

The candidate's research may fall chronologically in any period from 8th c. BCE to 6th c. CE. Interests that complement or enhance existing departmental strengths would be an asset. Candidates must demonstrate strong linguistic skills in both Ancient Greek and Latin, and evidence of excellence in and commitment to both research and teaching, with established or clear promise of distinguished publications in their field.

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply by clicking the link (Position #1201021). Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applications must be submitted by October 15, 2012, and include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, sample of academic writing, statement of research interests, all academic transcripts, and a teaching dossier (i.e. all teaching evaluations; sample syllabi, assignments and tests; descriptions of teaching strategies and innovations, etc.). If you have any questions about this position, please contact The U of T application system can accommodate up to five attachments (10MB) per candidate profile; please combine attachments into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. Submission guidelines can be found at: Arrangements should be made for three letters of reference, at least one of which must comment on the applicant's teaching abilities, to be submitted by October 15, 2012 via email to the Chair at Please include the candidate's name and "Classics Search" in the subject line.

The successful candidate will have the ability to teach a broad range of courses from the introductory to advanced levels, contributing to the undergraduate program on the Mississauga campus, and will hold a graduate appointment at the Department of Classics on the St. George campus of the University of Toronto.

Information about these two departments is available at: and The successful applicant will join a vibrant intellectual community of world-class scholars at Canada's largest university. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is one of the most fascinating, diverse and "livable" places in the world.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

[3] Varia

Rien à signaler dans ce numéro / No announcement in this issue

Next regular issue   2012–09–15 / Prochaine livraison régulière   2012–09–15

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Place the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading. Please send announcements in an editable format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). Please provide a link to posters, flyers, &c.

Écrivez le mot SOUMISSION sur la ligne "sujet". Veuillez envoyer les annonces dans un format éditable (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .html). Veuillez insérer les liens à toutes affiches, circulaires, etc.