Positions Available / Postes à combler
From: Michael CarterThe candidate must have the PhD in Classics (or closely related field) in hand or near completion and demonstrate success in teaching Introductory Latin. The courses to be taught include LATI 1F00, LATI 2P01 and 2P02, CLAS 2P00 (Introduction to Greek and Roman Literature), CLAS 2P50 (Great Myths in Literature and Art), CLAS 3P11 (Early Greek Literature) and 3P12 (Classical Greek Literature).
The Department of Classics at Brock has ten permanent faculty members and has a vibrant undergraduate program and an M.A. program.
Review of applications will commence on 5 July and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a letter of application accompanied by a curriculum vitae and evidence of teaching competence, and should arrange for the submission of three letters of reference. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
The position is subject to final budgetary approval. Applications should be sent to:
Professor Michael Carter, Chair
Department of Classics
Brock University
St Catharines, ON L2S 3A1
Electronic submissions are acceptable.
University is actively committed to diversity and the principles of Employment Equity and invites applications from all qualified candidates. Women, Aboriginal peoples, members of visible minorities, and people with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply and to voluntarily self identify as a member of a designated group as part of their application. Candidates who wish to have their application considered as a member of one or more designated groups should fill out the Self-Identification Form available at http://www.brocku.ca/webfm_send/1095 and include the completed form with their application.
More information about Brock University can be found on the university's website (www.brocku.ca); information about the Department of Classics can be found on the department's website (www.brocku.ca/classics).