Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes

14.8      2008 05 14      ISSN 1198-9149


Editors/Rédacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick), Michael P. Fronda (McGill University) & Renaud Gagné (McGill University)





Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/

Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques


President: James Murray (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)

Secretary/ Secrétaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)

Treasurer/ Trésorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina)




[1] CCB/BCEA Announcement (repeat)

[2] Calls for papers

[3] Summer Study



[1] CCB/BCEA Announcement (repeat)


Because of spring schedules, this will be the last issue until July, when regular issues will begin again with a new editor, Michael Fronda of McGill University.  Consequently, there will be a new email address for submissions:


Please put the word SUBMISSION in the subject heading.  Anything submitted after the 15 May issue should be sent here.  The current email address will be operational for a while, and i’ll forward stuff on to Michael.


I would like to thank Michael for taking this over, and wish him the best of luck.  And thank you, too, to all of you for letting me spam you for 9 years! (Vikings in background: Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, lovely spam)




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[2] Calls for Papers


From: James T. Chlup


Classical Association of the Canadian West (CACW)


University of Manitoba, 6-7 March 2009


Violence in Greek and Roman Antiquity 


The University of Manitoba will host the next conference of the Classical Association of the Canadian West on 6-7 March 2009.  The keynote speaker is Dr. Victoria Pagán of the University of Florida.  Her recent books include Conspiracy Narratives in Roman History (University of Texas Press 2004) and Rome and the Literature of Gardens (Duckworth 2006).


Papers are invited on all topics of interest to Classicists, but we particularly encourage papers on topics related to the broad theme of violence in the ancient world.  


Violence permeated all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman culture.  Ancient literature, art, and historical evidence demonstrate that the Greeks and Romans understood the important role which violence played in their cultures.  Myth provided numerous stories of acts of violence committed by both gods and humans.  Watching violence in the form of gladiatorial competitions was a popular form of entertainment.  The violence which initiated and later removed tyranny in Athens, as well as the regularity with which Roman emperors were assassinated, demonstrates that the Greeks and Romans understood that violence was a means of achieving political ends.  Violence was also state sanctioned: the testimony of a slave was only admissible in a Roman trial if extracted under torture. And Greek tragedy explored violence as a manifestation of some of the darker aspects of human nature.


Despite the fact that Greeks and Romans were confronted by violence, both real acts of violence and representations of violence, our understanding of the phenomenon in the ancient world is still very limited.  This conference aims to place Classicists in a position to understand better the complex discourses of violence in Greek and Roman history, literature, and art, as well as early modern and contemporary representations of the ancient world.  The conference aims to explore violence from the perspectives of both those who commit acts of violence and their victims.


 Topics might include:


The committee strongly encourages proposals on the following themes:


Abstracts of up to 200 words for papers of twenty minutes should be sent by Monday, 8 September 2008 to Dr. James Chlup at .  The committee particularly invites proposals from those in related disciplines and graduate students.  Notification of acceptance will be conveyed no later than the end of September.  We will be seeking funding support for the conference from SSHRC.  Therefore, titles and abstracts must also be accompanied by the following information:


Family name, given name, initials

Institutional affiliation (if any) and department

Degrees received; please identify discipline

Recent positions held

Recent publications, especially those relevant to the theme of the conference


Please also indicate any audio-visual or other requirements.


Please send proposals and enquires to: Dr. James T. Chlup, Department of Classics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3T 2M8.  Phone +204 474-9171.  E-mail: .  Electronic submissions are preferred.


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[3] Summer Study


From: S. Bingham


The University of Edinburgh is delighted to announce the second annual Greek and Latin Summer School, hosted by the School of History, Classics & Archaeology in conjunction with the School of Divinity, from 21st July to 2nd August 2008.


For further information, please see our website at

or contact us

by post: The University of Edinburgh Greek Summer School

              School of History and Classics,
              The University of Edinburgh
              134a William Robertson Building
              George Square
              Edinburgh   EH8 9JX

phone: (+44) 0131 650 3583




Next regular issue    2008 07 15

Send submissions to