Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin Canadien des Etudes Anciennes
14.3 2007 11 15 ISSN 1198-9149
Editors/Rédacteurs: J. W. Geyssen (University of New Brunswick), Michael P. Fronda (McGill University) & Renaud Gagné (McGill University)
Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne des études classiques
President: James Murray (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)
Secretary/ Secrétaire: Patrick Baker (Université Laval)
Treasurer/ Trésorier: Annabel Robinson (University of Regina)
[1] Association Announcements
[2] Positions Available
[3] Calls for Papers
[4] Scholarships
[5] Varia
[1] Association Announcements
From: Martin Cropp
(English text follows)
À sa dernière assemblé générale (23 May, 2007) la société a adopté un nouveau règlement #13 pour établir un Prix du mérite, dans l’intention de reconnaître la contribution remarquable d’un membre pour la discipline. Nous reproduisons ci-dessous le texte du nouveau règlement, incorporé maintenant dans les statuts de la société (voir ‘Direction’ sur notre site électronique).
Nous invitons par la présente des nominations au premier Prix du mérite, selon la procédure prescrite par l’article (b) du règlement. Toutes nominations et demandes de renseignements doivent être addressées au président sortant de la société et président du comité de sélection, M. Martin Cropp (Greek & Roman Studies, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4: La date limite est le 15 décembre, 2007.
(a) La Société attribue un Prix du mérite pour reconnaître les efforts soutenus et méritoires d’un membre à l'accomplissement des objectifs de la Société (tels que définis à l’article 2 des Statuts). Le Prix consiste en une mention honorifique et un certificat offerts lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle. Le Prix est l’occasion pour la Société de reconnaître la contribution remarquable d’un membre pour la discipline, telle que, par exemple, un enseignement d'excellence et innovant, la formation et l'encadrement d'étudiants comme de collègues, la promotion des civilisations grecque et romaine auprès du grand public et les services rendus à la Société.
(b) Le Prix du mérite est accordé selon la procédure suivante. Chaque année, avant le 15 septembre, la Société fait parvenir aux membres un appel à nominations dont la date limite est fixée au 15 décembre. Chaque nomination devra être co-signée par un proposeur et un secondeur et fournira un exposé des motifs qui justifient la nomination. Peu avant ou à l'occasion de sa réunion d'automne, le conseil constitue un comité présidé par le président sortant et composé d’un membre ordinaire du conseil et de deux membres de la Société. Le comité fera part de sa (ses) recommandation(s) au conseil à l’occasion de la réunion du printemps. Un ou plusieurs Prix peuvent être octroyés chaque année. Le comité se charge de la rédaction du texte de la (des) mention(s) qui sera (seront) lue(s) à l'assemblée générale annuelle de la Société.
At its last Annual General Meeting (23 May, 2007) the Association adopted a new Bylaw 13 establishing an Award of Merit which will recognize and celebrate a member’s outstanding service to the discipline. The new Bylaw is now part of the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws (see under ‘Governance’ on the Association’s website), and is reproduced below.
We hereby call for nominations for the first annual Award of Merit, in accordance with the procedure outlined in section (b) of the Bylaw. Enquiries and nominations should be addressed to this year’s Past President and Committee chair, Prof. Martin Cropp (Greek & Roman Studies, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4: The deadline for nominations is December 15, 2007.
(a) The Association shall administer an Award of Merit in order to recognize a member’s longstanding and meritorious efforts in fulfilling the goals of the Association (as defined in Article 2 of the Constitution). The Award shall consist of a citation and certificate presented at the Annual General Meeting. The Award is an opportunity for the Association to acknowledge outstanding service to the discipline, such as, but not limited to, excellent or innovative teaching, mentoring of students and faculty colleagues, promoting knowledge of the ancient Greek and Roman world among the general public, and service to the Association.
(b) The Award of Merit shall be made according to the following procedure. Each year before September 15th, the Association shall issue a call for nominations to all members, with a deadline for submissions of December 15th. Each nomination shall be signed by a nominator and a seconder, and shall include a statement of the specific reasons for the nomination. At or before its Fall meeting the Council shall strike a committee consisting of one ordinary Council member, two regular members of the Association, and the Past President as chair. This committee shall report its recommendation(s) to the Council at its spring meeting. One or more awards may be made in any year. The Committee shall compose citation(s) to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
From: Frances Pownall
Essay Competition Results
Junior Contest Results, 2006-7
The submissions for the academic year 2006/7 were unusual not only in their small number (six essays from four students, of which one, the sole Francophone entry, was later withdrawn by the student), but the complete dearth of any creative or fictional treatments of Classical material.
The two winning essays stood apart from the others by virtue of their concise, yet thoughtful, treatments of their topics.
First Prize: Sophie Dodd (Memorial University) for “Portraits of Rivalry: The East-West Dichotomy in the Coinage of Octavian and Antony.”
Second Prize: Gabriel Hauser (York University) for “Augustus as an Historian and Restorer of the Republic: The Res Gestae as a Rapprochement with the Senate and a Road-Map for His Heirs.”
Senior Contest Results, 2006-7
The submissions to the Senior Contest for the year 2006/7 were much healthier in number (19 in total, Francophone), but mostly from Ontario (with the exception of one submission from Calgary and one from UNB). The essays submitted were all of excellent quality, on a wide range of topics across all the sub-disciplines of Classics.
The authors of the winning essays not only offered well-written and meticulously documented treatments of the relevant ancient evidence and modern scholarship, but also demonstrated the ability to go beyond standard received opinion on their chosen topic.
First Prize: Seth Estrin (University of Toronto) for “Reading Cycladic Figurines: Adopting a Visual Approach to Understanding Early Cycladic Sculpture.”
Second Prize: Andrew Murdison (Queen’s University) for “Moral Unity in Horace’s Third Book of Odes.”
Third Prize: Patrick Roussel (Université d’Ottawa) for “Frontières et armée romaine sous le principat: force et tactique calculées?”
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[2] Positions Available
From: Humanities
The Jackman Humanities Institute (JHI) at the University of Toronto is pleased to announce new Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships designed to provide financial and intellectual support for outstanding scholars at the beginning of their professional careers. Up to three Fellows in the Humanities* will be selected each year for a two-year fellowship in the new JHI. Fellows will be selected on the basis of accomplishment appropriate to their stage in their career, the promise of excellence and the relevance of their research to the annual theme.
*The JHI interprets “Humanities” as a broad category, including political theory, interpretative social science, music and the arts.
The theme for the 2008-09 year is: Telling Stories
Making sense of our world depends on the practice of narrating events. In both oral and written traditions, and ranging from the historian’s monograph to the epic poem, a film or a single painting—the activity of telling stories serves as a topic for diverse kinds of scholarly inquiry. Humanities research explores various modes of telling and the social, political, epistemological and ethical implications of how and why stories are told.
The Fellows will pursue their individual research in the context of the JHI. They will have offices at the JHI and will participate in weekly seminars and other activities in the circle of fellows. In addition, each Fellow will be affiliated with a Department and will teach one course each term of their two-year fellowship. We are especially interested in candidates who have an interest in and capacity for interdisciplinary work of a high quality The Fellowship provides an annual $50,000 (Canadian) stipend.
We invite applications from qualified candidates for fellowships to begin 1 July 2008. Applicants and referees are to send these application materials electronically to: by Friday, January 4, 2008. For submission guidelines, please visit Awards will be announced in March 2008.
Eligible applicants must have successfully defended their PhD after July 2005 and prior to May 1, 2008. Applicants who will successfully defend their Ph.D. degree by May 1, 2008 are eligible and any award will be conditional on a successful defense. Such applicants must also include a letter of confirmation from their supervisor and the Chair of their Department. Degree candidates and recipients of the Ph.D. from The University of Toronto are ineligible. Fellowships are open to citizens of Canada, the United States, and other nations. The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.
Application Procedure:
Please submit the following materials electronically by January 4, 2008.
1. A two- to four-page letter of application, including a statement of current research interests related to the theme, Telling Stories, (outlining the research to be undertaken during the term of fellowship).
2. A full curriculum vita.
3. Three letters of recommendation are to be submitted directly by your referees (candidates should arrange to have the three letters of reference sent electronically by the deadline).
4. Copies of published work, extracts from dissertation, or drafts of work in progress (not to exceed 25-30 pages).
5. A two-to four-page statement of teaching interests (including course proposals).
For any questions or further information, please contact Robert Gibbs, Director of the JHI, by e-mail at or see the website:
From: Lou Lepine
The University of Winnipeg
The Department of Classics at The University of Winnipeg invites applications for a 12-month sessional in Classics at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment is effective July 1, 2008 or August 1, 2008 and is subject to budgetary approval. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Duties will include teaching undergraduate courses in Classical Civilization and second and third-year Greek. Qualifications include a completed or nearly completed Ph.D. and a demonstrated potential for excellence in teaching, research and scholarship.
The University of Winnipeg is committed to employment equity, welcomes diversity in the workplace and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including women, members of visible minorities, aboriginal persons and persons with disabilities. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is initially directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae, along with three letters of reference to:
Dr. Jane Cahill
Chair, Department of Classics
University of Winnipeg
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2E9
Fax: (204) 774-4134
Closing date for receipt of applications: January 31, 2008.
Ancient History. The history department of the University of Dayton invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship, beginning fall 2008. Applicants should have ancient history – preferably ancient Mediterranean or ancient Near East -- as their primary research field. The successful applicant will be expected to teach a full range of undergraduate courses at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. The position also requires participation in the University’s Humanities Base program, which includes teaching of HST 103, The West and the World, which is required of all students at the University. The position requires a balanced and ongoing commitment to research and teaching, as well as participation in the department’s contribution to the University’s Catholic and Marianist mission. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in hand by time of appointment. Send letter of application, c.v., three recommendations, and copies of all graduate transcripts to arrive no later than December 3, 2007 to Prof. William Vance Trollinger, Dept. of History, University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-1540. (No e-mail submissions, please.) Review of all files will begin December 4. Semi-finalists will be interviewed at the AHA meeting in January 2008 in Washington. The University of Dayton, a comprehensive Catholic university founded by the Society of Mary (Marianists) in 1850, is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. The University of Dayton is firmly committed to the principle of diversity.
From: Lea Stirling
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Roman Archaeology, 2008-2009
University of Manitoba, Canada
With funding from the Canada Research Council (CRC) Chair in Roman Archaeology, the Department of Classics, University of Manitoba, will offer a one-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Roman Archaeology to commence July 1, 2008 (start date flexible). This postdoctoral fellowship will have an annual value of $40,000 Canadian, with a research allowance of $2000. The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to undertake an independent research project dealing with a topic in Roman Archaeology or Art. The supervisor of this postdoctoral fellowship is Dr. Lea Stirling, CRC Chair in Roman Archaeology (Tier 2), whose interests encompass both archaeology and ancient art. Applicants should be not more than three years beyond their completed PhD; candidates with a defense scheduled by May 2008 are welcome to apply.
Although no teaching is required, the Postdoctoral fellow will also have the opportunity to teach up to 6 credits for additional remuneration subject to the availability of funds and the needs of the Department of Classics.
Qualified scholars may apply by sending a description of their proposed research project and curriculum vitae, and arranging for three confidential letters of reference to be sent to:
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Roman Archaeology
Department of Classics
University of Manitoba
220 Dysart Rd.
Winnipeg MB
R3T 2M8
The successful candidate must have the Ph.D. in hand by July 1, 2008. The University exercises a Canadian-first policy; however, all those qualified are encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications is February 22, 2008. Inquiries can be sent to Dr. Lea Stirling, CRC Chair in Roman Archaeology (Tier 2), at, or (phone) 204-474-7357. Dr. Stirling will also be able to meet informally with potential applicants during the AIA meetings in San Diego in January.
Application materials, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Manitoba).
From: Michele George
Post-doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies, 2008-2009
The Department of Classics at McMaster University invites qualified applicants to apply for a one-year E. Togo Salmon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Roman Studies to commence July 1, 2008. The Fellow receives an annual stipend of $45,000 Canadian, a professional development allowance of $1500, and up to $5000 in research funds (to be applied for separately). The successful candidate will teach one course per term and to undertake research in Roman history, archaeology, or literature. The successful applicant will have a supervisor within the department. Applicants should be not more than three years beyond their completed PhD. Those with a defence scheduled no later than May 2008 are welcome to apply.
A curriculum vitae, 3-page research proposal, and three confidential letters of reference, one of which must be from the thesis supervisor, should be sent to: Salmon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON Canada L8S 4M2 by February 1, 2008. Formal interviews will not be held, but members of the department will be happy to meet with potential candidates at the American Philological Association in Chicago. Please contact Dr. Michele George, Chair ( to arrange a meeting.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority. McMaster University is strongly committed to employment equity within its community, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. The University encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities.
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[3] Calls for Papers
From: From: Chelsey Young
University of New Brunswick
2nd Annual Conference on Classical Studies and Archaeology
28-29 MARCH 2008
The Classics Society in conjunction with the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton will be hosting their second annual Classics Conference on 28-29 March 2008. The conference will be open to all MA students and senior undergraduates. A keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Christopher G. Brown from the University of Western Ontario.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Myth, Epic and Drama in the Ancient World”. However, all varieties of topics related to the Classical World will be accepted. Presentations should be about fifteen to twenty minutes in length and visual aids are encouraged.
The registration fee is $15, payable at the conference.
Abstracts should be around 300 words and should include a name, address, e-mail address, phone number and the university affiliation. The deadline for submissions is January 12th 2008, and all accepted MA and Undergraduate students will be notified by January 18th, 2008. Abstracts (preferably as a word document) should be sent to Chelsey Young, as should any questions. All MA and Undergraduate students are welcome and encouraged to submit an abstract regardless of experience.
Acts and Ethics of War and Violence in the Graeco-Roman World
MARCH 28-30, 2008
Barry Strauss (Cornell University) and Jon E. Lendon (University of
This colloquium will explore questions about what, in ancient minds, constituted unacceptable wartime conduct and unjustifiable violence. How were acts of rebellion and mutiny perceived by ancient writers?
Within the context of war, what kinds of violence were condemned by governments and societies? Was all military violence outside of sanctioned wartime activity considered unjustifiable or treasonous?
When was political disagreement or social practice treated as seditious and what distinction existed between treason and outright rebellion? What premises and mindsets underlie ancient authors' discussions of war ethics? How did ancient audiences experience depictions of violent acts, such as Hector's mutilated body in the Iliad and Aeneid or the display of Jewish spolia on the Arch of Titus? Why were certain subjects (e.g., the killing of a Roman soldier) taboo? How can the display of spoils of war, such as the base of Trajan's Column or the great altar at Pergamon, illuminate ancient perceptions of violence in the context of war? How have war ethics and the idea of treason changed from antiquity to the present? How does the modern moral perspective, expressed by codes such as the Geneva Convention, affect our interpretation of ancient "war crimes" and massmurders? We also welcome discussion (incorporating
textual, archaeological, and artistic evidence) not only of events in antiquity but also of the ways in which modern scholars--who live with knowledge of the events at Guantánamo Bay and current mass
genocide– negotiate the ancient world.
We welcome and encourage submissions from classical studies and related fields. Our focus is on the presentation and interpretation of evidence from the perspectives of classical philology and archaeology, as well as classical history (and art history).
Submit your 1-page abstract as an email attachment by January 1, 2008 to Anderson Wiltshire at . Include in the body of your email your name, paper title, institution, and email address. Do not put your name on the abstract itself.
For abstract questions please contact Anderson Wiltshire at the above email address. For general questions about the colloquium, please contact Sarah Bond at
From: Laurel Bowman
CALL FOR PAPERS for the CAC Women's Network Panel
Classical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, May 12-14, 2008 in Montréal (Université de Montréal).
The theme for this year's Women's Network Panel at the CAC is "Women and Power". Broadly, this panel seeks to address the question of how women in the ancient world wielded what powers they had in public and private life, how they were seen to do so, and how they negotiated a lack of power. Types of power under consideration could include, but are by no means limited to, political, economic, legal, sexual, social, familial, religious and creative power. This call for papers is meant to be suggestive rather than exclusive; papers are solicited on all aspects of the relationships between women and power in the
ancient world, and on representations of those relationships in literature and the material record.
Send 200 word abstracts by January 16, 2008 to Dr. Vayos Liapis via e-mail: or regular mail: Vayos Liapis, Centre d'Études Classiques, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville, Montréal (QC) H3C 3J7, Canada. Indicate that the submissions is "To be considered for the "Women and Power" WN panel."
See for the submission form.
For general inquiries e-mail Dr. Laurel Bowman,
From: Max Nelson
Windsor Classics Undergraduate Conference
The Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures in conjunction with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Humanities Research Group is pleased to sponsor its third annual Classics Undergraduate Conference to be held on Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8, 2008. The conference will open on Friday with a lecture by Dr. Martin Beckmann of the University of Western Ontario entitled "Postcards from the Past? Roman Buildings on Coins". This will be followed by a dinner for the student speakers who will present on Saturday.
Undergraduate majors in Classical Civilization or related fields are invited to submit abstracts (of 300 words maximum) for a 15 to 20 minute talk on any aspect of ancient Greece or Rome. Please include name and student number as well as a phone number or e-mail address with your submission, which is to be made to Dr. Max Nelson (please e-mail to The deadline for the submission of abstracts is January 31, 2008. Notification of acceptance will be given by February 15, 2008.
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[4] Scholarships
From: Mary E. Darlington
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens invites applicants with strengths in teaching and research and with proven experience in Greece for an appointment as Rhys Carpenter Faculty Fellow in Classical Studies. The appointment, which begins July 1, 2008, is for a one- or two-year term and is not renewable. Candidates must have the Ph.D. Preference will be given to those who are within seven years of having received the Ph.D. at the time of appointment and who currently hold a position at a North American university. The area of specialization is open; however, the School does not wish to duplicate, but rather to complement the expertise of its staff. Approximately one-half time during the academic year (September through May) will be available for research, and one half-time will be devoted to teaching and related duties, such as leading field trips, advising and directing students in individual research, and planning the academic program. The Faculty Fellow will be expected to contribute generally to the intellectual life of the School. The applicant should provide a description of the research project which he or she intends to carry out at the School. Salary commensurate with experience; benefits and housing or housing allowance, at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the Managing Committee.
A letter of application, a curriculum vitae, project description (up to three pages in length), and three letters of recommendation should be sent to:
Professor Susan I. Rotroff
Chair, Committee on Personnel
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
6-8 Charlton Street
Princeton, NJ 08540-5232.
Tel: 609-683-0800 Fax: 609-924-0578
E-mail: Web site:
The appointment will be announced February 8, 2008, pending approval by the ASCSA Managing Committee.
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.
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[5] Varia
From: William J. Dominik
The Literary Encyclopedia is seeking a number of distinguished scholars specialising in ancient Greek and Roman literatures to join Tom Habinek and William Dominik as members of its editorial board.
Editors are responsible for commissioning articles from academic specialists and ensuring the quality and scholarly accuracy of submissions to The Literary Encyclopedia. They are renumerated with shares in an increasingly successful company.
Founded in 1998 The Literary Encyclopedia intends eventually to provide a description of all literary and cultural texts of scholarly interest in the English-speaking world, and to provide informed guidance to critical reading, cultural topics and the historical context of cultural production.
The publication is collectively owned by its editors and authors (1600+ and constantly increasing), most of whom are current or recently retired university teachers. The Literary Encyclopedia has already published over 4100 articles and has 870 commissioned for publication in the next 12 months. It is supported financially by institutional subscriptions from literature departments and by individual subscribers.
If you are interested in becoming involved in this rewarding and dynamic enterprise, please contact the Editor, Dr Robert Clark, at
Member Publications
Rainer Friedrich, Formular Economy in Homer. The Poetics of the Breaches. HERMES Einzelschriften Band 100. 159pp., Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007. ISBN 978-3-515-09065-0
Next regular issue 2007 12 15
Send submissions to