Association Announcements |
From: Annabel Robinson
Annual Meeting Information
Thanks to a grant of $8,500 from the SSHRCC, the CAC can provide some
financial assistance to members who will attend the annual conference in
order to give a paper. This assistance is available only for air travel
within Canada, and only to those who (a) are giving a paper at the
conference, (b) are citizens or permanent residents of Canada, and (c)
are paid-up members of the CAC.
In determining reimbursements, the Treasurer will take into account the
needs of students and others with limited incomes, and the costs of air
travel from different points. Since the average sum available for each
eligible person is less than $100, we urge you to seek out alternative
sources of funding and not to make a claim on this fund unless you have a
pressing need to do so.
Next regular issue 2006 05 15
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