Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen
& J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)
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Published by e-mail by the Classical
Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique
par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University
of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen
(Mount Allison University) <icohen@mta.ca>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University
of Winnipeg) <craig.cooper@uwinnipeg.ca>
Contents of CCB/BCEA 7.2.1 (2000 10 20) | CCB Archive
BCÉA Archives |
[1] Positions Available <Back> From: Lynn Lantz, Dalhousie
Lecturer/Assistant Professor Position Applications are invited for a tenure-track appointment at the Lecturer/Assistant Professor level effective July 1, 2001 in Greek literature with a secondary interest in Latin literature. This position is subject to budgetary approval. The successful candidate must be prepared to teach introductory Greek and Latin language classes and classes in ancient literature in translation. Applicants should also be prepared to teach and supervise research in Greek literature to the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants should have completed the Ph.D. or be close to finishing and show competence in teaching, research and publication appropriate to their experience. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. Dalhousie University is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages applications from Aboriginal peoples, persons with a disability, racially visible persons and women. A letter of application, complete and updated curriculum vitae, and three letters of professional recommendation should be sent to D. K. House, Chair, Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5. The closing date for applications is October 31, 2000.
From: Joseph Pucci Brown
Position # 1: Junior Appointment in Classics: The Department of Classics at Brown University has been authorized to make a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. We seek a colleague principally concerned with Archaic and Classical Greek literature. Candidates who additionally can document an expertise in paleography, epigraphy, papyrology, or textual criticism, will receive special consideration. We expect evidence of successful teaching at the college level and a clear plan of scholarly research. The Ph. D. must be completed before the starting date of this appointment-July 1, 2001. Applications must include at least three letters of recommendation and a representative sample of scholarly writing. Applications should be sent to Prof. Alan Boegehold, Chair, Greek Search Committee, Department of Classics, Box 1856, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912. Applications must be postmarked by December 1, 2000. Brown University is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women and minorities. Position # 2: Joint appointment in Classics and Philosophy; open rank: BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence RI. The departments of Classics and Philosophy seek to make a joint appointment of a specialist in ancient philosophy who is capable of teaching authors in their original language(s) as well as in translation. The area of specialization may include any aspect of ancient philosophy from its beginnings through late Greco-Roman philosophy; further interests in related areas such as Greco-Roman literature and culture, or other areas of the history of philosophy (e.g. medieval), are welcome. The rank is open (tenure-track assistant professor, tenured associate or full professor). Candidates for a tenured appointment should have a distinguished record of research accomplishments and an excellent record of teaching; candidates for a tenure-track position should show strong promise of excellence in research and teaching, and must have the Ph.D. completed by the time of appointment. Applications should be sent to: Ancient Philosophy Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, Brown University, Providence RI 02912. Applications for a tenure-track position should send a complete dossier (including CV, three letters of reference, a representative sample of scholarly writing, and any available evidence of teaching ability). Applicants for a tenured position should send a CV and names of five references. To be ensured of consideration, applications should reach us by December 10. Preliminary interviews will be held at the American Philosophical Association meeting in New York (December 27-30); candidates who cannot attend this meeting may arrange to be interviewed at the American Philological Association meeting in San Diego (January 3-6). Brown University is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer, and we encourage applications from women and minorities.
For US and other jobs see the listings of The American Philological Association: http://www.apaclassics.org/ and the Atrium: http://web.idirect.com/~atrium/bibliotheca/bulletin/jobs.html
[2] Study Tours and Summer Travel <Back> From: Anthony A. Barrett, University
of British Columbia
Training Excavation in Britain: Classical Studies
The Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious
Studies at the University of British Columbia will conduct a training excavation
in July/ August 2001 at the 'Lunt', a Roman fort in central England, first
built under Nero (in approx. 60 AD) in connection with the revolt of Boadicea.
Excavation began in the 1960's, and in 1988 UBC began work on the western
defences. The site is well-known for the reconstruction of areas where
excavation is completed, including part of the eastern rampart and gateway,
granary (now the site museum) and gyrus (cavalry training enclosure). Students
are trained in all aspects of excavation, and subject to satisfactory performance
obtain six credits for Classical Studies 335, equivalent to one full-year
course. Students from other universities may take the course for transfer
credit. There are no prerequisites. The practicum will last for four weeks,
from July 30-August 24. There will be a number of free days. Visiting lecturers
will come to the site, and excursions to other places of interest will
be organized at moderate cost. Baginton is located near Coventry (direct
bus service to London Airports), very close to Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon
and the Cotswolds. Accommodation is at the University of Warwick (two miles
from the site) in five-person flats with private bedrooms and self-catering
facilities. The campus offers extensive eating and entertainment facilities.
Costs: students make their own travel arrangements to Britain and register
at UBC with the appropriate fee. A charge of 370 pounds covers the cost
of accommodation, local staff, excavation fees, daily transportation and
refreshments on the site for the whole period. A deposit of $100 (made
out to 'A.A. Barrett') is required. Early registration is recommended.
In the event of cancellation, the deposit is refunded if the place is filled.
For further details: Anthony A. Barrett, Department of Classical, NE and
Religious Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T
1Z1 Tel: (6O4) 822-4O64 (office), 228-8991 (home), Fax: (604) 822-9431.
Email (using acronym of lunt roman fort): <lrf@interchange.ubc.ca>
From: Pierre Senay, Université
du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Fouilles Archéologiques à Carthage,
en Tunisie
sous la direction de Pierre SENAY, professeur
Sur le plan archéologique, la pratique de la fouille, la rédaction de fiches, l'élaboration de stratigraphies, des conférences et des visites guidées de sites historiques et de musées, pour se familiariser avec les aspects matériels des civilisations numide, punique, romaine et arabe. Lieu du Stage: Carthage, une métropole
de l'Antiquité
Informations Générales
Une équipe-cadre de dix personnes. Présence d'assistants, de céramologues, de techniciens et d'ouvriers tunisiens. Recherches informatisées. Matériel d'arpentage pour les relevés et les plans. Appareil photographique numérique. Une excursion par semaine: visites de Carthage, de Dougga, de Thuburbo Majus et d'Oudna; visites des Musées de Carthage, du Bardo et de la Médina de Tunis, d'un palais arabe, d'une mosquée et d'un hammam. Plusieurs conférences sur l'histoire et l'archéologie LE COÛT DU STAGE: 2 000$ (étudiants UQTR) et 2 500 $ pour tous les autres. Il comprend l'aller-retour Montréal-Tunis avec une assurance-annulation et une assurance-santé, le logement, la subsistance, les visites guidées, les conférences, le matériel de fouilles. De la documentation sur les travaux archéologiques sera remise aux stagiaires lors de leurs inscriptions. Les stagiaires doivent être recommandés par leurs professeurs s'ils proviennent d'une institution d'enseignement. Le stage peut être crédité et les frais d'inscription doivent être payés directement au Registraire de l'Université. Il ne sera accepté qu'une vingtaine de stagiaires par mois. FEUILLET D'INSCRIPTION 2001 mai ..... ou juin ..... NOM: .............................. PRÉNOM: .................................... ADRESSE: ............................................................................ ............................................................................................ CODE POSTAL: .......................TÉLÉPHONE: ................................. INSTITUTION: ...................... PROFESSEUR: ................................ COURRIER ÉLECTRONIQUE: ......................................................... Je soumets ma candidature aux fouilles archéologiques à Carthage, en Tunisie, et je joins à ma demande un premier chéque de 500 $ daté du 1 février 2001 et un second chéque de 1 500 $ (ou de 2 000 $ selon le cas) daté du 1 mars 2001, au nom de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières - Stage Carthage. Faire parvenir à Pierre SENAY, professeur, Département des sciences humaines, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, C.P. 500, Trois-Rivières, Qc G9A 5H7
Next regular issue 2000 11 15
Send submissions to <bulletin@unb.ca>