Canadian Classical Bulletin/Bulletin canadien des études anciennes
6.11 -- 2000 07 15 ISSN 1198-9149

Editors/Redacteurs: J. W. Geyssen & J. S. Murray
(University of New Brunswick)


Published by e-mail by the Classical Association of Canada/
Publié par courrier électronique par la société canadienne
des études classiques
President: James Russell (University of British Columbia)
Secretary/Secretaire: I. M. Cohen (Mount Allison University) <>
Treasurer/Tresorier: C. Cooper (University of Winnipeg) <>

Contents of CCB/BCEA 6.11 (2000 07 15) CCB Archive
BCÉA Archives

[1] Conferences <Back>

From: B.T. Day, McMaster University <daybt@mcmail.cis.McMaster.CA>

Second Graduate Students' Conference
Competition and Celebration in the Roman World
September 30, 2000

The Graduate Students in Conjunction with the Department of Classics at McMaster University are pleased to announce the Second Graduate Student's Conference September 30th 2000, Ewart Angus Centre 1A5 (SW corner of the HSC)
Featured Speakers:
John D'Arms (University of Michigan; ACLS President): "Spectacle and Spectators at Roman Banquets"
Jonathan Edmondson (York University; Editor, Phoenix): "The World of the Arena in Apuleius' Golden Ass"
Janette Auer (McMaster University): "The Function of Horace's Carmen Saeculare in the Celebration of the Ludi Saeculares of 17BC"
Jeffrey Becker (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill): "Spectacula Triumphi: The Foundation of a Dynasty"
Melody Collins (McMaster University): "Conquering by Denial in Ovid's Amores 1.4"
Eric Fournier (Universite de Montreal): "The Adventus of Julian in Sirmium"
Erguen Lafli (Universitat Koeln): "Celebration on Pisidian Coins"
Amber Lunsford (Ohio State University): "The Representation of the "Other" in Roman Triumph"
Crista McInnis (Concordia University): "Sour Grapes: The Polemic of Mark Anthony's Drunkenness"
Max Nelson (University of British Columbia): "Beauty Contests and the Roman Feminine Physical Ideal"
Dr. Luigi Pedroni (Universita di Napoli): "Personal Celebration on Roman Republican Coinage: the Case of C. Publicius Malleolus"
Registration information and forms can also be found on the web or can be obtained by contacting the Conference committee at <>. The nominal $12 (students) $20 (others) registration fee includes morning and afternoon coffee, lunch and an informal reception after the conference.

Please visit our website at:

Pre-Registration Form
Please submit this form with your check to arrive no later than September 27, 2000 to: The Conference Committee, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ONT, L8S 4M2. The registration fee is $12.00 for students and $20.00 for other persons.

Name ______________________________
Address ______________________________

Please make your cheque payable to McMaster University and enclose the following information:

I enclose payment for _____students @ $12.00 =$______________;
_____persons @ $20.00 = $________________.Total: $_________.

Please list on the reverse of this form the names of persons other than yourself for whom you are pre-registering. Receipts for registration can be picked up on the day of the conference.

From: Mike Dimaio, Salve Regina University <>

 The program and registration material are now available for the Ancient Studies--New Technology conference at Salve Regina at a link atDe Imperatoribus Romanis

Ancient Studies -- New Technology:
The World Wide Web and Scholarly Research, Communication, and Publication in Ancient, Byzantine, and Medieval Studies
December 8-10, 2000
Salve Regina University
Newport, RI

Sponsored by: Philosophy Department, Salve Regina University, The De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors, The Perseus Project, and The Stoa Consortium


Deborah W. Anderson (University of California -- Berkeley)
Thomas Banchich (Canisius College)
Chris W. Blackwell (Furman University)
Suzanne Bonefas (Associated Colleges of the South)
Alexander M. Bruce (Florida Southern College)
Lisa M. Cerrato (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
Robert F. Chavez (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
Nina Coppolino (College of the Holy Cross)
Gregory Crane (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
Maria Daniels (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
Deborah Deliyannis (Western Michigan University)
Peter Der Manuelian (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Michael DiMaio (Salve Regina University)
Michael D. C. Drout (Wheaton College, Norton, MA)
David Dudek (Wheaton College, Norton, MA)
Samuel B. Fee (Centre College)
Pedar Foss (DePauw University)
Mark Garrison (Trinity University)
Hal Haskell (Southwestern University)
Sebastian Heath (American Numismatic Society, New York)
Bill Hutton (William and Mary)
R. Laval Hunsucker (University of Amsterdam)
Irakli Iakobashvili (Institute of Manuscripts, Academy of Science, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Ahuvia Kahane (Northwestern University,)
Rachel Kapelle (Wheaton College, Norton, MA)
Erguen Lafli (University of Cologne)
John Lewis (Cambridge University)
Jacqueline Long (Loyola University -- Chicago)
Anne Mahoney (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
J. Mathiesen (Indiana University)
Ralph W. Mathisen (Univ. of South Carolina)
Willard McCarty (Univ. of London)
Thomas L. Milbank (Perseus Project, Tufts University)
Arthur Miller (Mount Allison University)
Kenny Morrell (Rhodes College)
Steven Muhlberger (Nipissing University)
Samuel M. Paley (SUNY, Buffalo)
Bruce G. Robertson (Mount Allison University)
Donald H. Sanders (Learning Sites, Inc., )
Robert Sanderson (University of Liverpool)
Ross Scaife (Univ. of Kentucky)
Neel Smith (College of the Holy Cross)
Richard Weigel (Western Kentucky University) 

[2] Calls for Papers <Back>

From: Nicola Terrenato, University of Glasgow <>

Nic Terrenato (UNC-CH) and Peter Van Dommelen (University of Glasgow) are organizing a session on "Cultural hegemony and local identities under the Expanding Roman Republic" for the next Roman Archaeology Conference, to be held in Glasgow on March 30-April 1, 2001. The aim of this session is to explore the issue of social and cultural change at grassroots level in various regions of the Mediterranean as these became part of the expanding Roman Republic, eschewing the stale debate on Romanization. Peter Van Dommelen <P.VanDommelen@archaeology.arts.gla.> and Nicola Terrenato <> would like to hear from potentially interested. 

The deadline for submissions to RAC is September 30, 2000.

From: John Geyssen, University of New Brunswick <>

The Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, invites submission of abstracts for papers to be presented at the University of New Brunswick Ancient History Colloquium to be held 30-31 March 2001.

The theme is "Warfare in the Ancient World"

Keynote Address: Dr. Everett Wheeler, Managing Editor, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, Duke University: "Thucydides and Clausewitz"

We invite papers on all aspects of the theme of warfare and the military in the ancient world including (but not restricted to) the army and the navy in the Greek and Roman world, strategy and military theory, warfare in literature and art, and the relationship between ancient and later warfare. Papers should be 20-30 minutes in length. Abstracts should reach the committee by 15 October 2000, and should be sent to Dr. William Kerr <> or to Dr. J. Geyssen <>, or at the following address: Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of New Brunswick, Box 4400, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3.

[3] Varia <Back>

From: James Allan Evans, <>

Two classicists have been elected Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada this year. They are Anthony A. Barrett, University of British Columbia and Alexander Jones, University of Toronto.

Next regular issue 2000 08 15
Send submissions to <>